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Favorisierte Antworten9%
  • Could my boyfriend be bisexual?

    We ve been dating for three years now and always have spontaneous, intense sex. One evening after having one of our sexcapades we went out to eat at a local dine in restaurant. After stepping into the place I noticed that our host was a young gay man. My boyfriend had a look on his face that I ve never saw before. It was intense and he kept looking at him. As the host seated us he only have my boyfriend a menu and didn t give me one and walked away. Could this mean anything or am I just being paranoid?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Is monogamy normal?

    Here's my issue...I've been married to the same wonderful man for 15 years but we've been together for 25 years. He is my high school sweetheart and I can honestly say that I love him dearly. During all those years I've been faithful to him. Recently, I must admit that I've had an affair with a co worker. I really do like him but I have no desire to leave my husband. This ordeal has me asking myself questions about monogamy. Is monogamy normal? Do most couples cheat without their significant other finding out?

    4 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 7 Jahren
  • Why do co workers act crazy?

    So, at my job I have helped a particular co worker adjust to her new position. Although I've been nice to her this ***** has been talking about me behind my back. When the other workers talk about her behind her back I don't participate in that stuff. But this person goes all out her way to fit in with them. What is her problem?

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 7 Jahren
  • What could this mean?

    A male friend of mine gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek. I didn't say anything about it. The thing is I'm married and so is he. Was this just a friendly hug or could it mean something more?

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 8 Jahren
  • Why is this happening?

    Let me start off by saying that I love my husband with all my heart. I have a great marriage, I wouldn't want to be without him. We've been together 20 years (high school sweethearts) and he's my best friend. So please tell me why I feel tempted to cheat! I'm not going to cheat but why do I feel tempted? What can I do to stop these thoughts? Serious answers please!

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think the parents should be charged with murder or neglect?

    Just hearing about the death of Baby Hope(Anjelica Castillo) is enough to drive any sane person crazy. How can they not report their child missing? I know the parents were separated and mother claims to had been scared of father because he was abusive (father took Anjelica and another daughter with him) but it seems to me that when she got one daughter back but never saw Anjelica again that she should have called police. Also, the father had custody, how could he not have answers to the whereabouts of his child? I understand that both parents may have been illegal immigrants but that shouldn't matter! What do you think?

  • Is shellie zimmerman making the right decision?

    She filed for divorce from her hubby. Could this be a sign that she knows that hubby killed an innocent person? Only intelligent answers please!

    7 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do people claim that they are not racist?

    People say all the time that they are not racist but they get on the internet and let their true, hateful nature shine through. They swear up and down that other race groups are just complaining but refuse to see how racist they really are. For example, the trayvon martin case. No matter what color this child was, if this was your child you would want justice. They want to criticize his parents and lie about this kids life even though he didn't have an arrest record. ONLY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ANSWER PLEASE!

    7 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • Has anyone gone through problems with rushcard?

    I foolishly decided that I would order a rush card and use it to receive my tax return. The first time I talked to them about when I will receive my money, they told me I had to fax my id, ss card, and 1040. I reluctantly did as they told me only to be told that they didn't receive all my info. I faxed my info again, this time they told me that my ss# wasn't clear enough. Doesn't this sound like a ripoff? I would appreciate others opinions in this matter. Serious answers please!

    1 AntwortPersonal Financevor 8 Jahren
  • Should I be concerned?

    I was sitting out side on the patio drinking a few beers talking about married life with my husband when he tells me that he's dedicated to our marriage because we've been married for 19 years and he doesn't want to start over getting to know somebody new. He said that he already knows me? Is this a good reason to stay married?

    7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • My daughter would rather spend time with in-laws than family?

    I love my children dearly and have always given them what they need. I am the type of mother that values time with my kids but I have noticed that my daughter is self centered and does her best to spend time with in laws. She values their opinions more than ours. When our family gives her gifts, she barely wants to say thank you but appreciates the things her in laws give her. What is wrong with this child and what should I do?

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why don't Doctors warn patients about the side effects of tubal ligation?

    I've been suffering from all sorts of problems since getting my tubes tied but I never would have done it if I knew about the side effects.

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm fed up with my family!!!?

    Is it normal for your father, who is in a relationship with someone other than your mother, to not let you or your siblings know where he lives? Also, her children have visited them on numerous occasions. When we try to call him when he is off work, he never picks up the phone but only wants to talk to us when he is at work. When I call and she answers, she sounds rude and I have told him this before. I have stopped calling my dad and won't answer his call. I do love him but I am fed up. What's the best way to handle this situation?

    1 AntwortFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I hate my cat and want her to go away but I don't want her to die. What can i do?

    She walks around crying all the time no matter what. I feed her, She cries. I pet her, She cries. I am fed up and really can't stand her. She's not sick or anything. She just likes to cry all the time. I can't find any shelters that can take her.

    18 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I hate my cat, how can I get rid of her?

    I've had this cat since she was a kitten, and I do care about her. It's just that she is the ultimate pest and I really can't take it anymore!!!HELP!!!!

    13 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt