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I am a Christian who is an Elder at a local evangelical church. I enjoy lots of sports including skiing, tennis and squash.
Do you believe in Richard Dawkins?
Apparently there are people who don't. They say that they won't believe in him until he shows himself to them and they meet him face to face personally.
I said "He's written books"; they say other people wrote them and said they were his.
I said "He's appeared on TV for all to see". They said it was all fake, probably just computer wizardry.
I said "I've met him personally"; they said I must be deluded. I even offered to introduce them so that they could meet him themselves but they said "You can't introduce me because he doesn't exist".
Do you believe in Richard Dawkins?
22 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntThinking about the elusive unicorn...?
If I told you I’d seen a unicorn you would dismiss me as deluded.
If 50 independent people also said they’d seen one would you have the same reaction?
How about if millions of people in all parts of the worlds said they’d seen one? Does the number of people make any difference at all? It would in a court of law for instance.
You might assert that there is no scientific evidence that unicorns exist and that unless you see one personally you won’t accept they exist. But, in view of the number of people who claim to have seen one wouldn’t it be more intellectually honest to be agnostic about unicorns?
24 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntDo you believe in extra terrestrial life?
I'd like to know, especially from atheists, do you think there may be life elsewhere in the universe? If so may I ask why you are prepared to consider alien life with no proof and yet will give no credence to a Divine Being without proof? I'd prefer serious answers if possible. Thanks
37 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntAtheists, if you have a moment to consider this.....?
I can say that if the Bible were proved to be wrong I would have no basis for my Christian faith and would therefore abandon it.
Would you say that if evolution were proved to be wrong that you would abandon your atheistic belief and at least become agnostic?
I wonder, as without evolution, surely the only remaining option is a supernatural creator of some kind?
I'd prefer sensible answers if possible... thanks.
45 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do you think of this quote?
“Atheism is the height of arrogance: For an atheist to deny the spiritual experience of others is like a blind man telling me I can’t see colours.”
29 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntAtheists: you insist you won’t believe in God without proof…?
And yet you believe in evolution without proof (if you’re going to say evolution has been proved please back it up as no-one has been able to prove it so far).
Isn’t this a little hypocritical? Wouldn’t it be more honest to be an agnostic?
Sensible answers welcomed.
32 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntDo you ever consider what if you’re wrong about God?
As a Christian I believe wholeheartedly in God but if I am wrong I’ve lost nothing. I have enjoyed my life and tried to do good. I have wonderful friends and family and the church has been a great place to find love and encouragement. If atheists are correct we will all just die and that will be it, so I’ve lost nothing. Of course if they are right they won’t even have the satisfaction of knowing it.
If Christians are right then atheists may have lived just as enjoyable lives as I have but they will be judged and condemned for their sin. I will be saved through my faith in Christ.
Do any atheists think about this at all?
42 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do atheists bother to promote atheism?
I can understand Christians "preaching" because we believe that people are going to hell and their only chance of escape is faith in Christ, So we aren't just wanting to be proved right we actually care about others.
If you are an atheist you believe that all of us simply end up dead so what does it matter what anyone else believes or preaches? Why even care what anyone says or does? Why "preach" atheism at all; it doesn't matter?
38 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt