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Ever heard of an Amazon JBF-1200 external aquarium filter?
We recently bought a second hand aquarium and it came with this large external filter/pump. I can't find any information about it anywhere! Anyone come across one before? Any info on operation, performance etc?!
2 AntwortenFishvor 9 JahrenWhy won't my DVD's play when I have labelled them?
I have a number of back up DVD's that I have recorded - or things recorded from TV - everything is fine. However, when I print a proper label for them and stick it on (the right side!!!!) the disc, in many cases, won't play - I just have 'Root' appearing on the display of the player and then it either won't go past the menu screen or it won't even access that far. Take the label off and all is fine again! WHY???!!!!
1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 JahrzehntDo I go for a Smartphone OR a standard mobile phone and a PDA ?
I currently have a Smartphone mobile (with a slide out QWERTY keyboard which is great!). I now have a problem with it charging and buttons have stopped working etc... so I am looking to upgrade! Just don't know whether to get another smartphone - or to get a PDA and standard mobile
3 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 1 JahrzehntHas anyone else had problems with a company called 4bathrooms?
I have been chasing an order for over 2 weeks and they still haven't delivered or shown any real interest. Now they are blaming the snow! Possibly the worst customer service I have ever experienced - or have you had worse?
1 AntwortCorporationsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is this insect?
I found an odd looking insect in the garden in England - (SW) a coupleof days ago. It had a roundish furry body - similar to a bumble bee but smaller, a long probosis, wings at right angles to the body (not folded back like a bee) and very thin legs. The whole thing from tip of probosis to end of body - approx 15-20mm. Any ideas? I've never seen one like it before!
14 AntwortenZoologyvor 1 Jahrzehntdo you have any idea how much it costs to render a house?
it is a two bed mid terrace in Bristol!
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do underage girls who get pregnant get classed as 'news' rather than getting questioned by police?
Surely, not only is a 13 yo girl guilty of breaking the law - but whoever got her pregnant is also a pedophile. It seems to me that only men over the age of about 30 get classed as pedophiles - yet ANYONE who has sex with an underage girl should be put on the register. Or am I the only person who thinks this???
21 AntwortenTeen & Preteenvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone else find that they have become more racist since racism became over-inflated?
I have become so sick and tired of all the things I can't think do and say anymore that I have become more inclined to be racist. How can we have an Asian festival when we would not be allowed to have an English one? Why are we told to take down our national flag in case it upsets some foreigner? And I will not stop displaying Christian imagery at Christmas when it is a Christian celebration and this is a Christian country.
17 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntAnyone got views on Firework legislation?
I am a pyrotechnician and I wonder how much of the current legislation, restricting use of fireworks, comes from public opinion and how much is their own decision!!
2 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 1 JahrzehntHas anyone purchased the Leigh Valley Train set by ToyTech. If so - please can you let me know what its like?
Pretty please!
2 AntwortenToysvor 1 JahrzehntHas anyone purchased the Leigh Valley Train set by ToyTech. If so - please can you let me know what its like?
Am looking for a cheap train set for an 8 year old. (If anyone has a cheap one going - I am interested! Am happy with tattier ones which may need doing up). Thanks in advance.
2 AntwortenToysvor 1 JahrzehntWe are going to get a guinea pig and a kitten - or should we get 2 guinea pigs - or 2 kittens or 2 of each?!!?
will the kitten keep the guinea pig company or does it need another cavey? We could end up with Noah's ark here!!!!!!!
16 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat does the word 'blige' mean ?
I have looked in some dictionaries and have looked it up in a free one on line - but to no avail. Is it one of these 'made up' words in todays society ? Anyone know where it originates from ?
16 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntIf light doesn't travel fast enough to escape a black hole - do things travelling into one exceed lightspeed?
You have to exceed gravitational force to achieve escape velocity. So, if even light cannot escape it in a black hole, then the inward force of gravity must, surely, accelerate things faster han light?!!
10 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 JahrzehntHas anybody heard of the game Memorise by Games Talk (and want to get rid of it??!)?
1 AntwortBoard Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntWhy are so many people completely incapable of using correct punctuation and spelling?
21 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt