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NCAA 2010 OR Madden 2010?
I just bought an Xbox 360 today and want to get a new release game for it. I'm really into football games, and wanted to know from some of you who have played it whether NCAA or Madden 2010 is better. When I had the original Xbox, I had both NCAA and Madden. I believe you can play more scenarios in NCAA since they have the Road to Glory option where you create a player and try and get him scouted from high school to a major university. Just rank the two games to the best of your opinion; Madden OR NCAA Football..
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntDo you know anyone with Tourette syndrome?
I'm 22 and was diagnosed with Tourette's and OCD when I was about 9, so I've been living with it for a while now. I take like 18 pills a day to supress my tics, but lately they have been coming on pretty strong. My friends are cool with it. I'm in college and on the first day of classes, I usually give my little "I have Tourette's, not a cold" speech. I don't have the vocal tics [cursing outloud] I have what's called motor tics where I sniffle/snort through my nose and some people [mostly ignorant] think I'm purposly trying to spread a cold. Lol.. I've been asked if I have a "coke problem" but I'm pretty witty, so my response was, "No, no problem at all, I love the stuff!" =) I also kinda jerk my arms but I don't know why, it's just all neurological. I've actually punched out the windshield on my uncle's truck - left a neat scar on my knuckle! Yeah, this really wasn't too much of a question just kinda venting b/c I missed my afternoon dose of meds today and I'm super antsy right now. So, have you ever met or do you know someone with Tourette's? It's a pretty unknown disease even though a lot of research goes into it and there has been shows on it [MTV True Life] But for those of us living with it, daily life can be a struggle when people stare at you and make ignorant comments. True that I haven't been picked on in a while since I'm nearly 6'0 feet tall and just under 300 pounds - Haha. I can take care of myself. Ok well I'm done writing; just let me know what your standing is on this subject, thanks!
1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I format my Sandisk microSD card?
I heard you can format it through the phone, I have a Samsung Messager r450, or with your computer. Which way is easier and how do I do it? If I were to format it using my computer, would I have to download any programs to do so? If I would, just skip that and tell me how I would do it on my phone.
I have a new Toshiba Satellite A305 with Vista Premium, if that helps. I'm planning on buying the Sandisk 1 GB microSD card.
1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntDoes having a wireless card mean that you get Internet anywhere?
I just recently bought a new laptop [Toshiba A305] It has built in Wi-Fi which allows me to connect to the Web away from my home, but I was wondering if I were to buy a wireless card would I then be able to connect to the Internet anywhere there is a cellular connection or if I am in a security enabled area. That's basically what I want to know.. Can I bypass security enabled connections with a wireless card?
Any suggestions on a good wireless card for Florida? How much is a monthly bill for a card?
1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntNorton 360 3.0 Vs. Norton Internet Security 2009?
The 60 day trial on my Norton 360 is due for renewal in 4 days and I was looking at differently priced Norton products. I have the 360 version now, and it seems to be working just fine. I was wondering what the difference is between Norton 360 3.0 and Norton Internet Security was. I know that 360 3.0 has a 2-way firewall and the Internet Security only has a basic in bound firewall; what's the key difference in that? I do use IM (Yahoo!) and heard that they both have protection in that area. Basically, I want to know if it's worth the $70 for Norton 360 3.0 [Walmart's price] or is the Norton Internet Security 2009 for around $39.99 about the same?
3 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntMyths, Mythical creatures & Folktales..?
So I'm taking a Humanities class and I'm supposed to present some sort of myth, mythical creature or a folktale from some place around the world. I'm Italian and kind of wanted to do something related to Italy, but when I search for these fields, I come up wih off-topic results. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 JahrzehntPrice of a LA Rams Blue and White Eric Dickerson throwback?
I need to know which site I can look to for prices of an Eric Dickerson BLUE AND WHITE, not the home BLUE AND GOLD jersey. Its LIKE the Colts, but I know its a Rams b/c of the old school rams logo on the upper chest. Its a 1985 Mitchell and Ness throwback, brand new.
1 AntwortFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntHow do I encrypt outgoing email?
I heard from my comp apps prof. that mail should sometimes be encrypted if is it sensitive. How do I encrypt emails?
1 AntwortSending and Receiving Messagesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat Math level is required in college to become a computer programmer?
I want to know how high (in math) someone would need to go in order to obtain a degree in computer programming. (Ex: College algebra, liberal arts math, and so on)
2 AntwortenTechnologyvor 1 JahrzehntIs Microsoft Office XP Pro compatible with Windows Vista?
I just need to know whether or not Microsoft Office XP Pro is compatible with Windows Vista. Thanks!
5 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntHow do I use the built in webcam on YIM from my Toshiba A305 laptop?
I have a brand new Toshiba A305 laptop that has a built in webcam. When talking to my friends on yahoo messenger, I clicked on the webcam icon and the camera opened on my end; but my friends say that on their end, it says "not available." Is there anything I have to do, settings wise to get the camera to work on both ends?
1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntWhat will I be doing in a computer applications class?
I signed up to take a college level computer applications class and I'm not too sure what type of work I'm going to be doing with the computers. I want to learn more about them since I use them on a daily basis. What does one do/learn in a computer applications class?
2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I use Windows ReadyBoost?
I just read on that there is something called "Windows ReadyBoost." I have an older model computer with 512 MB of RAM installed (The maximum amount my computer can hold.) How do I use Windows ReadyBoost? From just reading, I gathered that I should buy an SD card with about 1-2 GB of RAM and install it on my computer. I'm still not too sure how I go about using it, or if it even works at all..
Anyone heard of this from Microsoft and have enough information to help me out?
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntCan RAM be used down to the point where I need to replace it?
I just finished running PC Tools Registry Mechanic and I went into the "Performance" section and it's stating that I have a total PHYSICAL memory of 512 MB - I knew I had 512 MB, but then I saw that I only have 195 MB of AVAILABLE memory. It says that my system has used a combined 63% of my RAM. My computer runs fine; no problems at at. Except for that I believe it could be quicker. Could this be my problem? I didn't know that RAM could be used down - Do I just replace it?
7 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 JahrzehntNo need for filing taxes (College FAFSA form)?
I'm trying to get my FAFSA filed and the counselor told me that I needed proof that my mother does no need to file taxes since she is on SSD. Does anyone know the name of the form I need or a number I can call to have it sent to me?
4 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 1 JahrzehntAnyone know how to get music on to the Samsung r450 MP3 player?
I have an r450 and so far I'm having trouble getting music and ringtones to be sent to my phone. I've tried using and it gave me the link, but when i extract it and open my web browser on my phone, it brings me to google. anyone have any good ways on how to get music and ringtones on the samsung r450?
2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 JahrzehntSamsung r450 Messager - MP3 player help?
I just bought the r450 and have been reading about how to download songs onto it via my computer. anyone have any easier steps for transferring the songs onto the player? can i use these songs as ring tones?
1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntiPhone vs. Blackberry?
Which of these two phones would you recommend. I need to know the base price of each, and also which carrier I'd have to go through to get service and how much a month the bill will be.
iPhone 3G vs BlackBerry (debating on which BlackBerry to get; I've heard bad about the Storm. I would really be using it mostly for a lot of texting, pic messaging and web browsing (not to mention of course, phone calls.)
6 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntHow much would it be for a new...?
Lan & Video card for a Dell Dimension e520? Is it hard to install?
1 AntwortDesktopsvor 1 JahrzehntNeed some more help with my new computer...?
In my system information it's telling me that I have 64512k + 1024k (i know this means 6GB and 1GB) I'm pretty sure the 1GB is my memory (so I think) but what does the 6GB refer to?
1 AntwortDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt