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Help Building China Cabinet?
I don't have much experience and basic tools but I want to build a quick inexpensive sturdy cabinet to hold all the glassware we got for a wedding gift that is currently stacked in boxes on my dresser.
I have just under 12" of space between side wall and a door-frame in my living room. I plan to make a piece that is about 10" deep by 20" wide by 8 feet tall, from 1x10 pine, basically like a bookshelf (which I did once before), then put on some glass doors on the front.
I have a few questions:
Can I buy already-made glass doors? Does Home Depot have them? Do they come in standard sizes?
Do I have to buy hinges separately? What's the best kind?
What should I use as backing for the cabinet?
Many thanks...
3 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 JahrzehntHow to install shelving system on plaster/lathe wall?
Thought I had an easy DIY project that I could handle in my condo. Wanted to install shelving system with metal uprights and brackets on the wall where my desk is in my home office. I THOUGHT the wall was wallboard, and got some 2 inch wood screws, but couldn't find the studs. Anywhere I bang a nail, it goes in about 1/2 inch, then bends. The whole wall feels solid when I tap it--no hollow sound. So now I'm thinking this isn't wallboard at all, probably old-fashioned plaster and lathe.
Then I thought I could hang the uprights on the plaster wall using plastic expansion anchors. Somehow I got the top of one upright attached with a 10-12 x 1 anchor and 1-1/2 inch screw. But now, I can't drill into the wall more than 1/2 to 3/4 inch for any of the lower holes. I push pretty hard, but I'm hitting something very solid. (Maybe the lathe behind the plaster--I'm not sure?).
What should I do now? Should I try this with smaller anchors and screws? I'm afraid I just don't have enough depth for secure shelves. I also don't want to tear up the wall too badly. I've already made a few holes. I don't want to make things any worse if it's not going to work.
Thanks for your input.
2 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 JahrzehntConvertible Bonds: What happens to accrued int when you convert?
If I own a convertible bond, and decide to convert it into common stock, what happens to the accrued interest? Do I lose it?
If you can point me to a website or book or other source for your anwer it would be most appreciated.
1 AntwortInvestingvor 1 JahrzehntDo you love your work?
If you love your work, I'd like to hear about it. What kind of work do you do? For how long? What's good about it? How did you find this job?
8 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntSource? "God puts no hurdle before a man that he is incapable of surmounting"?
Looking for exact quote and source-- I remember it like this: "God will put no hurdle before a man that he is incapable of surmounting." Much obliged for any help
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntDo you love your work?
If you truly enjoy your work, I would like to hear about it. What do you do? Why do you like it? How did you find this work?
Thank you for answering!
9 AntwortenCareers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntDo you love your work?
If you truly enjoy your work, I would like to hear about it. What do you do? Why do you like it? How did you find this work?
Thank you for answering!
12 AntwortenCareers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntRecurring Dream: Pulling String from Mouth?
I have this dream over and over. Can you tell me what it means?
I find a little piece of string stuck between my teeth. I pull it out and find that it connects to something inside my mouth and throat. I pull on the string and more and more string keeps coming. I keep winding up the string into a little ball, but it seems endless. I am surprised and embarrassed. It seems like I could do this forever. I am not sure whether to cut the string, or just keep pulling until it all comes out.
7 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntBest Place for Tuxedo Rental in New York?
What is the best place to rent a tuxedo in New York (for a wedding)?
1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 JahrzehntWhy use Credit Default Swap to hedge a high-yield bond?
Trying to learn more about Credit Default Swaps (CDS).
Example I saw on Wikipedia had an institutional investor buying a high-yield bond, then entering into a CDS to protect himself in case the bond issuer defaults. Of course, the CDS has a cost, which reduces the yield of the bond.
My question is: what is the benefit of this to the investor? Why not just buy a lower-yielding bond from a more credit-worthy issuer?
What am I missing?
2 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 Jahrzehnt