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i'm a youth/college Pastor and met the Lord Jesus Christ when i was 18 years old. i hope to share about Jesus with the love of Christ on yahoo answers! i think as a Christian our life should be about making a difference in other's lives and sometimes you have to pay a great price or go to great lengths to do that. For many of the questions answered on this section i don't know how many people take the answers sincerely or seriously but if i can help one person- it's been worth the time and admittedly it's fun to answer... As i've been greatly blessed i hope to be a blessing and declare His goodness until the day of His return or when Jesus calls me home... Bless You!
Laker fans given the choice- would you rather?
Choice 1: Have a guaranteed 8 wins in a row- be in the finals- to face the Celtics with a chance at a 3-peat but the current roster must stay unchanged next season with no Phil Jackson? (No guarantee that we win- but just a chance to take on the Celtics for a 3 peat and a chance to tie them for most championships in the NBA).
Choice 2: Be swept by the Mavericks but have Dwight Howard next year and an "improved bench?"
**This was a question that was asked on 710 ESPN tonight- i actually called in and was on the air-- so thought i'd throw it out to he yahoo community...
6 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's a bigger shock to you- AZ working Duke or Butler working Wisconsin?
12 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntThoughts on Chris Humpheries of the Nets?
He's been putting up some pretty consistent #(s) since Deron Williams joined the Nets... is he under-rated? Does he have the potential to be an all-star-- to become another "David Lee" type of player?
8 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntNCAA March Madness! Reasons why it's the best.?
Watching the Robert Morris versus Long Island game right now- two teams i haven't seen all season play their hearts out in a great game.. reminds me why March Madness is so great- give me some of your reasons!!
6 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntJust wanted to give some love to Mike Rice- the coach of Rutgers. How should the NCAA address the situation?
Referring to today's St. John's-Rutgers game.
Mike Rice the coach of Rutgers was very gracious today when he had plenty of reason to be upset and to attack the officials (verbally). Thoughts on how the NCAA should address the situation beyond an apology??
2 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntThoughts on Perry Jones III (not on the suspension but on his game).?
According to ESPN he's supposed to be the #2 pick in this year's draft. Haven't seen enough of him this year. Who's game do you compare him to? Do you think he's going to make an impact in the NBA?
3 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWondering what people's thoughts are about Jerry Sloan's resignation?
Do you guys think this is it for Sloan or well another team hire him? Does Deron Williams stay in Utah in 2012 or does he go elsewhere? Thoughts???
14 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are you most thankful for? Basketball related and non-basketball related? (1 of each)?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
12 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is a bigger surprise? The Hornets are 11-1 or the Heat are 7-6?
The Hornets were 37-45 last year and the Heat were talked about as a team that could win 70 games. Thoughts on which one is a bigger surprise- and reasons why- especially regarding the Hornets!
9 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWho is more likely to win the rookie of the Year? John Wall or Blake Griffin? Any other candidates?
Both have had excellent pre-seasons and shown they can be impact players for their teams. And both are on teams that are likely not going to making a lot of noise in the post-season (if they can get there).
7 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntDo you think the NBA should institute a rule about players being traded & then re-signing with their old teams?
In the past couple of seasons we've seen trades where players have then gone back and signed with their old teams and it's like giving something for nothing. i know teams are getting cap space but don't you think the NBA should do something about that to add a little more legitimacy to trades? Your thoughts???
8 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntIf the NCAA tourney started today would defending Champs Carolina and a #1 seed last yr UCOnn be in?
This is off course tradition aside. But just on the merit of their work. i know they play in the ACC and Big East respectively but do they deserve to be in over some of the other teams from smaller conferences who might not be as well known? Your thoughts???
3 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntWho's excited about the refs coming back?
BQ: What do you think the replacement refs are thinking now that they go back to the D-League and WNBA games?
Can't wait for the regular season to tip off so we can talk some real ball... hoping this keeps it interesting...
13 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntNon-NBA Athlete look-alikes. OK so we know Will Smith is Robert Horry. But how about non-NBA?
Recently College Game Day was showing Colt McCoy and i kept thinking he looked like Frankie Munoz (The Clipper Fan) with a mustache.. what other ones can you think of (NBA or Non-NBA)?? Just for fun since we're all waiting for the season to start...
9 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntThe T. Wolves just signed Ramon Sessions to a 4yr contract and also drafted Jonny Flynn?
Is it over for Ricky Rubio? Should they start trying to trade him now?
8 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntSince it's Michael Jackson's Birthday- your favorite M.J. memory...?
You can make it about Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, or Michael Jordan. Or if you can think of any other M.J.'s go ahead and state the name and the memory...
11 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntAny Warriors Fans know why Jackson wants out of Golden State?
It seems like Golden State has been mutually great for Stephen Jackson and the Warriors. Jackson seems to have revived his career (after the incident at the Palace) and is a team captain. Just seemed like he was happy and now he's wanting out... thoughts, theories?
14 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntAny thoughts on why Tim Donaghy broke his parole...?
Obviously we have our doubts about his character but all things considered- that's just crazy how he broke his parole... thoughts, links, etc.
6 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntClarifying the Issue: Are you more upset about LeBron not shaking hands or his comment about why he didn't?
It seems that most who are defending LeBron are making the issue quite simply about being upset about losing and not shaking hands. All of us competitive athletes can relate to being upset after losing - but it's his response- of calling himself a winner after acting like a sore loser that is causing the stir. If LeBron had apologized the day after- would you still be upset that he didn't congratulate the Magic? Thoughts?
21 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 JahrzehntGiving some "old-school" love...?
OK with Dikembe's career ending last night and William "The Fridge" Perry in the hospital-- just thought i'd give some recognition to these two "icons" of the Sport- who may or may not be hall-of-famers. But just wanted you to share your thoughts, clips, stories about these two individuals-- so just giving them some recoginition and love! Anyone remember the "Super Bowl" shuffle???
10 AntwortenBasketballvor 1 Jahrzehnt