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My expertise is in gaming (classic & Nintendo consoles), but I also enjoy computers as well as cooking.
Any hidden Wii Gems that I've missed?
While the Wii U is still a few weeks from being released & my Wii library is fairly comprehensive, I was wondering if there's ANY Wii games (Retail or Digital) that I might have missed.
BEFORE YOU ANSWER, please bear the following:
1) Please check my current library FIRST at BEFORE making any recommendations! -- I'm not trying to brag about my library (as I have it in a spreadsheet to keep my question within Yahoo! Answer's text limit), but your recommendations are worthless if I already have it. My library may help give you an idea on what I might like as well.
Again, please do some research BEFORE posting your recommendations to avoid redundancies.
2) There's virtually no restrictions on release format. -- Retail, WiiWare & Virtual Console recommendations are all valid here. Therefore, don't restrict yourself to any one format.
The ONLY RESTRICTION I have to impose is that the game MUST be available in North America (NTSC-U). I know that other world regions (Japan, Europe, ect.) may have some cool games, but it's too much of a headache for me to modify my Wii to switch regions.
3) Please exclude the following games from your recommendations.
* Lego Indiana Jones
* Lego Indiana Jones 2
* Back to the Future: The Game
* Madworld
* The Sims 3
* Retro City Rampage (WiiWare)
These games have been tried & I either quickly cleared the game OR didn't care for the game's aesthetics / mechanics. In the case of Retro City Rampage, it's already on my purchase list, but it hasn't been released yet for WiiWare.
4) The more obscure the game is, the better. -- Again, I'm looking for hidden gems & NOT the big name AA / AAA titles. You're more likely to get selected for the best answer with recommendations like World of Goo (WiiWare) than Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii, ect.)
Any recommendations would be helpful!
4 AntwortenNintendo Wiivor 9 JahrenDo I still need to download 32-bit browser plugins for my 64-bit system?
This is probably one of the common (if potentially stupid) questions that's bound to get ask.
I'm currently on a 64-bit system (running Windows 7) & when it comes to browser plugins, I'm always wondering if I still need to download the 32-bit versions of Java & Flash to use with my browsers OR do the 64-bit versions include the 32-bit counterparts as well?
Right now, I'm downloading both to be on the safe side, but the big question is...
Am what I'm doing necessary (downloading both)?
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenWhat's a Good Video Editor with 3DS Video?
I've consider starting to take videos with my 3DS & post them online to YouTube. HOWEVER, in order to get the 3D video support to work properly, I need to edit the video to work.
While the one online article helps ( ), the software they use is Sony's Vegas Pro 11 & I don't have the $600 to spend on that software.
On the tech side, I'm using a Windows 7 (64-bit) system with a WEI of 3.4... if that helps refine your answers.
I was wondering if there's a cheaper, or preferably a free open-source, program that I can pick up & use to edit my videos prior to uploading to Youtube?
4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenWhere can I appraise my Magic: The Gathering cards?
I've amassed a fair collection of cards from Magic: The Gathering, I'm considering on selling them. However, I want to re-appraise my collection prior to selling (the last appraising performed was about a decade ago), just to get an idea of their fair-market value.
Could you point me to a website where I can get a pricing guide to help me on this?
4 AntwortenCard Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's causing my laptop freezing on boot-up (Diagnostic Help)?
OK computer experts, time to give you a little challenge here! I have a laptop that was dumped on me from my brother in an attempt to fix it. Unfortunately, it's something fairly major that I can't figure out & I need a little help figuring out what exacting is going wrong with the system (which means it's something major). Here is what's going on...
When I turn on the laptop in a "cold boot" (shut down for at least 24 hours, all components at room temperature... around 60 - 75 F), it occasionally freezes up during the start-up process. This leaves the laptop's processor exaust fan running, but it leaves the screen completely off (LED backlights are off). Sometimes, the computer actually gets further in the boot-up process, so I can access the BIOS or even as far as to log into Windows. However, at some point, the entire system freezes up without warning. The only thing I can do is hold down the power button until the system turns off. I've not been forced to simulate a power outage on the laptop (by removing the AC adapter & the laptop's battery) to turn it off.
My working theory is that the issue lies somewhere on the motherboard based on the different points where the freezes occur. I can eliminate the laptop's RAM & hard drive from the suspects since I have swapped components from another salvaged laptop of a similar model. One theory, which I'm resisting due to the high improbability, is that the laptop suffers from overheating. The main reason I'm resisting this theory is that the entire system is resting at room temperature (as mentioned above) & it shouldn't be overheating within the first 15 seconds (being generous with here) of turning the system on. When the system was working (prior to this issue), the system usually rested on a hard surface & the back of the laptop was occasionally elevated to help with ventilation (& to help eliminate lighly roasting the user's leg(s)).
I do have a working knowledge of the system's build that I can tear it apart to some degree (can access to RAM, WiFi Card, Hard Drive, Keyboard, processor & heat pump with a little work) & I'm not willing to cough up the $60 or more for professional diagnostics & repairs as it isn't really worth the cost compared to the value of the laptop... so if I can't fix it myself or cheaply, I'll likly give up scrap the system (or at the very least, salvage it for parts in a future project).
1) What is the probable issue with the laptop? -- Please give a reasonable explaination for the cause of the issue
2) What repair options would you recommend (IF ANY)? -- Please be aware that I'm not planning on spending much (if any) on parts & I'm not planning on tearing the entire laptop apart either. DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING A NEW LAPTOP (as only spammers will do so)!!!
Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered to my question, even if it just confirms my suspicions. Hopefully somebody has a reasonable answer (even if it's something I may not like) to help me out!
2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntWhere can I find some good FREE Online Comic series?
I just got into Dr. McNinja online & was wondering if there's any other series online that's worth looking into.
Please note I'm looking for book-style & NOT strip-style (like you find in the newspaper) NOR sites like Penny Arcade here.
Please include links to these sites. Lesser known & obscurer titles are preferred over more common stuff (so avoid X-men, Spiderman, Superman & similar stuff).
2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt