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Favorisierte Antworten5%
  • How long after a normal pregnancy does it take to get back to a normal cycle? If you have had one period?

    I had a baby 3mons ago had a period last month 9/22/09 havent had one this month yet is this normal?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my cat got poop in its ear how do i get it clean it safely?

    please help i don't know how it got in there and its alot please help

    4 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what should i do??? help please?

    my cat got poop in its ear how can i safely get it out???

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my cat got poop in its ear how do i get it out safely?

    I tried wiping it out with a wash cloth but it still some in there help please

    4 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has this ever happend to you?

    I had my last normal period 9\27\08 it lasted 6days then I had very light spotting for about a week ending 10\10\08. Now I haven't had a period since I took two pregnancy tests the last one on 11\10\08 and it was Neg. Could I still be pregnant? when should I test again? I don't feel pregnant or pms. did I ovulate different time since I was still spotting? Advise please?

    3 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I just heard a rumor that my boyfriend is gay?

    Ive been dateing this guy for 1yr we had an incredible sex life. We had some trust issues but never any proof. Until a few days ago when one of my very good friends said she was out at a bar(that is known for being a gay hang out) when a "gay" guy came up to her and started asking her about my boyfriend. She said that the guy was asking questions to see if she was his girlfriend because my boyfriend and this guy echanged numbers and the night we were all at this bar together my boyfriend acted like he did know this guy or whatever. Now I totally dont trust him an feel like everything he does an did I think is he gay?? Am I over reacting or are my thoughts justified. I told him the sistuation and he just dismisses it like do you believe it.

    And I dont know if I should believe it or am I listening to the hater who seen us having a good time that night an are goin out of their way to break us up. As of now we are broken up for other reasons but this was the cherry on top. Am I wrong for feeling like this could he be gay what in the world is goin on???

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I just heard a rumor the guy ive been seen is gay?

    Ive been dateing this guy for 1yr we had an incredible sex life. We had some trust issues but never any proof. Until a few days ago when one of my very good friends said she was out at a bar(that is known for being a gay hang out) when a "gay" guy came up to her and started asking her about my boyfriend. She said that the guy was asking questions to see if she was his girlfriend because my boyfriend and this guy echanged numbers and the night we were all at this bar together my boyfriend acted like he did know this guy or whatever. Now I totally dont trust him an feel like everything he does an did I think is he gay?? Am I over reacting or are my thoughts justified. I told him the sistuation and he just dismisses it like do you believe it.

    And I dont know if I should believe it or am I listening to the hater who seen us having a good time that night an are goin out of their way to break us up. As of now we are broken up for other reasons but this was the cherry on top. Am I wrong for feeling like this could he be gay what in the world is goin on???

    8 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please give me your honest opinion?

    Ok my last Lmp was 10/5/07 I had intercorse on the 12,13,and 15 then on 10/17/07 I started bleeding again I asked yhaoo anserw and someone said ovulation bleeding sounded good but it was heavy like a period and lasted until 19th. Then I had sex on 10/23/07. I also had sex on 10/27,29 11/2,3,7,10 still no sign of my period on the 27th the condom broke an twice over the weekend so monday 11/5/07 my period was due on 11/2/07 I took a home test and it was negitive I took the morning after pill that day too. So its 11/13/07 and still no period. I dont really feel pregnant or like my period is comeing when should I take another pregnancy test?

    5 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think? I dont know when to test?

    Ok my last Lmp was 10/5/07 I had intercorse on the 12,13,and 15 then on 10/17/07 I started bleeding again I asked yhaoo anserw and someone said ovulation bleeding sounded good but it was heavy like a period and lasted until 19th. Then I had sex on 10/23/07. I also had sex on 10/27,29 11/2,3,7,10 still no sign of my period on the 27th the condom broke an twice over the weekend so monday 11/5/07 I took a home test and it was negitive I took the morning after pill that day too. So its 11/13/07 and still no period. I dont really feel pregnant or like my period is comeing when should I take another pregnancy test?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Whats going on/has this ever happend to you?

    I am usually regular almost to the minute and this month was normal. I started my period 10/05 it lasted until 10/11 had sex all weekend no blood or pink and then last night I started my period again not heavy but I am getting a little crampy its not heavy enough to come down in a pad kinda spotting. So whats going on did I start my period again?

    Could it be implantation bleeding so soon after my period?

    1 AntwortTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Whats going on/has this ever happend to you?

    I am usually regular almost to the minute and this month was normal. I started my period 10/05 it lasted until 10/11 had sex all weekend no blood or pink and then last night I started my period again not heavy but I am getting a little crampy its not heavy enough to come down in a pad. So whats going on did I start my period again?

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does anyone how to get unlisted from yahoo and other people search sites?

    I just did a people search on yahoo and it pretty much gave my address and most of my relatives names and for $7.00 you could get my home address and phone number. How do you get off people searches? I have crazy stalker lady who I am getting an order of protection on and I needed her info and couldnt find it I put in my info and everything came up.

    Please help.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Searchvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need your advice for my 6yr old son bday party its an issue with his dad and me.?

    Okay my son father and I call ourself's getting along and going to have our son's bday party together at the park this saturday. Well all this week it rained and him and I argued all week about different stuff the party and so on. Well yesterday I got fed up and text him "forget it you have your own party for him an I will have mine if you still want to have his party saturday that is fine just let me know" Then he text me back " I bet you will" So I text him back so you dont want to keep him saturday and he text back "No" So I went ahead and sent a mass text to all the people I invited and told them because of all the rain we moved it to my house. Well today I talk to my son's father so I can pick up our son and I asked him what he was going to do for his party he acted like he didnt know what I was talking about then when I told him it is moved to my house. He told me he wasnt going to give back our son and hung up the phone on me. So now what???

    11 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you do?

    A friend of mine originally from mexico has lived in the states for 8yrs. 1 year ago a "girl" friend who was a child hood friend moved up here with him and became his live in girlfriend. Now a year later she wants him to give up everything he has put together for himself and her and move back to mexico. She told him that if he loved her he would move back with her. He doesnt want to move because he is very close to getting his US citizenship.

    What should he do move back to mexico or stay in the Us?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has this ever happend to you?

    Ok well I think I might be pregnant I havent decided if it a good thing yet cause I dont know and I wont be late until next Monday. I have been haveing some symptoms like always tired and stomach issuses which all could be related to my period but what really is concerning me is my breast. They are very tender/sensitive and have been for about 2-3weeks and now one seems to be getting alot fuller then the other. With my first child I remember them both getting really big before testing POS but I not just one.I was wondering if this happend to anyone and then you found out that you where pregnant?

    It could just be my period comeing but my partner and I had sex 2days before my ovulation and once during ovulation so the chances are kinda high.

    Please no smart comments or take a test cause it wont show any thing until next week atleast.

    6 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why do we keep damaged CD and DVDs like one day they are going to make a magic cure for scratches?

    I have like 300 broken cd or dvd's that dont work and havent worked for years what is it... How many do you have

    1 AntwortMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who thinks birdman and wheezy are gay for kissing in the mouth?

    I just seen a pic wher wheezy is kissing birdman and I am a little disturbed by this cause he says its his daddy but he's only like 10yrs at the most older then him. The reason birdman says the kiss happend was because they are family like a God father thing but I thought the family kissed the ring not his lips?

    10 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Trying to get pregnant naturally?

    My partner and I have been tring to concieve for almost a year now and no luck. I know my ovulation times and all that we have not gone to the Dr. yet as far as medical problems none that I know of and him and I have a 5yr old son. I have been off birthcontrol for 2yrs now.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of natual ways to increase my fertiliy or his natuarlly? From personal experience or old wives tales?

    8 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt