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Lv 31.169 points

Miss Vedder

Favorisierte Antworten8%
  • Abscess draining blood.?

    So this is kinda narley so be warned. I had a golf ball sized boil on the bottom of My it burst and Its been draining lots of blood mixed with puss. Everytime I take the bandage off to clean it, I get extremely light headed, have trouble breathing and am about to pass out.but I haven't. my doc couldn't get me in until it normal to drain a lot of blood? And feel this way when I Just try to clean it?

    1 AntwortInfectious Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • Good beads for 1mm hemp?

    I make hemp jewelry and I buy all my materials online because I live about 30 mins from the nearest craft store:/ anyways, almost all of the beads I've ordered except wooden ones won't fit the 1mm hemp I use. I also use 2mm. Anybody know of a place online where I can get pretty glass beads or something other than wooden ones that will fit for sure?

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 9 Jahren
  • If you have medicinal marijuana?

    Do you still have to take a drug test when applying for a job? Could it still be terminating to your position if you have marijuana in your system?

    1 AntwortAlternative Medicinevor 9 Jahren
  • Favorite Pink Floyd album?

    I have a really hard time choosing between Animals and Wish You Were Here.

    What's yours? (:

    4 AntwortenRock and Popvor 9 Jahren
  • Would you trust your significant other?

    If you both went out on New Years to different parties and didn't communicate?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Astral projection fear?

    I recently became very intrigued with wanting to practice Astral Projection. I've studied for hours but I haven't actually practiced yet, I am still quite fearful. I know that I shouldn't attempt to enter the astral plane with this fear as lower vibration entities might try to harm me. I want to really practice it though, is there any way to help overcome my fear?

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Favorite Jeff Buckley song?

    Mine would have to be "Lover, You Should've Come Over." What's yours? :)

    4 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 Jahren
  • Favorite Pearl Jam song?

    Don't be a noob. I effing love this band.

    Mine is probably "Black" MTV Unplugged version or Footsteps. What's yours?

    14 AntwortenRock and Popvor 9 Jahren
  • Would a Pet groomer be a good career choice?

    I've always wanted to work with animals, but not a vet. I have considered pet grooming. Any information on it would be helpful.

    3 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 9 Jahren
  • breaking up is hard to do :/?

    Okay I need some advice I'll try to keep it short.

    The past 4 days or so me and my boyfriend(of 1 year) haven't talked because he just got some minor surgery the other day. I know he's been in pain and such so I've left him alone unless he texted me. I texted him two nights ago and said "I love you, goodnight and i hope you're feeling okay." He just said "Night. Sorry I haven't talked I haven't felt well." I was like Ohh okk.. (I thought he should of at least texted me and let me know he wasn't gonna be replying all day instead of ignoring me) and he said Ok. and I said "I wish you would of told me you weren't gonna reply you know I hate being ignored.. and Aren't you forgetting something? those 3 words? :)" he just wrote back "Oh my god whatever." I got a little hurt but I didn't feel like I overreacted, I said " I've been leaving you alone while I've been lonely and you can't even say I love you.." and he told me to F off.. so I told him maybe we should just be friends until he learns to respect me because I don't let people talk to me that way.. and he said maybe it's for the best because he doesn't need people Fing with his head right now?

    I feel like I was kind of being a bit needy but I really missed him.. it was almost 4 days of no talking than this fight.. and I just hate being ignored :( It's seriously one of my pet peeves. If you're gonna leave the conversation or not come back like you said you would just SAY SO!

    I sent him a text yesterday around 6pm and we hadn't talked, and it said, "I'm sorry about everything, I hope we are okay." No reply. So I wrote, "Well I'm here, calm and ready to talk whenever you are and I love you so much and I'll give you your space" No response again.

    I'm scared guys.. I can't lose him, he's everything to me but I feel like I'm almost nothing to him now :( Ever since he's become depressed it's like he comes first and whenever I'm upset about something my feelings come second,, which isn't a bad thing but it happens every time. I have to push how I feel aside just because he doesn't wanna deal with it..

    Should I just leave him alone? I wanna text him and tell him I miss him so bad. He's all I think about I can't get him off my mind. :(

    I keep holding on so much because I don't think I will ever find anyone else,

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • 18 and 29, too big of age difference?

    The female being 18, the male being 29.

    Do you believe this is too big of an age difference for a relationship?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Kept me a secret.....?

    Okay so I've been in a long distance relationship with a guy for about a year.

    We met through a friend when he was visiting down here and I found out he lived about 4 hours away. We kept talking and he asked me out.. the relationship is tough but we manage because I'm in love with him..

    He recently told me that nobody in his life really knows about me where he lives. Not his mom or any of his friends..

    Me on the other hand, a lot of my friends know and my parents know we are dating.

    Should I be upset over this or do you think it doesn't really matter?

    I'm not sure. A part of me says it doesn't matter.. but another part of me is like wow he's kept me a secret for a year.. nobody knows he's in a relationship and he even admits it.

    He said he feels really bad about it but he's afraid to tell people because of judgments.

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Long distance relationship problem?

    Okay so I'm in an LDR and this is about it soo keep your judgements to yourself I jsut want opinions :)

    So I've been dating this guy named Cody for about a year. We met through a mutual friend when he was visiting down here and I found out he lived in Seattle. We kept on talking and eventually he asked me to be his girl. I said no the first time. We kept on talking and I grew to like him more and more and he asked me again so I said yes. We get along really well for the most part and we have a lot in common, he is wonderful and for some reason I've fallen for him.

    Anyways, the past month has been a little weird. He told me that he's becoming anxious, depressed and even having violent thoughts and stuff. He told me he thinks he's "going crazy" and "losing his mind" and he started to go see a counselor. This was really scary for me.. I told him I loved him and I'd be there for him, I'd never judge him, I've never see a side of him like this before.

    The past week or so I feel like he's been really distant. We were texting the other night and he told me he wasn't feeling right, and I asked what was wrong and we could talk about it and he was just like nothing I'm going to bed I'll talk to you tomorrow love you. Then today we didn't really talk at all.. which is odd for us he texts me everyday.. he went to go see a friend and around 12 am I texted him telling him I hope he had a good night and I loved him and goodnight.. he's like sorry for not texting you I just feel sick I had a great night.

    Well all day today it's been on my mind that I feel like I don't really help him at all and I feel like I'm a burden.. just another weight on his shoulders and I told him I was thinking about taking a break until he got his mind right because I told him I did feel like I was just another weight on it.. than he called me selfish and said he didn't need this right now. He says that him being depressed and feeling the way he feels has nothing to do with me. Everytime I try to make him feel better, I feel like I fail.. He doesn'r even really want to talk to me when he's feeling down.. and I wish he would.

    Am I being selfish? :/ I don't feel like I'm helping him and I thought maybe giving him space would be the best thing.. but he just got upset.. Gah any opinions? I really don't know what to do..

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • Boyfriend wants a break.?

    About a week ago, my boyfriend of 7 months announced that he wanted a break. I just turned 18 and he's 19. He said that he doesn't feel like he loves me as much as I love him and it wasn't fair to me to continue the relationship with him feeling that way. We talked the rest of the night and we were both very upset. He told me how horrible he felt but he just doesn't know what he wants. Since then, we've been talking about as much as we always did except without the cute name calling and etc. He will still text me and say I love you when he goes to bed. I am still so in love with him and I want it to work out. I have been trying to be understanding, but it hurts so much to keep holding on like this and I don't know what's going to happen. I asked him if I should just move on and he said he doesn't know what he wants. I need some advice! Should I stay or go? :/

    2 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 10 Jahren
  • Best BREAKDOWN in a song?

    For metal fans :)

    3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt