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I am.... Christian (Seventh-Day Adventist) Conservative vote Constitution Party pro-life young-Earth creationist like to write fanfics, draw, hunt, fish, camp love dogs married, have 8-year old daughter before I became a Christian, I used to be the exact opposite of above. Christ had a major impact on my life. My Y!360 page:
What's the name/singer of this 70's song?
I have tried googling this, with no results. I have partial lyrics:
From far corners of the world they led their _____ on
Brave and noble ladies
To sirens of the sea
They brought their nations' blessings to the land of liberty
1 AntwortLyricsvor 2 MonatenWhat dog food would you recomend for a shinier, healthier coat?
Our Aussie has been eating Science Diet Adult for 2 years since he was a pup, but his coat is dull, coarse and colorless.
6 AntwortenDogsvor 8 MonatenIn a state where it's legal, is pot an appropriate wedding gift?
Yes, the recipients are over 21 and they live in a legal state.
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 MonatenWhy doesn't a certain TV show appear in the drop-down menu when adding a favorite TV show on Facebook?
I was trying to add "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" as a favorite TV show under the "TV Shows" portion of my "About" section on FB, but it doesn't show up on the drop-down menu. I could have sworn it used to allow you to add it manually if it wasn't there, but it won't let me do that now. Is there a solution to this?
1 AntwortFacebookvor 2 JahrenHow can anyone still be breathing after being the victim of a Blood Eagle?
We normally breathe by the movement of the diaphragm within the vacuum of the chest cavity. During a Blood Eagle, the vacuum in the chest cavity is compromised and the lungs are outside the body, where the diaphragm no longer has an effect on them. So why, in movies and TV shows about Vikings, are the victims still breathing?
2 AntwortenRespiratory Diseasesvor 2 JahrenWhat was the name of that 90's encyclopedia app before Wikipedia?
2 AntwortenWikipediavor 2 JahrenHow can I get rid of a virus on my smartphone that causes the keyboard to disappear and reappear randomly while I m trying to type?
I had considered resetting the phone to factory settings, but I don t want to lose all my music, pictures, etc. I don t think it has a removable SD card.
3 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 3 JahrenWhat is the specific mechanism that causes death in hanging?
Not to be morbid, but the last time I checked, a broken bone was not fatal, and neither was a severed spinal chord (though it would cause quadriplegia) - both of which would occur in a hanging. And yet hanging is almost always instantly fatal. Why is this?
3 AntwortenBiologyvor 4 JahrenDo they make these".wav players" anymore?
In the late 90's, when the Internet was young and we had Windows 98, I remember going on this one Star Wars page, I think, and some hacker had created a .wav file that you could click on and a little 1-inch "play" bar would pop up that I think just had a "play" and "stop" button on it, and when you pressed "play" it would play the .wav file, which in this case was an Ewok sound, "YOW grrrr" that Wicket made when Leia took her helmet off. I have never seen such a bar since then. Obviously technology has advanced, but is there anything that has taken its place? Can people still make little ".wav bars" like that? What kind of program made those?
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 5 JahrenPlease help me find a Star Wars cartoon I saw on YouTube...?
Within the last month I viewed a short Star Wars cartoon (recently made), but I can't find it now. It's not in my "watched" list. I've tried plugging clue words into the search, to no avail. It had the TFA characters in it - there was a scene where the young heroes were in the side of a building (I think they had blown a hole in it while fighting - Kylo Ren, I think? Not sure), then from above, in a small vessel, Old Luke Skywalker appears, the heroes throw him a lightsaber, and I think he connects it end-to-end with his own lightsaber and throws it back. It was pretty cool but I don't know the name. Has anyone else seen this video or know how I can find it? Thanks!
1 AntwortYouTubevor 5 JahrenI have a deep fryer. What can I do to keep the food from sticking to the basket?
The first time I used my deep fryer that I just got, I made some fish n' chips, and although the quality in flavor and texture was perfect, I had a problem with the fish sticking to the basket, which means the fish broke into pieces trying to get it out of the basket. Is there any way to avoid this? It seems that if I used a non-stick cooking spray on the basket, it would be rinsed off by the hot oil. Any suggestions?
5 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 5 JahrenQuestion about "It's A Wonderful Life"?
I was just watching "It's A Wonderful Life", and I noticed a few things - there was a cop and a taxi driver named "Bert and Ernie". Were the Sesame Street characters named after them?
Secondly, I noticed that Bailey Park was a neighborhood built on a cemetery. Was the movie "Poltergeist" based on that?
2 AntwortenMoviesvor 5 JahrenCan you help me find this book?
I have been searching unsuccessfully for a children's book for decades. I remember reading it as a child in the mid-70's. I don't have an author or an ISBN, but the title is "Lucy Didn't Listen". It was one of my favorite books. It was about a little girl who daydreamed in class and didn't pay attention to the teacher's instructions in class, so she would miss out on activities or get left behind in class or miss assignments.
Does anybody else remember this book? I have searched online for it, and even searched the Library of Congress, which is supposed to have every book ever written, to no avail. Can anyone help?
3 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 5 JahrenWhat skin condition is this?
For several months now I have been suffering from constant itching in specific parts of my body. They are mosquito-bite-like welts that are found only on my scalp, buttocks, hips, inner thighs and knees. I scratch them until they bleed, but they never go away. We wash our bedsheets every week, so if it's a parasite, I'm not sure where it's coming from.My husband is not suffering this at all. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I tried looking up the symptoms on WebMD, but the closest one it sounds like is Scabies, and I'm not even sure about that.
2 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 6 JahrenWhat can the police do if I discover my 12-year old sexting with an 18-YO?
I discovered this tonight, then I told him off, blocked him and immediately uninstalled Skype from my phone and computer (the program she was using to talk to him). Unfortunately there was no easy way to save or print out the text of the conversation I could use as proof. Can the police do anything?
3 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 6 JahrenQuestion about the case involving the toddler at the Wal-mart in Hayden, ID, shooting his mom?
This might seem obvious to some, but a toddler doesn t just pull a gun out of mom s purse and pull the trigger. It doesn t work that way. In addition to being loaded, ALL handguns, whether revolvers or automatics, must be 1. ******, and 2. safety off before the trigger can even be pulled. So only one of 3 scenarios had to be true before this could happen:
1. The mom kept a loaded, ****** gun with the safety off in her purse. Not likely.
2. The toddler ****** the gun himself and removed the safety before firing. Also not likely, because it would imply the toddler knew exactly what he was doing and had the finger/hand strength to cock the gun. And no witnesses saw him do this.
3. Or a third, more conspiratorial explanation, a third party, a gun control supporter, saw the gun in the purse, ****** and removed the safety, then handed it to the toddler when the mom wasn t looking, ssolely for the purpose of creating a tragedy that could be politically exploited. However, store cameras should have caught such a person on video.
Are the details of this case available to the public? Because I d sure like to know the answer..."
9 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 6 JahrenI have McAfee antivirus subscription - so why is it not stopping the popup ads?
It s driving me (and others using the computer) crazy!! My computer settings are already set to "block popup ads" but it doesn t. What can I do about this??
2 AntwortenSecurityvor 6 JahrenHow can I restore my iphone 5c to factory settings?
A few months ago my daughter lost her iPhone 5c in the woods. We had it deactivated after that. Just a few days ago, we found it again - someone had found it right away and it was safe and unharmed. We have been trying to reactivate it, but it keeps asking for my daughter's Apple ID and password. She just changed them, but it doesn't want the current ID/password, it wants the old one that she doesn't remember. Is there a way we can reset the phone to its factory settings and wipe out all the old information? I notice there is a tiny pinhole on the side of the phone - can we do it by depressing that? I'd hate to throw away a $300 phone, so we're trying everything we can.
1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 6 JahrenI am looking for the title/artist of this 60's rock song sung in Spanish?
No, it's not "La Bamba". But it's a song baby boomers are probably familiar with. It has a kind of an old "Santana" sound to it. Heck, it could BE Santana for all I know. There are only two lines I can make out a couple of words on:
"Bueno [blah blah blah], mi hijo
Bueno [blah blah blah], sriracha
That last word is not the real word, that's just what it sounds like. They play this song on loop with dozens of other oldies in the water park where I work.
1 AntwortLyricsvor 6 Jahren