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Lv 43.309 points

Track II

Favorisierte Antworten18%
  • My dwarf hamster seems to have a yogurt treat stuck in his head... help?

    I have a 2 year old dwarf russian hamster. He seems to have a yogurt treat stuck on his head in his hair. I tried to remove it, but it's really stuck in his head. Any remedies to get this treat out? At least I hope that's what is stuck in his head.....could it be something else?

    2 AntwortenRodentsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How does menopause work?

    Hello, I am 44 years old and I think I might be menopausal. I have been getting my periods between 45-53 days instead of the normal 28 days. Does anyone know how menopause works? Some details on this would be greatly appreciated.

    6 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need a cool name for a cd cover for my daughter?

    Hello everyone,

    My daughter is 10 years old and is in the choir at school. They are making a cd which is basically about peace, love, etc.

    We are trying to find a cool name for this cd. 10 points for the best cd cover name.

    Thanks everyone.

    2 AntwortenMagazinesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is my 3 1/2 year old breastfed daughter always sick?

    My daughter who is 3 1/2 years old is still breastfed (mainly during the night), and lately she has been getting a lot of colds and bad coughs. A couple of weeks ago I was at the doctor's and he said it was viral, and not to worry. These colds, coughs, end up staying with her for like 2 weeks, then she gets better, and then a week later she gets another cold. There is no one sick at her half a day pre-school so I don't get it? I am starting to think maybe its the breastmilk that is giving her colds... I just don't understand. She also had two vaccine shots two weeks ago so maybe that made her sick again? I don't know what to do anymore.

    10 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt