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  • Why is the fed trying to "boost home construction" when there are already millions of vacant homes?

    We have a massive surplus of homes... Millions of homes are vacant.. Isn't it a waste of money and resources to build things we already have too many of?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do liberals support Federal Reserve action even though it is ****ing the Middle Class?

    Who is hurt more from inflation? People will millions of dollars, or people who need every penny they earn? So how is decreasing the value of your wages going to help you?

    FYI QE INFINITY and Operation Screw aren't helping the Middle Class. All that new money gravitates to Rich people first... They spend all of it and then as that money floods the markets the prices on everything go through the roof for the poor and the Middle Class..

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Liberals and Conservatives.. Can we agree that the war on drugs has been a failure and we should end it?

    It's both a personal liberty issue and a financial issue.

    Costs each year

    Federal Government: $15 billion

    State Government: $25 billion

    Each year it costs $40 billion dollars total. Imagine if that money was not wasted on drug laws and was put in the economy to grow the private sector, or to pay down the debt.

    Also it's totally unconstitutional at the Federal Level. If we had to amend the constitution to allow for alcohol prohibition because the govt wasn't given the power, why didn't we have to amend the constitution to allow for drug prohibition?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Obama had control of the entire government his first two years in office.. Why aren't we a Utopia yet?

    I thought he was going to fix entitlements, Reduce the debt, reform social security and medicare, End the wars, Close GITMO, end the patriot act, and have the economy recovered by now.

    Instead he spend all his political capital for the Insurance company lobbyists who wanted him to pass their healthcare law.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Question to people under 44. Do you actually expect medicare and Social Security to be around for you?

    You could cut EVERYTHING from the federal budged, Except Social Security, Medicare and the Interest on the debt and we would STILL be running a deficit.

    I am 19, I am 100% certain that Social Security and Medicare will NOT be around for me regardless of who is president.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think about these statements?

    “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”

    -Thomas Jefferson

    “…[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”

    -James Madison

    “When the people try to vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

    -Benjamin Franklin

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If the constitution is a living document that evolves over time, why do we need an amendment process?

    I thought the Constitution was a living document BECAUSE we can amend it... It doesn't mean we can ignore it or just say "Oh, times have changed... we don't need to follow that bit anymore.."

    If that were true, why did we bother to amend the constitution to allow for prohibition? Why not just say the Constitution is living, times have changed and drinking alcohol is something that those primitive founders did. Who cares if the constitution doesn't allow the federal govt to regulate that, let's just pass a law anyway.

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Question about the Constitutionality of Welfare in the United States for my school project, please help!?

    Question -

    "If The Founding Fathers intended the General Welfare clause to be a blanket statement which allowed the federal government to do whatever they saw fit to do, why would they need have a need for a list of seventeen very specific and limiting enumerated powers and why would we need the 10th amendment that says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.""

    I'm supposed to find justification in the Constitution for welfare at a Federal level, but I can't! Almost every founder who had anything to say about general welfare, said that it did not give the government broad power to provide welfare, it just gave them power to enact the things listed in Article 1 Section 8 IE Lay taxes and establish the postal serice, etc..

    “…[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”

    -James Madison

    “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated in Article 1 Section 8.”

    -Thomas Jefferson

    If I can't justify the constitutionality of welfare, I will fail my project! Please help!

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • When the Constitution waf written the letter S waf written af F. Doef thif invalidate the conftitution?

    fince every word that had an s in it waf felled with an f and the grammer is no aplicable to modern day society. Therefore the Conftitution is nullified.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is my definition of an AR15 correct?

    The AR-15 Assault Rifle is a semi-automatic death ray that holds 30 heat seeking anti-baby rounds. The gun is really scary cause it's black, and... Terrorists use it. It was invented in Russia in the mid 1940s and causes widespread death... What an evil thing. It kills everything in it's path.. Having no regard for human life. So I am having a conference with my liberal buddies and I just wanted to inform them of these killing machines.. Is my information correct on the Ar-15 assault rifle? Thanks in advance.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is Social Security a good investment since you never see 57% of the money you pay into it?

    Every year the CPI estimates there is about 3% inflation. If you factor inflation, you significantly lose about 57% of the money you pay into social security.. Sure you get paid the same nominal value you put in with a few tiny cost of living adjustments that don't amount to hardly anything, but overall you only get 43% back.

    If you are under age 44 you will get 0% back according to the current statistics, since the program won't even be around at the current rate.

    I'm 19, why should I have to pay into a program that I don't want and will never benefit from? I would rather take that money and put it into a mutual fund or just buy Gold.. Even gold outperforms social security...

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • From the perspective of Britain, were the founding fathers terrorists?

    They were not looking out for Britain's interests... They even were shooting at them and trying to end there occupation of the colonies.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Question to Conservative Gun owners on Semi Automatic Rifles?

    I am writing an article in the newspaper on assault rifles...

    You guys are the experts.. But here's what I have found out.. The AR-15 Assault Rifle is a semi-automatic death ray that holds 30 heat seeking, anti-baby rounds typically. The gun is really scary 'cause it's black, and... Terrorists use it. It was invented in Russia in the mid 1940s and causes widespread death... What an evil thing. It kills everything in it's path.. Having no regard for human life. So I am having a conference with my liberal buddies and I just wanted to inform them of these killing machines.. Is my information correct on the Ar-15 assault rifle? Thanks in advance.

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Question About AR15s for my Newspaper Column?

    I need to write a column in the paper on AR-15 rifles.

    You guys are the experts.. But here's what I have found out..The AR-15 Assault Rifle is a semi-automatic death ray that holds 30 heat seeking, anti baby rounds typically. The gun is really scary 'cause it's black, and... Terrorists use it. It was invented in Russia in the mid 1940s and causes widespread death... What an evil thing. It kills everything in it's path.. Having no regard for human life. So I am having a conference with my editors and I just wanted to inform them of these killing machines..

    Is my information correct on the Ar-15 assault rifle? Thanks in advance.

    8 AntwortenHuntingvor 9 Jahren
  • Why doesn't Romney just admit that he wants to murder poor elderly people?

    Should that be on his economic plan for America? Going into nursing homes and killing all the poor innocent elderly people that disagree with him? Why does he hate old people so much? Is it because they are old?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren