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  • legal help to sue apartment complex?

    I just moved out of my apartment. The apartment was spotless when I left and nothing was broken. I was sent a bill for a huge cleaning fee plus charges for a utility bill that I already paid. I sent proof of both to the company that owns the complex, but they refuse to drop the fraudulent fees or return my security deposit. They won't work with the BBB either.

    During the year I was there, there was a severe problem with black mold and roaches. They refused to fix either, despite numerous requests on my part. The mold was even making me sick, causing migraines, nose bleeds and asthma attacks. I have pictures of the mold where the walls are solid black in places and rotting out. Although it's not visible, the bedroom floor was spongy and clearly rotting beneath the carpet.

    I want to sue them to force them to drop the fees and return my security deposit, at the very least. If possible, I want to sue them for exposing me to hazardous conditions that impacted my health. I do NOT have medical bills from this. Since I knew what was causing the health issues, I didn't bother to go in because the doctor wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. To him, it would have just looked like allergies.

    I am in Texas. If anyone knows how to file at least a civil lawsuit, please let me know how. If a lawyer is required for something more substantial, I need to find one that works on contingency. I'm a student and I can't afford to hire a lawyer otherwise.

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 4 Jahren
  • Tiles floors are sticky even though they're clean.?

    The floors have been washed multiple times using different cleaners. (Bleach, Mr. Clean, Spick and Span.) I also rinsed them several times to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. My shoes are also clean.

    Why is it doing this and how do I make it stop?

    Cleaning & Laundryvor 4 Jahren
  • Looking for an old computer game?

    There was a computer game in the 90s where you typed commands on the keyboard and the two characters on the screen would do what you said. One was human and followed the instructions correctly. The other was either purple or blue and a complete idiot. For example, if you told the human to water a tree, he would walk over to it and pour water from his canteen at the base of the tree. Given the same instructions, the purple guy would take a gulp of water and then spit it on the tree. At that point the tree would get angry and slap him with a branch, knocking him several screens away. This was actually necessary because there was absolutely no other way to get to that area.

    I've been trying to find this game for years. Does anyone know what it's called?

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • How do I stop crows from attacking my car?

    When they land on the ground and peck at my bumpers and doors, they mess up the paint. When they land on my car, they scratch up the paint and peck at the windows. They are NOT attacking a reflection of what they think are other birds. I deliberately got my car extremely muddy to test the reflection theory. (I can't use a car cover. I live in the country and copperheads like to hide in them.) I think the crows just like the noise they're making.

    How do I make them stop? If I can't make them stop, how do I kill them? They've done almost a thousand dollars of damage to my car in the last two months.

    7 AntwortenZoologyvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I get back to yahoo mail classic?

    I *HATE* the new version. My mouse won't track over the window. When changing font size, the tool bars on the left vanish off the screen and are no longer accessible. The bottom quarter of the screen doesn't respond to the mouse, even when I can get the pointer in that area. In one day, the number of spam emails I got increased over tenfold. The messenger at the bottom of the screen keeps linking me to porn freaks, and it keeps coming back up no matter how many times I close it. There are pop ups everywhere, and I'm tired of the multiple windows taking over the screen. I've had to restart my computer because there are so many linked together that the entire monitor becomes clogged with them, some of which are X-rated! And if this isn't bad enough, the new mail is crawling with trojans. I have access to anti-viral programs that the public can't get, and that's the only reason I found them.

    This is ridiculous! Yahoo wouldn't even let me get to my account unless I agreed to use the new version. I know that yahoo says you can't go back to the old version, but is there something that can be done to get it to at least work???

    4 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 9 Jahren
  • House MD series finale background music?

    In the series finale, what is the name of the instrumental song in the background when the burning building collapses?

    If you know other instrumental or background music, I'd love to know them too. Some of the melancholy ones are absolutely beautiful, but I don't even know where to start looking. I can find the songs with lyrics, it's the instrumental ones that I can't figure out.

    1 AntwortDramavor 9 Jahren
  • How do you stop spam to yahoo mail?

    When my first email address started to get spam, I flagged the messages as spam. That caused the number of messages to increase by a hundred fold in a few days. I had to open a new address. For that one, I just deleted the spam as it came, but it still increased steadily. The idea of turning off marketing emails under options did absolutely nothing to slow down any of the spam. My current addresses get at least a hundred spam emails a day, at least half of them offering me viagra at a discount rate. Since I'm a woman, I have obviously never ordered that. None of my current addresses have been given to any website or company, I have never signed up into any groups online or signed onto any kind of mailing list. Only my friends have the addresses, and they've never sent me anything that could have caused that. As an experiment, I even opened a dummy account and did absolutely nothing with it. It gets slammed by yahoo spam too, and not a soul on the planet knows it exists except me. In every single account, the spam folder only sorts out about half of the mess and the rest ends up in my inbox.

    Am I missing something? Is there actually a way to stop or at least slow down this nonsense?

    6 AntwortenAbuse and Spamvor 9 Jahren
  • I can see black light and UV light. Why?

    The ability to see UV light has been medically proven by three ophthalmologists and an optometrist. So don't try to say that's not what I'm seeing.

    A little over a decade ago, my right eye got hurt and developed a cataract. In the spring of 2010, I had cataract surgery and I now have a Crystalens in that eye. While learning to focus it, I saw that a lot of colors were a bit off and didn't match what the other eye saw. There were times that I saw bright purple or violet light that the other eye didn't register at all. It took me awhile to figure out what it was exactly. While looking for scorpions one night to make sure I didn't step on one of the monsters, I found out that the black light in my hand was creating the purple light that I couldn't identify before. After that, I played with lots of black lights and could see them all very easily with that eye.

    I went back to the ophthalmologist that did the surgery, and he confirmed that I could see what I claimed. He also brought in some colleagues of his who also confirmed that it was black light. I found that black lights are extremely easy to see pretty much anywhere at any time. They're very bright... purple, for lack of a better descriptive color. I can't exactly match what I can see. I was asked if I could also see UV light and I said that I wasn't sure. UV light was a bit harder to identify since regular sunlight is so bright that it overpowers everything else. On cloudy days though, the clouds allow enough of the UV to get through to partially confuse my vision. Since the cloud cover has to be thick enough to block enough light to barely allow just the UV through, it's been impossible so far to get that part of it tested. I still suspect that it's what I can see on cloudy days since I can see more clearly than anyone else, and only the eye with the Crystalens is able to make out those details when the other eye cannot. I reported that to my surgeon, but without the ability to test natural UV light, he had acquired an extremely expensive looking light and tested me with that. It was extremely bright, but once again, it was confirmed that I could see at least artificial UV light.

    I have to ask why though. I'm not sure what the difference is with the lens or if there's something else going on. The surgeons are baffled. They've never seen this happen before. I've never heard of anyone else that can see black or ultra violet light.

    Any ideas? I'm really curious.

    2 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • Pet megachiroptera (flying fox)?

    I'm looking to get a pet megachiroptera, aka megabat or flying fox. They're cute! Are they legal to own in Texas? I know I'm weird, but I like having unusual pets. I've gone way out of my way to pamper every single pet I've ever owned, so please don't give me a hard time about taking creatures out of their habitats.

    If it's not possible to get a flying fox... does anyone know where I can get a capybara? I know they need a lot of room and that they're semi-aquatic. I live in the country, have several hundred acres of land, several ponds and lakeside access. I'm pretty sure the cows wouldn't care since they're not predators. I would call it Rus (Rodent of Unusual Size... props if you know where that came from).

    5 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 10 Jahren
  • Who has voluntary nystagmus? (Rapid shaking of the eyes side to side?)?

    I've been able to initiate nystagmus (rapid shaking of the eyes side to side) since I was four years old. In my entire life, I've encountered exactly three people that can do the same thing. One was a boy in elementary school who wasn't very good at it. The other two are my cousin's two kids. His daughter learned to do it when she was five. His son learned to do it when he was four. I did NOT teach them that. While in medical school, I had dozens of doctors and hundreds of medical students following me around to see that trick. It obviously extremely rare. I'm beginning to think that there's a genetic component to this trick. After all, with something that rare, it shouldn't have appeared three times in the same family, at the same age, unless there was a genetic aspect to it. Right?

    Can anyone else do this? Are there others in your family that can do it? How old were you when you learned how? If I do it too long or too many times back to back, I get a little dizzy and a very mild headache that goes away after a few minutes. Does anyone else have that happen?

    Considering how many doctors, medical students, optometrists and ophthalmologists that follow me around to see it, I'm fairly certain that this is not something that I'm supposed to be able to do... I'm really curious. I obviously can't ask my little cousins, and no one else can do this.

    31 AntwortenOpticalvor 10 Jahren
  • Good practical joke? List all you can!?

    My brother and a few of my friends have gotten me with practical jokes every now and then. This is an ongoing battle. Give me the best you can think of! They seriously have it coming. (So do I, but that's another matter...)

    I want tons of answers to this request! List everything you can think of. Be creative. If it's embarrassing or heart stopping, all the better.

    4 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 10 Jahren
  • Can a period result in puking?

    Does anyone else get sick to their stomach when they start their period? Sick enough to throw up. Last night when my period started, I felt extremely hot and ended up puking. I'm not sick and this isn't food poisoning. There are no pesticides or other chemicals here.

    Women only please.

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 10 Jahren
  • How do I kill scorpions?

    In the last three days, I've been stung three times by scorpions. They're huge and I can't seem to keep them outside or kill them. I've sprayed poison inside and outside. I've set off bug bombs. They're still everywhere.

    Is there something else that will either kill them or keep them away? I hate going to the freaking ER for anaphylactic shock every time one of them gets inside!

    4 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 10 Jahren
  • Why do my hands tremble?

    All day, every day since I was 19, my hands tremble. Sometimes it's so violent that I can't write or type. (Or cook, or sew, or put in contacts, or hold a book steady enough to read, etc.) There are days that the shaking extends beyond my hands, down the arms and through the shoulders and torso. I don't know if I shake in my sleep or not, but it is present from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed.

    My blood sugar is fine. I don't have a vitamin deficiency. No one in my family has Parkinson's, Huntington's, Alzheimer's or epilepsy. No one has had seizures. This doesn't seem to be linked to emotions or nerves. Happy, sad, angry... doesn't matter. I always shake.

    Does anyone know a reason why?

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I catch a wild hog?

    I live on a 500+ acre ranch. Out here, there are a lot of animals besides the cows, including wild hogs, deer, a mountain lion and wolves.

    The wolves don't do anything, they just look at you. Not a problem. The mountain lion pretends it doesn't even notice us at all. Neither is doing any harm. The pigs are another story.

    The hogs are tearing up the soil, fighting/goring the cows, and are not afraid to charge people. They're dangerous and there are tons of the buggers.

    Here's the problem. I can't find the things during the day. Considering that they're 800 pounds as adults, they hide amazingly well. I'd just shoot them and be done with it, but I can't find them during the day. At night, they roam around in rather large groups and I have no intention of messing with that many all at once.

    I need a way to catch the damn things so I can kill them so they can't attack the people and cows on the ranch. Live animal traps are not snaring them. They catch the calfs though, and that usually leads to a heffer trying to get her calf out and they both get injured. And I don't dare dig a pitfall because I just know that some cow is going to fall in it and break a leg.

    With a rope, at least the cows can't tear themselves up. Even if I did snare one with a rope, the heffers will be able to stand and keep calm enough for me to let them loose in the morning.

    Can anyone tell me how to rig a good snare? The shape of a hog's head makes it rather difficult to get it by the head.

    Can anyone figure a way to catch them without maiming the livestock?

    8 AntwortenHuntingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I keep deer out of my garden?

    I have a vegetable garden. Despite my best efforts, the deer keep eating everything. Fences don't faze the buggers, they just bounce over it like it isn't there. I can't leave it attached to heavy voltage wires either since there are little kids around that will not stay in their own freaking yards. They go everywhere when the parents aren't around and I can't ignore work to babysit the neighborhood brats. They're not interested in the garden, but they aren't smart enough to know what an electric fence is either. For the same reason, I can't use barbwire. And since there are kids, there are neighbors, so really loud things are out as well.

    I'd get a dog, but I'm allergic...

    Any ideas to scare the deer away?

    4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone else use a Crystalens to see UV light?

    After an eye injury, I developed a cataract. When I was 28, I had the lens removed and a Crystalens placed in my right eye. For a little while, the colors that eye saw were different. Eventually, most of the colors shifted to match the other eye.

    The exception is that the eye with the Crystalens could see UV light from the beginning. It still can. The eye with a normal lens can't see anything, but the replacement lens shows the light very clearly.

    My optometrist has never heard of that before. But to be fair, very few people have cataract surgery at my age, and the lens is fairly new to the market. Older people that have this surgery usually have both lenses replaced. Since it's just one for me, I can compare them. I can use a black light to navigate in places where everyone else is completely blind in the darkness. To me, the light seems to be vivid purple, a shade that I can't match anywhere in the normal spectrum. The light is extremely bright, almost to the point of being painful if I use it for an extended span of time.

    Can anyone else see UV light because of this lens?

    3 AntwortenOpticalvor 1 Jahrzehnt