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Retired Environmental Engineer/Scientist with a Chemical Engineering background.
Legal Procedures Question?
I live in Philadelphia. My neighbor came over to me about an alledged tampering with her recycle collection container and claimed that she "knew" that I did it, and threatened to contact the police about it. I believe that she committed a simple tresspassing offense, but don't know the procedure to initiate an action for the offense. What do I do?
2 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 8 JahrenWhat's a wuauclt.exe?
My computer (named molasses for its speed) every 15 minutes or so displays a popup stating that wuauclt.exe has to close and asks if an error message should be sent? What is this program all about and why would something like this happen?
I actually removed wuauclt.exe from the computer, but another copy appeared, so I guess it has some function other than giving me fits. If the file is corrupted, where can I get a replacement?
2 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntCOMCAST data for a router.?
We have Comcast broadband cable service and are attempting to connect a Cisco Linksys Wireless "G" Router to provide internet service for a computer and a wireless laptop. Unexpectedly, the attempt by the so-called "expert" failed. He thinks he should have obtained a different router, but I think there is some data that is needed from Comcast to be added to the configsys file or some other esoteric file. What do you think?
7 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntHardware and software for a laptop?
My daughter willed her Gateway laptop to me. My house currently gets cable-supplied broadband, and there is a cable company modem atttached to a conventional computer.
Can I get a similar arrangement for the laptop ( it would be essentially a stationary computer)? If I wanted to continue use of the laptop in a wireless mode, what hardware would I need to add to the labtop and what type software would I need?
5 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntMissing simple-minded software?
Somehow, my computer's version of write.exe and paint.exe have gone "poof". Can I get a download (preferably free) somewhere legitamately?
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntHave you received an answer from a Reginauld G lately?
Please report his answers to the management. He refers people to one web-site, regardless of the question cateogy- which means the web-site is probably dangerous. Let's get rid of these creeps
3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntAre you getting dangerous responses from Thecla H. ?
I have noticed that subject answerer does not answer chemistry problems but leaves a link to a questionable web-page. If you notice this, PLEASE report it to Yahoo! Answers. We have to keep hackers off this service area.
2 AntwortenChemistryvor 1 JahrzehntWhich is final, the court papers or the telephone call?
This happened in Maryland with my daughter. She filed for divorce due to no cohabitation for one year. The decree was prepared with both husband and wife in agreement, and sent to the Circuit Court. The lawyer who assisted them said that since there was no disagreement, noone had to show at the court date. No one did. Soon after, the court issued a paper stating that the case was dismissed because noone showed up.
Five weeks later, the court clerk called up both husband and wife. Paraphrased, what the clerk said was that the papers had reached the judges desk and he signed off on them. Thus, they were divorced - or were they?
This has caused considerable confusion since they were trying to reconcile after receiving written notice that the divorce decree fell through. What do they do next? Remember, this is in Maryland.
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 JahrzehntRemoval and Installation of an Over-the-Oven Microwave?
I zonked my 30" wide microwave out, and need to get another. It is a GE@R Spacesaver. It looks like it fits into a metal sleeve and is held there with screws. Is that really the case? How hard is it to remove such a unit and replace it? How standard are other microwaves to fit in the opening?
5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntCoffee Break?
How about hiring some more people on and stop these unwanted events. I have had two of these in less than one hour this evening.
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntHow to get from the bus station to the boats.?
We plan to take one of the cruises from Vancouver to Alaska. Coming from the east coast of the US, we are thinking of taking the train to Seattle, WA and then the bus to Vancouver. I suspect this dumps you in the middle of town, so what's the best way to get to the boats? About how far is it and how much would it cost by either mass transport or taxi?
5 AntwortenVancouvervor 1 JahrzehntConversion of Telephonic Contacts to Cable?
I'm considering ditching the clunky local telephone service for Cable. Sooooo, I have 2 questions:
1. If I select a cable-computer connection for Internet, I know I need another modem (which the cable company is cheerfully ready to rent you). Do you need to make any software changes to your computer settings?
2. If I convert to cable telephone, can I keep my current telephone number? I've been using it for over 30 years.
2 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 JahrzehntDo you have experience with Dell A940 Printers?
My A940 printer displays a "paper jam" notice, but I have been unable to find one. I suspect the sensor may be misfunctioning. I have a goodly amount of Dell ink cartridges and hate to go to a non-Dell printer and lose the invested cost. Would you happen to know how much a repair of the sensor might cost? Also, does Dell still sell a printer which uses the same cartridge?
3 AntwortenPrintersvor 1 Jahrzehnt