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Lv 751.579 points

pike942 SFECU pray4revival FOI

Favorisierte Antworten84%

20+yrs Police Veteran Proud U.S. Army Cold War Veteran Foster/Adoptive Father Born AGAIN June 9th '94! I believe denominations are man-made divisions in the Body of Christ. I believe in the active work of God's Holy Spirit, with "signs and wonders" following believers of the Lord Jesus Christ (said Person being born of an actual virgin :-) Yep, He can do all things! My Model Approach to Policing: Micah 6:8 -- Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God Romans 13 -- So, God "ordained" ministers of justice? ;-) S.pirit (Jn 7:39) F.illed (Acts 2:4) E.vangelical (Acts 1:8) C.hristians (Rom10:9-10) U.nited (Ps 133:1) pray4revival ✡Friends of Israel✡ Just as the indwelling of the Spirit at conversion reproduces the life of Jesus, the outpoured, infilling, or baptizing with the Spirit reproduces the ministry of Jesus. All born-again, Spirit-filled, Evangelical Christians on R&S are invited to use this acronym as well.

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