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  • Are half sole women's dance shoes okay for ballroom?

    I don't see how they could have arch support so I'm wondering if my feet will get super tired in a short time. I wear full suede sole dance shoes now with a 2" heel. I'm considering half soles with only the forefoot in suede and a 2" heel but not sure if they're a good choice for smooth and rhythym.

    3 AntwortenDancingvor 5 Jahren
  • Women's half sole dance shoes versus full suede sole shoes for ballroom?

    I only have experience with full suede soles for ballroom dancing. I want some half sole shoes with a 2" heel and am wondering if they offer too little support. I see no arch support since the upper leather continues under the arch with no reinforcing sole there. Could a ballroom dancer who has worn both full sole and half sole heeled shoes for women explain the good and bad points of half sole heeled shoes?

    2 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 5 Jahren
  • Where is the answer window? It disappears when I click on a question along with all the previous answers??!!?

    I didn't see a YA maintenance notice but I did see where other people are having the same problem.

    2 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Has someone who's totally brain dead ever waked up and been normal?

    I have read lots of accounts of people "thought to be brain dead" or declared "almost completely brain dead" waking up and being okay.

    I can't find any instances of someone waking up when their brain and brain stem are both completely nonfunctional. Does anyone have any links to a an incident like that?

    3 AntwortenMedicinevor 7 Jahren
  • Lost color on Sanyo tv. Recently moved it and now have color only on Turner Classic Movie Channel??!!?

    After I clicked on "color" in the remote menu, I got bold rainbow color bands but not a normal picture on all channelks except TCM. Even on TCM, the host is in B&W but the movies are in color. Could a cable have come loose or something like that?

    TVsvor 7 Jahren
  • Can my tree be saved?! :o?

    I have a 3 foot tall pecan tree that had a nice little canopy of leaves. Yesterday, I saw that the top and about 1 foot of the little trunk was snapped off and hanging by threads of bark. The part still in the ground does have a root system since it's been in the ground for about 3 months. What should I do now?

    Should I try to fit the pieces together and tape or wrap them somehow for stability or is that hopeless?

    Should I take the top part and try to use rooting compound to maybe get a new start or is that also hopeless?

    Should I paint the broken top part of the existing tree with wound solution or wrap it before winter comes?

    I'm assuming I should provide a heavy mound of mulch at the base of such a young tree to withstand winter but should I cover the trunk and injured top part with newspaper or plastic or something as well?

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 8 Jahren
  • If Boehner won't negotiate with Obama or Reid, how can he make any deals or represent his party?

    Boehner looks like he'll retain his position as Speaker of the House but he has said he won't negotiate with the President and just cursed at Majority Leader Reid of the Senate yesterday. What now?

    btw, does anyone think he has a drinking problem?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • OWS poster of girl with raised fist?

    OWS poster of girl with raised fist?

    Where can I get an image of the sign or poster art of a girl/woman with a raised fist. I've looked everywhere and can't find it. It's driving me cra-a-a-azy.

    It's not a photograph but an artwork in blues and greens. When you're looking at it, the girl's back is toward the right side and she's facing to the viewer's left with her arm upraised making a fist. Does anyone have a link to some site with this image?


    3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 Jahren
  • OWS poster of girl with raised fist?

    Where can I get an image of the sign or poster art of a girl/woman with a raised fist. I've looked everywhere and can't find it. It's driving me cra-a-a-azy.

    It's not a photograph but an artwork in blues and greens. When you're looking at it, the girl's back is toward the right side and she's facing to the viewer's left with her arm upraised making a fist. Does anyone have a link to some site with this image?


    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • 4th claim of sexual harassment against Cain! Now what?

    Cain said, early on, that if any other claims of sexual harassment came out later then the accusers were lying. That doesn't sound like something an innocent man would say.

    Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Now that a 4th accuser has emerged, Cain is engulfed in smoke!! What do you think will happen now?l

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • What do you think of Mrs. Herman Cain?

    I think she's cute. She is a librarian and homemaker and is not participating in his campaign.

    5 AntwortenElectionsvor 10 Jahren
  • Is Asa a nickname for a longer name?

    I am searching for a male ancestor named Asa. He lived in the 1800's and I wonder if Asa was a nickname for Alouicious, Aloysius, or some other old fashioned name. Does anyone know any longer names for which Asa might have been a nickname?

    I know they often used names from the Bible in that era but I can't think of any that would be shortened to Asa. Thanks for any ideas you might have.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Best camcorder for HDTV viewing of the videos?

    I am on a limited budget and would love to find a small digital video recorder that will produce sharp videos for viewing on a 42" HDTV. I know to look for the optical zoom but I've heard conflicting reports of built in hard drives vs. not having that feature. Also, the tapes are the only way to do video vs. the cards for still photos, right? So, will I go broke buying tons of tapes?

    I am not interested in a camera that does stills and video--just video.

    Should I be matching the dpi of the recording ability to the dpi of the TV or is 720 dpi about the most the human eye can discern? What about the fps and the external mic capability?

    The more reviews I read, the more confused I get, since I am in no way a techno saavy person. Any answers appreciated. I just want decent video of family events to watch on my TV. Thanks...

    3 AntwortenCamcordersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are donations to non-profits with pending federal status tax deductible?

    If I donate to a non-profit that is an approved 501(c)3 in their state but their federal charity status is pending, can I deduct the donation from my federal taxes. If not, I suppose I have to wait until they're an official federally recognized 501(c)3 and no longer in a pending period.

    4 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt