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Susan M
Converting US dollars to cCanadian dollars?
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 JahrenHow much corruption is there in Washington?
2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 6 JahrenHow many jihadis will Obama give amnesty to tomorrow?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 JahrenWhich do you mistrust more, politicians or media?
10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 JahrenObama is worse than Nixon?
8 AntwortenElectionsvor 6 JahrenShould the US ever give Russia aid again? We armed them to beat Hitler. Billions in aid in the 90's.?
Now they run naval drills with Iran?
6 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 7 JahrenHas Obama played more golf or gone to more fundraisers while president?
10 AntwortenGolfvor 7 JahrenWhere do Democrats and Republicans agree?
4 AntwortenFlickrvor 7 JahrenHas Obama opened Pandora's Box or the Doorway to Hell?
7 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 7 JahrenWhy do these illegal immigrants get what citizens do not?
Free housing, medical & mental health, education, while we pay for it. Our veterans are left needing care, mentally I'll are left homeless with no care? Our needy children can suffer, but these foreign ones are so cherished, why?
4 AntwortenRodentsvor 7 JahrenTax dollars to pay for Democrat voters?
Democrats must win at any cost:
Illegals already have their EBT cards. How long do citizens take to be processed? What about our veterans, whose claims were shredded? But we can do this?
8 AntwortenAlternative Fuel Vehiclesvor 7 JahrenCan Barak Obama destroy America?
And leave us a third world wreck.
11 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 7 JahrenDo you realize that the US is arming Syrian rebels?
Watch what Obama does, not what he says!
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenNew House Bill 4606, increased gun background cks,?
Protects medical marijuana clinics (cuts DEA funding), money for
victims of violence (stalking, brutality toward women), funds NASA ORION Manned Craft and on and on?
Have you heard of any of this?
3 AntwortenPoetryvor 7 JahrenWhy can't I give a "thumbs up" on a YA?
The icon turns green, but does not register the number.
3 AntwortenSurfingvor 7 JahrenMexican soldiers come into the US often, how do you feel about that?
They shoot an American for no reason in the US. Shouldn't the US State Department sue for the Mexican government pay the injured man's hospital bill?
Our border let's everyone in but us. We can get locked out and are locked in.
2 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 7 JahrenWhy are liberals against war with foreigners but they welcome the government gunning down of Americans who differ?
These progressives don't care about facts, they want the Right
exterminated. Real peace lovers, like Islamo-Facists.
13 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 7 Jahren