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Anybody know what to do for extremely matted/knotted hair (past shoulder length)?
Good Evening All,
My hair is very long and has now knotted/matted up so badly, it almost looks like I had an updo done, without ever leaving the bed :( :) (don't know whether to laugh or cry). Seriously, it is really a mess. The major problem is, I've been ill for some time now and hardly been out of bed in the past 2-3 weeks. I only wash my hair once a week and always use very good products and a deep penetrating conditioner when I wash it. This time it is so bad that it's holding up in an updo like fashion without the use of pins even. I really don't want to have it all cut off. Is there any hope or do I actually have to give up and have it all "chopped"? The thought makes me really sad as I have already lost so much. Beside, it's much easier to work with long hair than with short(i.e., when I have to go through these "stuck in bed" phases, I can roll it into a loose bun, as where a short cut would look plastered to my face bringing me down even more!) Help please! Thanks so much. B
7 AntwortenHairvor 1 JahrzehntI am having a blonde moment. Please help me delete the forward to mobile?
I don't know how I did this??? Must have a real blonde moment here. Please guide me to turn this function off. My cell phone is blowing up. OMG, what have I done?
3 AntwortenPreferences and Settingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt