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Favorisierte Antworten22%
  • How do I learn how to create iphone apps?

    I would like to build an iphone app. I don't have a programming background so I would be starting from scratch. I don't mind studying how to build. Is there an easy wysiwyg program that can assist in the build or does everything have to be written in a certain code language. I can build from a Mac or PC. Any help or advice would be great.

    4 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If the banks fail will that be enough to cause a currency collapse?

    I understand that endless printing devalues. Our faith in the dollar has diminished. What would cause the currency to suddenly collapse? Can it collapse slow over a few years or will it be overnight. How does hyper inflation take hold?

    5 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Confusing Gold Standard and Dollar Fiat Currency with inflation?

    I been trying to figure out what a trillion dollars amounts to. Well, actually what the USA owes (debt) in terms of gold.

    I looked around the internet to find the total gold that has been dug out of the ground. 145,000 tonnes is the answer I came up with. So at $900 oz, the value is about $4.2 Trillion. $4.2 Trillion is all the gold in the world? Did I do that right???

    The Iraq war is totaling 2-3 Trillion. 1-2 Trillion for the Tarp mess.

    I've also read the bailout could cost 5 Trillion and the war 7 Trillion.

    Okay, so who knows how much these things will cost. I guess if the dollar value sinks it could cost vigintillions?

    So the question is...

    Is all the gold in the world amount to 4.2 Trillion Dollars at 900oz? If this is right how can we ever go to a system backed on gold? We have inflated the dollar so much that we owe more than all the gold in the world.

    3 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is the Dow going to drop to 6K?

    Is the Dow going to drop to 6K or go to 10K first? Are we in a deflation period now? Is there any market manipulation? What do you think the price of Gold will be priced on Jan 16, 2010? Does it matter if the Dems or Rep. are in power? How much did you loose in your retirement plan in the market in 2008? I lost 17% and thought I knew what was coming! I hope hyperinflation is not going to be as bad as I think.

    4 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • DC electric wiring battery solar voltage help?

    If I have (6) 12 volt batteries wired in series for a total of 72volts. I am thinking about buying a solar charger that is 18 - 24 volts. Do I have to have 3 of these solar panels wired in series to charge the batteries? What will happen if I purchase one charger and put the put the pos+ on the first battery and the neg - on the 6th battery? Will it charge, just slower? Do I have to match the charger output to the battery voltage. I do want to have to unhook the batteries that are in series because I am lazy. Thank you in advance for your help. I hope I explained it well enough.

    3 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt