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things that people don't deserve?
I'm looking for a list of things that happen to people that they don't deserve
For a paper I'm writing.
Example = death of a loved one or hardships of all sorts
All input is welcomed and appreciated
Best list gets top answer
8 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 7 JahrenMissing kernel error help?
i took my old motherboard and CPU and installed it in my son's case
the operating system on this hard drive started as the free windows 8 64 bit preview release.
(via USB install)
i then purchased the $30 upgrade download from microsoft website
and made a Windows 8 64-bit DVD
upon booting it i get a screen with a missing kernel error.
so i used the disc i made hoping to resolve this error
it will go as far as to display the kernel error
i'm trying to avoid a 6 hour phone call to microsoft or paying $200 for a new OS
NOTE: this hard drive had the OS installed on it with this same motherboard when they were in my old tower case.
it is hooked to same parts just different case and power supply
any ideas how to fix this?
please note the game my son wants to play wont support ubunto,wine or other non-windows OS's
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 8 JahrenHP Pavilion 514n CPU fan error?
CPU fan error on boot
i am able to bypass it with F2 key
CPU fan plug on motherboard has nothing connected to it
instead it has a plastic scoop drawing heat out through rear case fan
NOTE: owner ran it for years like this with no error
i looked around on the web for a new heatsync with fan but had no luck finding one
it is a mPGA478 socket 2.2GHz Celeron
i need to fix this error so i can clean this pc for a family member.
i already removed all dust from inside the case and there is no obstructions or debri
the rear case fan that is used to draw heat away from the CPU does spin
any idea what the best way to fix this is?
3 AntwortenDesktopsvor 8 Jahrenwindows performance question?
how can i improve my disk data performance?
here is the performance scores i have;
processor 7.0
Memory (RAM) 7.2
Graphics 7.9
Gaming Graphics 7.9
primary hard disc/disc data transfer rate 5.9 <--------
here are my current specs (incase this will help)
ecs motherboard AM3 socket (m-atx form factor)
win 8 pro 64-bit
athlon II x3 450 3.2GHz triple core cpu
crucial ballistix 8GB RAM 240-pin 1333MHz (2x4GB sticks)
HIS Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 video card (pci-e x16)
Raidmax 630 watt power supply
seagate barracuda 7200rpm sata II 3.0 GB/s
now from what i was told your performance is determined by your lowest score
some are saying get a solid state drive
and others say due to my sata ports it will not go any faster
as far as gaming i can run on high settings
but loading/splash screens take alot longer than they should
upgrades i am looking into;
AsRock 960gm/u3s3 FX m-atx motherboard with an AM3+ socket sata III 6.0 gb/s
AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ Six-Core Desktop Processor
2 8GB DDR3 1866(OC) or 1600(OC) sticks of RAM
sata III 6.0 gb/s hard drive
will any of this help boost my gaming performance?
3 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 8 Jahrenwindows 8 pro question?
Hi everyone,
i ran the windows 8 release preview and bought the $39 upgrade to win 8 pro 64-bit
my primary 160GB IDE hard drive is used and doesn't like to work
so i installed a 500GB 7200rpm sata drive.
i would like to make the 500GB Sata my primary hard drive so i can junk the IDE drive and it's issues.
is there a legal way i can take the windows 8 pro 64-bit i bought
from my old IDE HD and install it on my new Sata HD?
i have my software key and proof of purchase but i downloaded the actual OS
so i do not have a disc.
i also have purchased a mid tower gaming case and the IDE cable would not work well
routing it to my dvd drive and hard drive due to case design and position of drives.
if i can get Windows 8 Pro on that sata drive
it will eliminate my crashes from the old hard drive
get rid of the bulky IDE slave cable that connects the HD and DVD drives to the Mobo
and improve my data transfer rate.
specs and notes below:
ECS Mobo
Athlon II x3 450 3.2GHz triple core CPU
8GB of 1333MHz Crucial Ballistix RAM
Raidmax 630SS 630 Watt Power Supply
HIS Radeon HD 7850 2GB GDDR5 PCI 3.0 x16 graphics card
160GB IDE Hard Drive (primary)
500GB Sata Hard Drive
Other Notes:
all components rated 7.2 or higher on windows performance score
except the 160GB IDE Primary is a 5.2 (low data transfer rate)
Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer.
my new case will arrive in days and i really need to solve this problem
2 AntwortenDesktopsvor 8 Jahrencan i make my external hard drive into a internal hard drive?
i removed the external enclosure from a Buffalo 500GB external hard drive.
inside is a Western Digital 500GB HD.
removing the enclosure brackets allows it to fit into the slots for hard drives inside my tower.
for connections it has 3
1 = SATA Power socket (P15___P1)
2 = Serial Data Socket (S7_____S1)
3 = master slave/jumper socket (diagram shows pins numbered 1-8)
Note: it states on the drive label
Master/slave jumper not required for SATA
Jumpered pins 3&4 enable PUIS (power up in standby)
my PSU is modular and i have brand new SATA power plugs
and Serial Data Cables
is there a reason or anything i should know before i hook it up to
see if my PC recognizes it?
My main reason being im a gamer and my original HD is only 160GB
so i could use more space lol
any thoughts or tips are greatly appreciated
2 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 8 Jahrenwill my power supply run this video card?
here are my specs;
Win 8 Pro 64-bit
Athlon II x3 450 3.2GHz triple core processor
8GB RAM (DDR3 1333Mhz 240-pin)
630 Watt Power supply
Here is the card i wanna run;
MSI GeForce GTX 560 1GB GDDR5
(website said minimum 430 Watt PSU
So my question is will my 630 Watt have enough power to push it?
I hope so because this will run Guild Wars 2 High settings
1 AntwortOther - Hardwarevor 8 Jahrenwindows 8 only recognizes 3.75GB of my RAM?
i plan on adding another 4GB into the empty RAM slot of the desktop i built
but i am wondering why Windows 8 only recognized 3.75GB instead of 4GB
here are my specs
motherboard AM3 socket,DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz 2-slot 8GB max RAM,ATX -$50 (tigerdirect)
Processor Athlon II x3 450 3.2GHz triple Core Processor -$64 (tigerdirect)
Power Supply Corsair CX500 500 Watt ATX PSU with PCI-E 2.0 (x16),SATA,24-pin,4-pin,4-pin Molex
etc.. (i'm sure you get the idea) -$30 (craigslist)
RAM 1 4GB crucial ballistix DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz RAM chip -$20 (tigerdirect)
HDD 160GB Seagate 7200RPM (came with used system i bought to re-build) $50 (craigslist)
,a 500GB Buffalo External HD -$25 (craigslist)
Video Card ATI Radeon HD 3000 (using until i can run my Graphics Card)
I have a XFX GeForce 8800 GT installed but it needs a DVI-I male to VGA female adapter
to connect to my older style monitor)
Operating System Windows 8 Preview 64-bit
Any ideas why it is only recognizing 3.75GB of my 4GB's of RAM?
4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 9 JahrenPC will not turn on anymore?
I had installed a new Motherboard,CPU and RAM in my old tower.
everything was running great so i shut it off and moved it upstairs to
where my internet cable is to update my OS,Drivers etc..
plugged everything in and it would not work at all.
checked all my connections and they were fine.
re-seated RAM checked CPU and no change at all.
next i took my PSU and plugged it into my old tower
that has a working motherboard
with just the 24-pin and 4-pin and CPU fan connected.
the CPU fan turned for a few seconds then stops
and green LED on Motherboard stayed on.
I switched it off and re-tryed and got same result.
Here is my specs
ECS A780LM-M AM3 socket Motherboard 2-slot 8GB RAM max (DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz)
Athlon II x3 450 Triple Core 3.2GHz (AM3 socket)
1-stick of 4GB DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz
Corsair CX500 500W PSU
Windows Vista Home Basic
My guess is the PSU but i'm no pro
PLEASE NOTE: there is no front panel speaker to check beeps
Other - Hardwarevor 9 JahrenPC will not turn on anymore?
I had installed a new Motherboard,CPU and RAM in my old tower.
everything was running great so i shut it off and moved it upstairs to
where my internet cable is to update my OS,Drivers etc..
plugged everything in and it would not work at all.
checked all my connections and they were fine.
re-seated RAM checked CPU and no change at all.
next i took my PSU and plugged it into my old tower
that has a working motherboard
with just the 24-pin and 4-pin and CPU fan connected.
the CPU fan turned for a few seconds then stops
and green LED on Motherboard stayed on.
I switched it off and re-tryed and got same result.
Here is my specs
ECS A780LM-M AM3 socket 2-slot 8GB RAM max (DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz)
Athlon II x3 450 Triple Core 3.2GHz (AM3 socket)
1-stick of 4GB DDR3 240-pin 1333MHz
Corsair CX500 500W PSU
Windows Vista Home Basic
My guess is the PSU but i'm no pro
PLEASE NOTE: the is no front panel speaker to check beeps
Desktopsvor 9 JahrenWhat do you call a 3.5" panel to cover empty drive space in my PC tower?
i have an empty space in my tower 3.5" where an incompatible drive was removed.
I know there is little blank panels that snap in to hide empty bays
Anyone know what they are called so i can order one?
or so the local PC store won't look at me like an idiot?
3 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 9 JahrenAcoustic sound from my Electric guitar?
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone can tell me (using my gear listed below),
what the closest/best way to get acoustic sound for playing in a church?
Ibanez GIO - has 2 single coil neck/middle pickups and a double humbucker/bridge
2 controls = a volume and a tone knob
Just put new Ernie Ball 9mm Super Slinky Strings on it
Gibson S101 - has 2 double humbucker pickups 3 controls = a switch and 2 knobs
(looks liks a Les Paul 100%) but it is just a look-a-like
ACOUSTICS (and the problems with them)
Palmer P37E Acoustic (body is way to big for me)
Jasmine Studio Series Classical Guitar (neck is too wide for my small hands)
Crate GX-20M has Reverb and Chorus as well as Distortion and built in EQ
Digitech RP50 - Multi effects processor with drums
Zoom - Volume/Expression Pedal
any help or setting tips are greatly appreciated
5 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 JahrenCan i improve my antenna range?
I was bought a 200 Channel Nascar Uniden BC95XLT
It came stock with a 6 inch BNC Rubber Duck Antenna
I heard i could buy a longer antenna to improve my range
or buy some things from Radio Shack and make one
that will receive up to 40-50 miles away
keep in mind i live in an apartment so a roof mount
or outdoor antenna is against the rules
I am looking into buying a triple trunk scanner
which will most likely have a BNC style antenna
So my real question is;
Can i boost my range to pick up signals 40-50 miles away?
and if so;
what is the best way to do it without breaking the bank?
3 AntwortenScannersvor 9 JahrenGenealogy help anyone?
I'm Looking for a link to President James Garfield i was told my wife's family is related to him
here is what i know from her family line
Ansel Holmes GARFIELD died at age: 50
Born: 21 Apr 1807 in Royalston, Mass.
Died: 14 Nov 1857 in Royalston, Mass.
Ref number: 1049
Father: Moses GARFIELD
Mother: Mary (Polly) BLISS
Wife: Elvira RAYMOND died at age: 44
Married: 08 Nov 1838 in Royalston, Mass.
Born: 13 Oct 1807 in Royalston, Mass.
Died: 08 Oct 1852 in Royalston, Mass.
Father: Stephen RAYMOND
Mother: Hannah GASKILL
Child 1: (link to next gen)
Ansel Uberto GARFIELD
Born: 07 Jul 1844 in Royalston, Mass.
Ref number: 1253
Spouse: Emma M COVILLE
Child 2:
Born: 26 Mar 1846 in Royalston, Mass.
Died: Young
Child 3:
Born: 10 Oct 1847 in Royalston, Mass.
Died: Young
next gen
Ansel Uberto GARFIELD
Born: 07 Jul 1844 in Royalston, Mass.
Ref number: 1253
Father: Ansel Holmes GARFIELD
Mother: Elvira RAYMOND
Ansel Uberto GARFIELD
Child 1:
Edna Hannah GARFIELD age: 74
Born: 28 Jul 1887 in Royalston, Mass
Child 2:
Alpha Mary GARFIELD age:
Born: 10 Dec 1888 in Royalston, Mass
next gen
Edna Hannah Garfield <------------------------ My Wife's Great Grandmother
born on 24 January 1888 at Royalston, Worcester Co.,
Daughter of Ansel Uberto Garfield and Emma A. Scoville.
Husband: Walter Eugene Ball
Married on 8 August 1907 at Royalston, Worcester Co,MA
Son of: Horace Nelson Ball and Ella W. Whitney, on
Kids = 7
Horace E. -B. 1913
Louis G. -B. 1915
Doris L. -B. 1917
Dorothy M. (Ball) McArdle -B. 1917
Evelyn Pearl (Ball) Lapinsky -B. 1920
Walter E Jr. -B. Sep 29,1921
Robert L. -B. Feb 9,1927
5 AntwortenGenealogyvor 9 JahrenCan my laptop run this?
if my laptop can run guild wars and world of warcraft can it run guild wars 2?
here are some of the specs;
Manufacturer: Dell Inspiron 1525 (bought new in box a few years ago)
OS: Windows Vista Home Basic SP2
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU T3400 @ 2.16GHz 2.17GHz
RAM: 2.00GB
System Type: 32bit Operating System
Local Disc (C:) 131GB
Recovery: 14.6GB
Has DVD/CD-R drive
and Graphics Accelerator (downloaded from Intel's website)
supports HD video
for a mid-budget laptop i can run WoW and Guild Wars with no lag or crashes
graphics on this laptop are outstanding so far..I have no complaints.
had one crash before but after removing a dust clog behind the fan
i have had no other issues
any help is greatly appreciated
i don't wanna have to buy a new PC just to play a game lol
1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 Jahrendoes a GM 3.1 v6 need a belt guard?
While removing the water pump in my 1995 Buick Century,
the small 8mm bolt broke that holds the little plastic guard with the sepentine diagram on it
Do i need this guard or am i okay without it?
I saved the guard
but id have to drill out the remaining bolt to re-attach it
because it snapped off flush
and i dont have access to the right stuff to drill it and stuff
any mechanics give me an honest answer?
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenOverheating Car Help?
My car is a 1995 Buick Century Special
It only overheats on steep hills
I've replaced the coolant and thermostat
Checked and I have no leaks at all
Oil is changed every 3,000 miles
Fan kicks on if I'm on flat ground and it gets warm and temp returns to half way between hot and cold
Radiator cap seals properly
So I'm confused on what I'm missing
I have sunk more than $3000 into it and I can't afford to keep putting it into the shop
All help is welcomed and appreciated
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenAnyone guess this song?
Ok Let's see who can guess this one
it's a parody song called "We are trailer trash"
and it is making fun of "Islands in the stream" by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
good luck first correct answer gets 10 pts
1 AntwortLyricsvor 10 JahrenHow many apps will the ipod touch 32gb (newest model) hold before it slows it down too much?
I have 58 apps (games,utilities etc..) that total 1.72GB of space preloaded on my pc for next week when i get my IPOD TOUCH 32GB 4TH GEN.
My goal is to have tons of stuff to use/play without slowing it down
so basically how many apps will this hold concerning slots and GB?
Thanks in advance for your input!!!
2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 10 JahrenWhat are the best apps for ipod touch 32gb 4th gen?
I'm soon to be buying the new Ipod Touch 32gb 4th generation.
To save time i'm adding these apps to my PC so I can Sync it soon after purchase.
What im looking for is opinions on best;
1.Browser (speed and ability to view websites a mobile phone web can't..some say Safari but it isn't in the app store for some reason) (role playing games,puzzle,sports etc.)
3.utilities (barcode scanner,level etc.)
Thanks for your input
4 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 10 Jahren