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Liberty? What IS that?

  • Would it be better if the GOP candidates accepted the theory of Evolution?

    I'm NOT a liberal , on the conserv-liberal scale I lean way more conservative but the theory of evolution is evidently true and NOT scientifically controversial and hasn't been for over a century. Having talked to mainstream conservative minded people most of them actually accept evolution but wont speak up when confronted with creationist nonsense. Should the candidates accept the science? Would this help them in the long run. ( Please do not conflate Global Warming with this in your answers since it is a separate question that is debatable unlike evolution).

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Jahren
  • Opinions on single motherhood?

    What do you guys think of single mothers?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Do you think NPR is slanted left?

    This morning I heard NPR doing a bit on how terrible Donald Trump's personality is interviewing people that have had their feelings hurt by DT. As far as I can tell only DT has been targeted by (self-reportedly 'objective') NPR to show negativity. NPR also made a huge encouraging segment on complaints about Donald Trump on SNL because he's a "racist".

    I accept the NPR is slanted left but not overly so. They are definitely closer to the middle than some other media sources. They make daily sacrifices to the idols of diversity devoting huge segments to discuss minority ( basically any non white male) issues. That's all fine but should a publically funded program be slanted like this?

    12 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 5 Jahren
  • Are non religious people more intelligent than religious?

    53 scientific studies conducted over the last several decades finds a very interesting correlation between religiosity and intelligence. Non-believers almost always scored higher IQs.


    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • To non believers: Do you think we can salvage anything taught from religion?

    Is there any good aspects you can take from religion or is it better to reject every aspect of religion and not just the supernatural parts?

    20 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Is the thermonuclear model of the Sun accurate?

    The core of the Sun is estimated to be approximately 15.7 million kelvin while the surface is only about 5,800 kelvin and the photosphere only 6,000 Kelvin. However, the corona of the Sun which is over the surface in it's vast atmosphere is about 2 million Kelvin. How is it that there is a 'cool zone' between an unimaginably hot core and corona? How does an ice cub maintain low temperature to remain solid between two space heaters?

    2 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 6 Jahren
  • Why do so many university kids idolize Karl Marx?

    He's been reborn and deified.Even I thought very highly of the man some time ago. I was a convinced Marxist-Leninist for a while. Here is a guy who told us all about the worker's struggle yet never had a real job. He survived off Engels' charity and Engles was a somewhat competent businessman who inherited his father's textile business. Karl received more money from Engels annually than most of Engels' workers did in the same year. Karl writes how cruel people exploit the worker yet he had illegitimate children with his house servant and never even claimed his children. He had three legitimate daughters and 2 of them committed suicide... He's telling us how society ought to work yet its that hard to be a father in his own home? To top it off toward the end of his years he assisted the Prussian secret police by acting as an informant against revolutionaries. This is all public information btw , no secrets here , its just that nobody really hears about this stuff. Yet , college kids love this guy!

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Class theory really belongs to the free market classical liberals , no?

    Imagine my surprise when Marxist theory of class struggle comes from classical liberals in favor of free markets. In the Communist Manifesto Marx writes :

    The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another…

    Yet years earlier classical liberal class theory was already established and more accurate I think :

    In all the revolutions, there have always been but two parties opposing each other; that of the people who wish to live by their own labor, and that of those who would live by the labor of others…. Patricians and plebeians, slaves and freemen, guelphs and ghibellines, red roses and white roses, cavaliers and roundheads, liberals and serviles, are only varieties of the same species

    Class theory belongs to the free market classical liberals , no?

    4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Why does NPR always bring up race?

    I listen to a little bit of NPR everyday on the drive to and from work and always they talk about something racial. I don't think I've heard about so much division of people into race categories than on NPR. Anybody else notice this?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why are Tea Party people still neocons?

    A while back ago I was attracted to the Tea Party for about a nanosecond until I found out its just neoconservative bs just repackaged. Same old progressive bs. How many Tea Party people here are actually not Neocons? Just curious.

    9 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 Jahren
  • What do when our economic system can't meet hard limits?

    Since we have a money system that must grow (the fiat debt based currency system) , finite energy resources that won't grow ( such as Oil , Uranium , Coal , etc) and are being depleted, what do when our economic system can't grow due to the hard limits of a physical spherical planet and finite resources that have been/ are being depleted?

    1 AntwortEconomicsvor 8 Jahren
  • If greedy people are the problem then ...?

    ...why would people insist that the government combat greed? Are not the officials in government people as well and are they not prone to the same greed other people have? What makes politicians better than everyone else? If anything I would think the most greedy people in society would be drawn to an institution like the state where they have a monopoly on force to get what they want.

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 8 Jahren