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Lv 749.066 points

bill g

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Why are we so concered?

    The Bali nine convicts are about to be executed , does anyone understand the implications of the drugs they were trafficking on people where the heartache would have been on recipients had those drugs got on the streets . My point is , lots of families would have died had the drugs made the streets .

    These morons knew the implications if they got caught , they should respect that choice

    1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 6 Jahren
  • more rot setting in?

    ali baba is not alone , theres a magician of sorts and our comic strips have all teamed up with team escort india , i say again yahoo , when are you going to get serious about dealing with these " leeches " , over to you ???

    4 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • ali baba ?

    i see ali baba and his 40 perverts have ganged up to swamp the airwaves with the escort agencies , c'mon yahoo central , enough is enough , when are you going to find the " ticker " to walk these spoons to the kerb , you really are damaging your image ????

    2 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • how do you report a question like you used to?

    there are some real derogatory questions being posted lately

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • lost contacts , for reasons unbeknown to me?

    for some reason , i seem to have lost the alerts from my contacts that usually comes through my email address , any ideas what i may have done wrong , thanks --- good luck

    1 AntwortPreferences and Settingsvor 8 Jahren
  • maintenance department?

    how is it that since the yahoo maintenace was done , the whole system has gone pear-shaped , you know why rock a steady ship , and i reckon yahoo have done just that , rocked the boat till it nearly tips over --- i wish they could have just realised , that some things are best left alone , my question is it me , or are there some knucleheads pressing all the wrong buttons --- good luck

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • why all of a sudden is my avatar different?

    my larger avatar doesn't match the little one in the top left hand corner --- any clues ?

    2 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 9 Jahren
  • wherabouts are you hiding?

    where for art thou snoopie - sasha ( and numerous other aka 's ) --- i miss me wee lassie who contributes so much !!!??? :)

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • my status in the world of yahoo questions?

    i would like to know why i have been stripped of my " top contributer " status ? my names not lance !!! but i guess i'll just have to sink into self-denial or ride a pushbike into the sunset , sigh !!

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • why am i waiting for this to end?

    why do we have to observe the same drivel on best answers --- i swear if i see hummuss and water for any longer --- i am indeed going to turn into watery grave --- good luck

    1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 9 Jahren
  • why are moral standards at yahoo hq so hard to be acknowledged ?

    i look on the screen with interest how my question should follow community guidelines --- when the hypocracy of yahoo allow immoral standards to be posted on this forum in full view of minors --- for call girls in india --- this suggestive pornography has no boundary --- because it quite simply is blazed over the network that yahoo promotes as a forum for interaction .

    i was never aware that " selling " a woman on line in this free to air ( if you will ) society that anyone can look at --- included the free promotion that yahoo allows to blazon our computers --- re call girls in india --- can someone tell me what i may have missed in all of this ( because i constantly rebel against this content and find the double standards of yahoo --- bizarre ) --- if you had a sex shop do you seriously think you would be allowed to sell your wares through yahoo ? --- remember community guidelines --- i await any response with interest --- good luck

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 10 Jahren
  • My birhtday was today and my wife gave me a sleep in , arranged me to go to the races?

    of which is a passion for me , its my hobbies

    come pastime, she organised a cake amd a gave me the absolutee present, an origon autentiquetic wear jersey, then prawns and yummies for tea and then out to the pub for a drink or mayer two and the pokies, do you think this was enough as she was very amourous in the earlyt hours of this morning prior to her starting in teh morning on 7am shift do you think i am being ungrateful if i dont think this was enough?

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 Jahren
  • why has yahoo dropped the flag representing the country the question came from ?

    like an avatar --- you used to ( till last night our time in oz ) a flag representing the country that a question was being tabled --- seems odd --- ta

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 10 Jahren
  • my wife's tour of duty?

    my wife is off doing a tour of duty way out west and i'd like some ideas of what i should do to treat her to a night out --- she is an rn --- and will be gone for 10 weeks --- thanks

    2 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why do we have to ask local questions without international input and etc .?

    it was pointed out that through this format we couldf not communicate with overseas participants --- why ! ??

    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where are you joan r ?

    joan of r how am i to know how the milliners are going if you don't update me .

    hope youre ok .

    good luck.

    2 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • the real world?

    will anyone in pakistan please stand up for themselves --- it appears that democracy is a far off land --- moreso since the loss of bhuto .

    when will people get it through thier heads that with places ( so unstable ) such as pakistan and of course zimbabwe --- where goverments just don't get it --- that there is a bigger , better , picture than what they ( the government would have us believe )

    life is far to short . and we have lost ----------!

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • puppet on strings aka musharef.?

    some might think i'm on a bit of a ' bender ' but i find it terribly difficult to accept the death of benzir butho with the lack of response from ' the head honcho ' aka general musharef .

    the absolute missgivings that were potrayed to miss butho about " how you will be protected , and looked after , and we welcome your democratic etc ; etc

    what a lot of tripe .

    can the president slaash general slaash dictator ; slashh groveller to the bush admin explain this --- assanation of a woman likely to overthrow the dictatorship based on western advice aka g w bush and co .!!??

    and what would be in it for you !?

    hypocrites of the world waken up ( particularly in government )

    we the people have , our eyes wide open ,and it is only ignorrance that keeps them shut ,. ---but we are indeed opening our eyes --- big time !!

    a lot more will come out of this sad day in life --- and more than a lot of people will have to answer for it !!! bush --- don't rest easy --- you don't deserve to .

    4 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • the demise of pakistan?

    the sadness that must filter through the people of the world , for someone who (especially a woman ) gave their life for a country and a cause . why why oh why did it have to happen !!? there is no doubt that this beautiful woman willl be regarded as a martyr for her beliefs and cause --- just as joan of arc did --- but this death is so callous !

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • common sense in the sudan.?

    why is it that a country struggling through poverty and drought ( and need i say it ) civil war --- would be so paraniod about an english woman helping children in a 'third' world status to a better life --- only for that woman to be chastised to the point of " stupidity "

    if the people of sudan are so ' smart ' then they should have no need for a western woman to teach their children .

    people in these countries ( for the sudan are not alone ) want ; or indeed , beg for the world to help -- just so long as you don't offend --- and where there is a fine line in respect of the country's culture --- it is beyond belief that 5,6,7 year olds , know much about a teddy named mohammed , bill , joe , allah , fred etc, etc .

    sudan needs to get it's priorities on track and be grateful for " real" people --- it's that or simply find your own teachers !!!

    chewy on your boot !!!

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt