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Lv 31.274 points


Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • Question about games on ps3 internet browser?

    Im looking for games like evony or tribal wars, that will work on a ps3 browser Does anyone know of any games like evony or tribal wars?i have no games currently for the ps3 so i need something like evony to entertain myself with

    Easy 10 points for a good answer. Need answer asap please and thank you.

    Serious answers only.

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Runescape lending help?

    I lent out an item to another player.

    My question is, If i log out, will that have any effect on the item being lent out?

    Im still new to all of lending and im very paranoid.

    I would prefer not to wait until its returned but i have to know, can i log out, and the lent item will still be returned like normal?

    No stupid stuff like "runescape sucks switch to WoW" Any such statements will be dealt with in a negative manner. (Reporting of course)

    4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need to get out of here, help please?

    I need to get out of here, help please?

    I need to leave, everything. Everything i have in my life is taken away from me. I always have issues with work, friends, family, everything.

    Im not escaping or trying to escape any legal problems, i just need to.. eh.. run away.

    Where should i go? what should i do, what should i bring?

    by the way i am 20, so no legal problems like me being a minor.

    I just need to escape. Start over.. Any advice is helpful, im running out of options and time. Im going to get kicked out, because the job i have doesnt pay enough, i dont even get 100 dollars a week.

    Please no dumb answers, i need help and i need it fast.

    Ive tried the military, but i have asthma and i cannot,

    I have also tried to find other jobs, but also cannot find any.

    I live in North Carolina, outside of Greensboro

    If you have advice please give it, either through yahoo answers, or through an IM or email on yahoo.

    If this is in the wrong place, just tell me and ill repost it elsewhere, i need help.

    3 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need to get out of here, help please?

    I need to leave, everything. Everything i have in my life is taken away from me. I always have issues with work, friends, family, everything.

    Im not escaping or trying to escape any legal problems, i just need to.. eh.. run away.

    Where should i go? what should i do, what should i bring?

    by the way i am 20, so no legal problems like me being a minor.

    I just need to escape. Start over.. Any advice is helpful, im running out of options and time. Im going to get kicked out, because the job i have doesnt pay enough, i dont even get 100 dollars a week.

    Please no dumb answers, i need help and i need it fast.

    Im not sure under which place to post this question so if i need to put it under some other catagory, ill repost it elsewhere.

    5 AntwortenOther - Destinationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hooking up internet on my ps3, wired connection?

    Ive been trying to get internet running, on my ps3, but the modem i use for internet on the computer, only has one ethernet cable plug-in hole in the back, unlike most modems which have 4-5 ethernet jacks.

    Ive tried taking the ethernet cable from the computer, and plugging it into the ps3, so the computer isnt connect, but the ps3 is. but it wont connect,

    Any suggestions? or do i have to waste even more money on a different router?

    2 AntwortenPlayStationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If a god (or gods) really exist?

    Heres a quote which i believe to be quite true about everyone today, about their religion.

    "If gods exist have they been good custodians? Death, sickness, poverty, tyranny and many other miseries stalk the land. If that is the handiwork of deities, then they are to be rebelled against and overthrown, not given obeisance, obedience, and reverence."

    -Oromis, from the book Eldest.

    Why would a god or any gods suffer anyone through this much torture for all of their lives just to die and "serve" some other power after they die.

    So either they dont exist.


    If they do, They shouldnt be prayed too.

    How many people can answer for their deity with what i presented to you up above?

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Question for those who believe in hell. (seriously)?

    I do not believe in hell, but i do have a serious question.

    Why do so many people view the devil as being evil?

    I ask many people what the devil "does" in his domain, known as hell.

    Most, if not all, answer me saying, That he tortures the souls of sinners, who have wronged in their life and were sent to hell because of it.

    How is this so evil? He tortures the souls of people who have sinned, so therefore, those who deserve it.. I dont think thats evil,

    What do you all think? Serious answers please.

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt