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  • I was in a car accident this morning, but have no legal cover on my car insurance - what do I do?

    I had a car accident this morning. A woman who was texting on her mobile went smashing into the back of me whilst I was in standing traffic. I got back pain so dialled 999 and the police and ambulance checked us over. She admitted fault.

    However, I didnt take out legal cover this year on my car insurance (stupid I know) but as I got some painful injuries and needed to go to hospital, I feel like I want look into getting some compensation for this,

    Could anyone tell me what the best step would be to find some legal assistance. How have people found compensation laywers / no win no fee groups? Can anyone recommend anything?

    Thanks for any advice :)

    8 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Split up with boyfriend but why do I feel so regretful?

    I have just split up with my boyfriend since we never spent any time together. After I met him, he started his own business and dedicated most of his time to it. I would spend hours on my own, feeling miserable and lonely, waiting for him to come home. Then the nagging began and the arguments. Looking back, I would dream about leaving him and starting afresh with someone who woudl treat me right. He never had time for holidays and the only time we went ou together was going to Blockbusters. One day, we were talking about our relationshp and he said that he wasnt working and I agreed. I moved to rented accommodation. At first I tried to feel so strong, ever since I have cried myself to sleep and have suffered from panic attacks following strong surges of loneliness and hopelessness. I miss him at night, I miss the cuddles, the phone calls during the day, his smile... everything. I feel so regretful. How can I move on from this? I have a big boyfriend shaped whole in life, and dont know what to do. I dedicated all of my time to him as I thought he was "the one" and so have lost contact with friends. People at work are older and married so I cant go out with them. I feel such a pathetic waste of space. I just want to be happy.

    Please help me move forward with your advice. Thanks

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know the name of a female singer who sang on the Heaven and Earth show??

    Does anyone know the name of the female singer who sang on the BBC's Heaven and Earth show about a month ago who sang a beautiful song about getting old. I'm desperate to find out who she is but don't know how!!

    2 AntwortenTalk Showsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which phone texts like a nokia?

    I like how nokias are set out, and have always used them but looking for another phone. Which are most like nokias?

    5 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you recommend... a hybrid or a road bike?

    I am a complete beginner looking to buy a decent bike which I would use on the roads to get fit and to also commute to work. There is the odd occasion where I might take it onto mud tracks, but not often. I like the Claud Butler Chinook or Levante (both road bikes) or a Claud Butler Urban 100 (a hybrid bike).

    Apart from the obvious (road bikes being faster and unsuitable for off-roading and hybrids being abit of everything) whats the difference? And which would you reccommend??

    Any advice on this would be really really appreciated! Thanks!!

    5 AntwortenCyclingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can a memory stick be fixed?

    I bent the USB bit of my memory stick the other day and now it doesn't work. Does anybody who knows about the technical side of computers know if this sort of thing can be fixed? I can't see anything that appears damaged on it when I take it out of its shell.

    Thanks for any help you can give


    6 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My Friend is suffering from depression but doesn't want help. What should I do?

    I used to go out with this guy but we broke up on good terms and we are still good friends. Recently however, I think that he may be suffering with depression, and has been for a very long time, much longer than I have known him for. He is very "down and out", his moods can be very varied, he has lost a lot of self-confidence and I know he feels very lost in his life (ie which direction he is going in). He is 28, lives with his Mum (who does everything for him) and doesn't like his job. He cant afford to buy a house and wont rent. He feels in a hole and can't get out.

    I suggested to him the other day whether he thought he had depression too and he just shrugged his shoulders and started welling up which is so unlike him. I just think that he would benefit from going to see a professional about it all but he is just not the type to even consider it.

    Can I ask for peoples opinions on this as to how to help him. I dont know what to do.



    17 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt