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Since insects don't sin, but humans all do, isn't it more likely that an insect will get to Heaven but a human won't?
And don't make the dumb statement that humans go to Heaven but insects don't. That's just something you read and know nothing about.
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenIf capitalism is based on every man for himself, how can we reconcile that to Christianity where every church changes the rules?
Each church figures out some myths that will get its members into Heaven, and then looks down their noses at all other Christians. Well, maybe that is typical capitalism.
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenIf capitalism is based on every man for himself, how can we reconcile that to Christianity where every church changes the rules?
Each church figures out some myths that will get its members into Heaven, and then looks down their noses at all other Christians. Well, maybe that is typical capitalism.
14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenAre we threatening the sanity of our children by telling them that Jesus was a god and not just a Jewish Rabbi?
How can our children grow up sane and healthy if we lie to them about the simplest matters?
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren