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how to get hardened toothpaste off the bathroom walls without chipping piant?
my girls have plastered toohpaste on the walls and i cant get it off without chipping the paint which i dnt want to any suggestions??
3 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 8 Jahrenhow do u delete all songs off ur ipod shuffle so u re-load new ones?
i wana get my bf his own ipod shuffle for xmas which means i wanna know how to delete his songs off of mine or better yet delete all songs and start over..i use the itune store for my song downloads if that helps any
1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 8 Jahrenaffordable wedding photography?
i live in the central ny area and lokking around for afforable, cheap photography for our wedding (no date has been set yet) and everything i have seen so far i around a couple thousand that i dont long as its professional and good quality im willing to look into beginners that are looking to get thier names out there, or possibly a photo student..any have any suggestions??
3 AntwortenPhotographyvor 9 Jahrenwhat's a good n affordable purple flower (besides roses) that can be used for a wedding?
we are planning a western,country-type wedding--i dont want sunflowers tho and purple is my fav color..any suggestions?
6 AntwortenWeddingsvor 9 Jahrenwhat should i do?
heres the situation--i live in new york and am currently preg with my 2nd child--about 30 wks. my fiance went down 2 georgia nbout a month ago and ended up geting stuck down there. now he has a job there he just started and they wont let him come back for birth of baby and i really want him there. he wants me and our 2 yr old daughter to go down there with him--we dont even have an apt down there yet,i dont know any doctors or anything. id love 2 go down and finally be with him agian but with being preg and having all my doctors up here should i just wait?? its really hard for me cuz at moment im living with his parents in the country-quite aways from town and i dont have a car or licnsense and they are always working so transportation is tough anyways. im not sure which is worse staying here and hoping to have a way to hospital if baby comes eary and not have the father arounjd--or go to a totally new state to be with father and try 2 find a doctor before the babys due?
5 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnta question about baby movement?
im told from the sonogram im bout 30 wks preg. i curious about these sudden cramps i been having in my ribs/thighs .also y i feel movement in the lower region of my body? hopefully not a sign of early labor?
my first daughter i nevr had (or at least NEVER felt) any labor or contractions. i got off work went outside my water broke-i got a ride home called doctor and came in-few minutes later had emergancy c-section. so i never really had labor before and i dunno the signs or symptoms.
id think id be too early for labor--so y would i feel movement thats lower than normal and y the cramps in my ribs and thighs? i have my first actual prenatal apt in a few weeks so i dont really know much just yet.
2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehntdoes getting paid to do online surveys worth the time and does it really work?
13 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt