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Lv 56.110 points


Favorisierte Antworten39%
  • AVG will not Antivirus software on vista?

    I have tried several times to get AVG antivirus on my desktop ad laptop and I can never get it to upload and install. Running vista.

    does anyone else have this trouble with avg and vista.

    have any suggestions?


    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Zip files to Cd?


    I have a zip folder that I need to put on Cd to install on another computer then extract them.

    I need to know how to do this to make sure I get all the files on the cd . and also would it be better to copy the zip files to the cd or extract them first then copy to cd.

    A friend did it for me on their computer after extracting them and didnt get all the file so my program didnt work.\

    Thanks in advance for any help,


    5 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where Can I get a Copy of a Free, safe DVD Shrink?

    I need a DVD shrink for Windows Vista. Or anything that I can copy movies to my harddrive and also shrink them.

    Also another question. I`m not able to make a shortcut to my desktop for my dialup connection in Vista. Anyone have any suggestions?....I have tried everything!!!!!



    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Old West Town in Texas?


    A few years ago our local news did a story on a man who was building an Old West Town in Texas where you could spend the night, eat, guns fights.

    Does anyone know anything about this place or anything like it in Texas?

    Thanks for the help

    1 AntwortOther - United Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Shaving (For Women only)?


    I have little peach fuss hair all over my face. I was in the sun the other day and noticed this...I hate it. I think it would look better and make my makeup look better and smoother if I could get rid of this.

    I seen on the news one time about these women going to a Dr and the Dr using a straight razor to exfoliate their skin and it was also removing the hair on the face and they said the women didn't have to worry about the hair coming back course and dark. My question is, have any of you used something to remove all small peach fuss on your entire face.

    Thanks, have a nice day

    12 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Making a XR400r Trail bike street ready?

    Is it possible to make a XR400R street legal? If so what would we need to do?

    We do not want to take long road trips, just wanting to ride on hwy around the city we live.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New Computer?

    I`m needing to buy a new computer, and dont know that much about them. Can someone tell me a good brand and how much memory I will need to be able to have enough memory to add Windows Vista in a year or 2. I will be installing photoshop on the new computer and hear it takes up a lot of memory.

    I need to know what to ask for when I go out to purchase another one.


    7 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Leland Accordion? Serious answers only PLEASE?

    We have a Leland brand accordion and would like to know the history on it. Has anyone ever heard of this company?...That is the only thing we can find printed on it, no dates or anything. It`s very old, but not sure what year.

    I have searched web and e.bay and can not find anything on Leland Accordions.

    I hope I`m posting in the correct catagory.

    If you can be of some help, thanks in advance

    2 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Antifreeze? Do you or should you keep antifreeze in your car at all times, even in the summer time?

    If so, why should you have to have it in the summer?

    At what temp. would it have to get in the winter for the block to freeze and crack?

    Thanks in advance

    19 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Need advice on Ipod Nano?

    Are there any Ipod`s that come close to the Nano?

    I know a little girl who is wanting one, but the are $150 - $170.

    I think that is way too much to have to pay for something that a child could very easy lose.

    Are there any IPOD that will hold about 1000 songs....

    Is the only difference in a MP3 player and IPODs that one you can watch movies and other you can`t?

    I need advice on IPOD please

    5 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Need help with Lighting and Lens?

    I took to pictures of my daughter lastnight and used 500watt halogen shop lights, they were awful...Is there anyway to use these lights for pictures, but add something more to the scene or to the lights to make great photos? I would like to have some kind of light for different moods in the photo. How can this be done? I`m needing any light that will not cost alot right now, I just need something for lots of practice. I have done all of my photos outside up until now, no problem there.

    Should my light be on both sides of the subject and behind?

    Also I have 18-55 mm and 70-300mm Lens, are these the lenes I need to make good pic of people?

    Canon Digital Rebel

    5 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New to Photography?

    Can someone give me some ideas for cheap backdrops, good lighting and anything else I might need for a small indoor studio that will not break the bank, that I can practice with. I’m just learning photography and have done most of my pictures outdoors. I need a lot of practice with indoor photos and different lighting.

    How much is Adobe Photoshop now?

    IS there anything as good as Photoshop, but less expensive

    Any tips about indoor photography will be greatly appreciated

    4 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New to Photography?

    Can someone give me some ideas for cheap backdrops, good lighting and anything else I might need for a small indoor studio that will not break the bank, that I can practice with. I’m just learning photography and have done most of my pictures outdoors. I need a lot of practice with indoor photos and different lighting.

    How much is Adobe Photoshop now?

    IS there anything as good as Photoshop, but less expensive

    Anything tips about indoor photography will be greatly appreciated

    4 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 6 Month old Lab advice?

    My mother had a 6-month-old choc. Lab puppy that she could not care for anymore due to my dad’s health. I have adopted the puppy now; I had to put down my boxer puppy a few weeks ago and decided to take this puppy

    I have never owned a Lab and know nothing about them...He is very smart, housebroken, and very laid back, almost seems lazy...I have stairs up to my house he will go down them, but will not attempt to come up. He will fetch, but he will walk not run to whatever I have thrown. He has had a vet check up and all shot, very healthy. I had always heard Labs will chew on everything, we have never seen this in him.

    Can someone give me advice or information on labs? Tips?? Anything will help.

    8 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Needing IPOD Or MP3 advice?

    I need to puchase an IPOD or MP3 player for a 10 yro. under $100. Wanting one that has a rechargable battery or able to replace battery.

    What is the difference in the 2. I know nothing about Ipods or MP3

    Any advice as to which one to get her and brand would be the best for under $100. Would be appriciated

    The 2 places I have to choice from to purchase them are Office Depot, Wal-Mart

    4 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Horse Feed?

    Has anyone ever used this feed or anything close to it...Without hay?

    8 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Post-op Liquid diet?

    Anyone know of a website for recipes for a good Liquid diet, post-op.

    Dr. has put my dad on a liquid diet and he says he cannot stomach one more Ensure drink. It’s tough on him to drink things that have been cooked and put through food processor. I have told him not to worry too much about the taste lets just worry about you getting the right things in your body to help you heal and get well faster....I cooked him some scrambled eggs one day and put through processor, tasted great, but he could not drink them....I want to help find him something that he can get in his body that he will enjoy.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do horses get colds like we do?

    Filly has a running nose, (white)...No yellow in it. Eyes are clear, She is not coughing or anything. Looks great and eating and drinking normal.

    Thanks in advance with any advice

    7 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much to feed 7 month old Filly?

    I’m feeding my Filly 4 squares off of a square bail of hay and a 2lb coffee can full of grain a day. (is this enough grain and hay?) If I put all of her daily hay in a hay sack in the morning she is ready for more when I go out in the evening to feed her. She is not wasting it. Will she over eat? I don’t want to make her sick.

    I don’t have much experience with colts, my husband does and he is out of town for 2 weeks.

    6 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Any advice for Filly Quarter horse?

    I just bought a 6 month old Filly. This is the first horse I have had since I was a child. My husband and his dad has worked with colts alot.

    I would like to do as much as I can alone, because my husband works in the oil fields and gone 2 weeks at a time. We have worked with her about 4 hrs already and she is doing great.

    I get as close to her as I can, and let her smell me and she is doing good with leading, she can use more work on that, but a few more hours and she will have no problems.

    I`m not comfortable enough around her when she gets spooked and I know she picks up on this..

    Any advice about working with her would be greatly appriaciated.

    Have a blessed day!!

    3 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt