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Lv 43.809 points

Bob Klein

Favorisierte Antworten22%

I teach Tai-chi-Chuan in Sound Beach, Long Island, NY. Was certified as a Tai-chi teacher in 1975 by Grandmaster William C. C. Chen. I wrote the books, "Movements of Magic - the Spirit of Tai-chi-Chuan", "Movements of Power - Ancient Secrets of Unleashing Instinctual Vitality" and the adventure novel, "The Doubting Snake". Under the Artistic Video label, over 25 instructional DVDs have been produced in which I teach. Clips of these videos (and those by others) can be seen at the "zookinesis49" channel of I teach Yang and Chen forms, animal and weapons forms, Taoist philosophy, chi-gung, zookinesis age reversal exercises, push hands, sparring and provide Tai-chi massage at my school. Lately I have been doing a lot of work teaching zookinesis to seniors to restore their vitality. My website is and free articles are located at

  • Push Hands training in another martial art?

    Does anyone use Push Hands training in another art besides Tai-chi-Chuan?

    9 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • My computer doesn't recognize my speakers.?

    I replaced my c drive when it crashed (I have two other drives with data) and loaded windows xp (which I need for my programs). Now when I go into the control panel into audio, it doesn't recognize my speakers. I changed the speakers and still the same results. I don't get audio out of the speakers but when I load a video into my video program, the computer records the video - I just can't hear it. The speakers are plugged into the right jack (which is on the motherboard - asus.) Any ideas about what i can look into?

    2 AntwortenAdd-onsvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you regularly exercise and which exercises?

    I have been practicing Tai-chi and the Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises all my life. At 64, entering "old age" I hope that I will continue to be active until the day I die. What is your experience with exercise - when did you start, which exercises do you do and how active are you?

    10 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 8 Jahren
  • Should one race practice the ceremonies of another?

    I recently posted a video on youtube of someone teaching the Native American Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremonies to non Indians. Several Indians commented that this ceremony should only be for Indians and no one else should do a Sweat. I posted my comments on this idea on the following blog:

    Can I get your comments to my blog response?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you fight with loose, moving joints or tight locked joints?

    Some martial artists keep the joints mobile and moving while fighting. This allows quicker response and more intricate movement. My style of Tai-chi-Chuan is like this. Other styles keep the joints tight until they are needed for a specific movement, the idea being that this protects the joints. Personally I find it hard to understand this second point of view. I would think that keeping tight just locks you up. Your ideas?

    10 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • Anyone study Tai-chi-Chuan with Grandmaster William C. C. Chen?

    Here is a little treat - a video I taped of Grandmaster Chen performing his Yang Short form and some interviews. It is in three parts on youtube. This is the first time it has ever been shown. Sorry about the video quality but it is an old tape. Here is the first part:

    2 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • What is your experience with Push Hands?

    Are you able to remain relaxed and fluid even if your partner is tense?

    1 AntwortMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • Are there Christian sects believing Jesus is not God?

    Does the Eastern Orthodox Church believe that Jesus is just a fully evolved person rather than God? What about the Egyptian Coptics?

    16 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Have martial arts students changed?

    For those who have been teaching at least 30 years - do you find that the students of 30 or 40 years ago were different than they are today? If so, how?

    4 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there a record of the Council of Nicea proceedings?

    I know there are two generalized accounts but are there actual "minutes" of the proceedings, if not made public, then at least in the Vatican library?

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • Is it better to be relaxed or tense?

    In the internal styles you stay relaxed and fluid and only tense up as you are striking. You also stay mentally calm and unaffected so your mind is clear. In the external styles you are more tense (though of course not rigid) throughout the sparring and use anger to give you energy. (These are generalities, of course). What is your approach in this regard?

    16 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • Any info on the three new Tai-chi movies in 2012?

    Three new Tai-chi movies are supposed to be coming out this year. One is by Jet Li, one produced by Stephen Chow and someone told me about a third movie. Anyone know when these are coming out?

    3 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • What kinds of exercise do you do? Tai-chi, Yoga, Pilates, etc?

    Many exercises such as Tai-chi, chi-gung and Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises are supposed to be very good for seniors. How many seniors actually practice these exercises?

    10 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • What do Christians think of the Gnostic Gospels?

    I have read the Gnostic Gospels several times and am amazed by the wisdom of Jesus that is not shown in the Bible. In the old days, Bibles were written by hand and so could not include all the literature at that time (or it would be too large and expensive).

    I feel that it is unfortunate that the Gnostic Gospels, which might give non-Christians an even better impression of Jesus, were not only NOT preserved by the Church but were purposefullly destroyed by the Church.

    What do you Christians think?

    20 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahren
  • Are traditional martial arts dead?

    With Tai-chi Push Hands turning into competition push hands (which is just pushing and shoving) and traditional styles turning into MMA, which is more like a fight club, with the attention span of people down to just a few seconds, is the rigorous and detailed training of traditional martial arts a thing of the past?

    I have seen my own art, Tai-chi-Chuan degraded to the point where there are people here on Long Island who have never even taken a class in this art, who are teaching it. They just make things up.

    The training of chi-gung is ridiculed because practitioners don't want to bother to go through the intense training for chi development and so it is easier to just say there is no such energy as chi.

    Is this the era of lazy martial arts - lots of huffing and puffing but very little specific learning of basic mechanics of mind and body?

    22 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 10 Jahren
  • The most incredible drugs!?

    Has anyone heard about these drugs before? I have found out about the most incredible drugs to make you feel great. They come from organically grown fresh vegetables and are called vitamins and minerals. All you have to do is eat them. They are fairly cheap (compared to other drugs) and even taste great. Better yet - there are no negative side effects. If you combine these drugs with mild exercise such as Tai-chi, Yoga or Pilates, that magnifies the effect. Best yet, it is legal so far. The drug pushers of these drugs are called, "Health Food Stores". Spread the word! ,

    6 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt