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i am a wedding planner and a licensed minister who has traveled to 12 nations as a christian missionary. i am married and have 4 children and 4 grandchildren.

  • does anyone here actually read the whole question?

    i was up in the middle of the night, upset because we were forced by law enforcement to kill our cat yesterday when we were trying to fight for his life, so i posted a question asking if anyone knew if it was lawful in florida for them to demand we kill our pet.

    instead of answering my question with lawful or thoughtful answers, i was bludgeoned for my back story explaining our situation. the cat was already dead when i posted the question. i only wanted to know because the officer kept trying to push us into adopting another cat and even left a form for us to fill out to do so, even though we were deeply upset, crying and telling him that we did not ever want another pet and that the cat we had was one we had rescued 10 years ago and that we never wanted to go through what we were going through at loosing him again. but still he kept insisting.

    so i am suspicious of something being amiss here because when he came to the door, he said "i understand you have a cat here who has a broken back". BROKEN BACK???? where did he get that idea from. it turns out the vet at the P.A.W.S. clinic told him the cat had a broken back. he had jaundice which we suspect was due to thyroid problems but no one, not even at the free clinics we took him to, would do tests to see if that was the case. they just insisted we needed to kill him. that vet told us that he had a 50/50 chance of recovery, but refused to help him. so instead she sent the officer to our door with a false report.

    4 AntwortenCatsvor 6 Jahren
  • does anyone know if it is legal in florida for animal control officers to force you to kill your cat?

    our kitty has been sick for a couple of months with the signs of thyroid problems. so since we have no money we took him to a vet that advertized free first visit. we told them we were broke and living on social security of only 1100 a month. they examined him and came back in saying they wanted to do xrays nd blood tests on his thyroid. that was going to be 600 dollars.

    we took him home. he was not eating and having a hard time drinking so we started force feeding him both food and water with a syringe. friends give us some money so we bought special high protein food and drink and a neighbor gave us pedialite.

    we took him to the human society because they would do blood work for free. it came back that he was becoming jaundiced because of his liver. but they didn't try to find out the underlying cause and just said to kill him. i read up on liver damage and everything i read said cats can recover in most cases on a high protein diet

    so took him home and continued to care for him. he had some time with our grandchildren who love him and whom he loves. but he was getting worse. yesterday, we took him to a P.A.W.S. clinic. they said if they ran tests and it turned out to be thyroid, he had a 50/50 chance but we know he is a fighter, so said do it. but they would do nothing unless we paid them $120 which we didn't have.

    we took him home. that clinic called animal control. they came to our house and forced us to have our cat killed or be charge with animal cruelty

    8 AntwortenCatsvor 6 Jahren
  • good grief. does anyone around here actually know what a christian is?

    people keep posting questions saying christians kill others, christians abuse their children, christians are responsible for wars... what are you people talking about?

    christians are forbidden to do any of those things and if they do them and die without repenting, they will go to hell with all the other sinners.

    why do you think that christians are doing or have done these things?

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • why do so many claim God made everything out of nothing?

    i continue to hear this from both sides of the coin...God made life out of nothing....but that is not what the bible says. it says that he created the first life on the planet out of water (genesis 1:20-21) and that adam and the animals were made out of the dust of the earth (genesis 2:7,19)

    so why keep saying he made them out of nothing? and why does science not see that we share dna with animals because we were made out of the same material by the same Creator...not because we evolved from animals?

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • who deleted josh's question about concrete proof the bible is not true?

    it is very frustrating to be able to answer a question and find it deleted. why do people delete questions which are not offensive or insulting?

    not one of the answer to his question addressed the issue or shed any light on it for him. did anyone even bother to look at his link or have a refute to what the link said?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • can we stop deleting people's questions?

    when people ask rude or stupid questions or post inflammatory things, instead of deleting them, why not give others a chance to answer them and rebuke what they have done. just deleting them is not ever going to do anything to help them to learn that their attitudes are wrong.

    there are lots of folks who post on here who know how to set people in their place when they say stupid things, so let's give one another a chance to answer those who are venting or posting idiotic questions. jmo

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • did anyone see the jello mayan commercials?

    major props to jello for using the mayan myth to promote jello chocolate pudding. gotta love a company that stays up with the times and uses the current buzz creatively.

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • yesterday i really had problems backing my car out of a sloped driveway?

    today it doesnt want to go into gear and sort of judders when i first start off and it has a hard time getting up speed to go up hill. when idling at the light it wants to cut off like it isn't getting enough fuel so i keep foot on gas a little. any ideas?

    5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • does anyone here know what the bible says about where the first forms of life came from?

    science says it came from the water? anyone know what the bible says about where it came from?

    not asking "who" it came from, but where.

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren