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Philip McCrevice
Do you think the US should take in refugees like Pope Francis did?
The Vatican will take 2 families "temporarily."
We can do that! Right?!?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenHey, why don t we send all the Syrian refugees to the Vatican?
The Pope says if we don t have open borders we re not Christian.
So I think we should send all refugees to the Vatican. They ll take them all.
1 AntwortPoliticsvor 5 JahrenHey, why don t we send all the Syrian refugees to the Vatican?
The Pope says if we don t have open borders we re not Christian.
So I think we should send all refugees to the Vatican. They ll take them all.
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenSo now if an attack happens in America this year?
we can blame Obama, right?
I mean, Libs say Bush had warnings, too.
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenDo Democrats in America look foolish?
On the one hand they have a pathological liar with a job experience that proves she is inept at best, and on the other, a Socialist.
Do any Democrats in America look back with fondness at the time of Kennedy? When we had real Democrats?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenWhy isn't this considered child abuse?
allowing a child to pretend they are the opposite sex.
Boys who think they are girls need to get treatment.
That goes for adults, too.
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenDo you think Hillary should her money back?
from the people she had scrub her emails, seeing as how they missed so many that incriminate her for criminal classification violations?
They were paid to make her look squeaky clean, and now look!
I would sue if I was her.
3 AntwortenElectionsvor 5 JahrenDo Democrats fear Trump?
They've started attacking him.
8 AntwortenElectionsvor 5 JahrenDo you think Bill will even try to get conjugal visits?
12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenHow about having some black actors in a good movie?
This would be like white basketball players boycotting because every team doesn't have at least one white player on the court at all time.
If you're good, you'll be recognized.
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenWill Liberals add these deaths to the number they claim Americans have killed?
Like they did while our troops were there?
UN: Nearly 19,000 civilians killed in Iraq in under 2 years:
Even though they were killed by other people?
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenIs this good news, Democrats?
This is similar to Hillary supporters saying something like "Well, she's turned over 30,000 emails. What else do you want?" How about "The ones that are still hidden that mean more than the 30,000 released." Or "How about turning over all the uranium you have already refined?" "Entire nuclear stockpile." This would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
PS, why is it called "bipartisanreport" when all their stories are Liberal?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenDoes everyone agree this is the only way to really do gun control?
Short of an outright ban on all guns and rifles, which will NEVER happen in America, this is the best you can do:
1. Require that anything that can shoot be registered to the owner via serial number.
2. All sales require a criminal and a mental background check. Pychiatrists must submit all names of anyone who would be dangerous with a gun to a main database.
2. If you want to sell your registered gun, you must take the buyer to a gun dealer, have the background check (including mental) done on the buyer, then transfer the registery to them.
3. If you are caught with an unregistered gun, it is a mandatory 20 year sentence.
This will slightly decrease criminals from having guns due to fear of the 20 years.
It will cut down on mentally handicapped people buying guns.
Anything less then this IS WORTHLESS.
15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenCan anyone name just one of the recent mass shootings?
that would have been prevented by background checks?
As far as I know, they all had background checks and passed.
So, what did Obama do for our safety again?
5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 5 JahrenDo you think America would be a lot less clueless and mislead if?
there weren't sites like dailycos, commondreams, occupydemocrats, beingliberal, or
The only people that visit these sites are all like-minded Liberals who think their worldview is right, and these sites all tell each other they're right.
Shouldn't we help these poor, misguided people and demand the shutdown of these sites?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenIf requiring voter ID is racist and discriminatory?
than why aren't gun background checks?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenWhat law will a gun dealer be charged with breaking?
If they don't do background checks at gun shows, or whatever it was Obama signed?
They aren't required by law to do it. Obama can't write law. So, in a court, what law will they be charged with breaking if they refuse to do what Obama says?
10 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 5 JahrenSo, how many violations will Iran have?
before Obama and the Democrats understand they've been played for fools?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenSo, has anyone counted the number of times?
Hillary got donations to the Clinton Foundation or Bill's speeches and then approved projects for the donor while she was Secretary of State?
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 JahrenHillary is awesome, isn't she?
Yahoo keeps blocking questions with "FBI" and "Hillary" in them.
So, when will the FBI release their report on all the classified emails Hillary put in the public domain?
10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Jahren