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  • Is there any causal link between insulin resistance, Alzheimer's?

    Is there any link between insulin resistance and development of Alzheimer's?

    And if so, can we do anything useful to reduce risk?

    2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who said they saw or heard anything in New Testamt?

    I have been looking at collections of stories in the first 5 books of the New Testament, trying to see who originated the stories, who said they saw any of this happen, or heard the sayings.

    This may be a deliberate literary style, with nobody admitting to having seen or heard anything reported. But then I got to thinking that perhaps none of those 5 books were written or spoken by any first person witnesses.

    We can read Luke's mention that he was not a real witness, and from his reasoning we can conclude that there were no circulating written gospels at the time he was writing his gospel.

    Which would leave the possibility that none of the gospel authors was a direct witness to any of the stories reported, even if they may have had the same names as apostles who would have been witnesses.

    So is there a reason we see no 'I saw or I heard' in these books? Not even a report of who told me?

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cancer and antiangiogenesis via progesterone:?

    It is known that both estrogen and testosterone induce formation of new arteries into cancers, just as estrogen induces formation of arteries into the epithelial tissues of the uterus.

    We also know that progesterone causes the closing off of those arteries in epithelial tissue at the time of menstruation, causing the epithelial tissue to die and slough off.

    When men with prostate cancer have used progesterone cream, they have reported sharp reduction or even cessation of bone pain from metastatic prostate cancer.

    Would this suggest that progesterone may, at least in these cases, be acting as an antiangiogenesis agent, causing the cancer to be starved of blood, so starved of food and oxygen?

    If so, would it be at all safe to use this while waiting for treatment? How would one know what would be safe or effective dosage?

    2 AntwortenCancervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is a Hypercar?

    I came across a very old piece about redesigning a car for a hydrogen fuel cell that looks almost interesting

    But I am wondering, is hypercar a recognized term? What does it mean?

    1 AntwortAlternative Fuel Vehiclesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Relationship tractor tire and soil compression?

    On clay soil, particularly when moisture is adequate or greater, tractors will cause collapse of clay crystals that reduces productivity for many years,

    Question... How does the size of tires, number of tires, pressure in the tires and weight of total tractor influence extent of soil compaction on clay.

    Is interior pressure of the tire a major determinant?

    2 AntwortenAgriculturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If I roll two cylinders down a very slight incline?

    The cylinder with larger diameter accelerates more quickly.

    Now this appears to be consistent with cylinders that weigh the same or different weights. (Try it if you doubt it.)

    What explains this result?

    7 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt