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Omega 015
What was the name?
It was a cartoon that aired several years ago. It was about this crazy guy with a weird forelock of hair, always wearing an orange shirt and his trouser's up to his belly. Actually I think the show started as 'live-action' in this guy's house and then it all turned to a cartoon.
I think the name was long too, perhaps something about the fabulous world of...?
Please help! I can't remember the name!
4 AntwortenComedyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is Polang positioning?
as in "automatic linear Polang positioning".
2 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt¿Cómo se llaman las palabras que sólo tienen dos letras?
mi, tu, yo, la, etc.
8 AntwortenIdiomasvor 1 JahrzehntWhy is this site in english?
shouldn't it be in hindi or whatever language you people speak?
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntHow come hair keeps on growing "forever"?
Yet eyelids, eyebrows, pubic hair, underarm hair, etc. don't
4 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do some people grow their hair or nails faster than the others?
What exactly determines the growth of hair and nails?
3 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntIt's not correct to say "many thanks", is it?
I was shocked to hear that a friend of my learnt that at her english school today... it sounds so silly/stupid to me!
But then I wonder, perhaps people say it that way somewhere?
14 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt¿Existe diferencia fonética entre el portugués de Brasil y el de Portugal?
Si es que la hay, ¿qué tan evidente es? La que existe entre el español de México y el de España, por ejemplo, es clarísima. Perfectamente reconocible al escuchar tan sólo un par de palabras.
¿Sucederá también entre el francés de Canadá y el de Francia?
6 AntwortenIdiomasvor 1 Jahrzehnt¿Por qué en portugués siempre se usa "voce"?
¿No existe alguna versión informal como "tú" en español?
5 AntwortenIdiomasvor 1 Jahrzehnt¿Dónde se dice "Setiembre"?
¿En qué país o qué gente dice Setiembre en vez de Septiembre? Me sorprendió averiguar que ambas palabras están incluidas en el diccionario de la RAE...
6 AntwortenIdiomasvor 1 JahrzehntWhy does our voice sound so hoarse right after we wake up?
Is there anything one could do to avoid this from happening? So that, for example, others wouldn't notice you were sleeping.
12 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntHow come different tracks on a CD can be recorded at different volumes?
I mean, isn't it only "information" what gets recorded in the CD? How would the disc "tell" the player to play different tracks at different volume levels?
4 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt