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Lv 199 points


Favorisierte Antworten33%
  • Where can i watch Bayern Munich vs. Barcelona 8.April in america?

    hey guys where can i watch the game on the 8th of april

    i havent found anything yet is espn showing it???

    thx a lot

    5 AntwortenUEFA Champions Leaguevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Gmx mail doesnt work on a Mac?

    hi everybody

    i am form germany and use gmx mail serivce

    i have been living in the states for 4 years now and just got a mac

    i always used outlook and now wanted to use the os x mail programm

    this is what happens

    after filling out add acount

    this is the first message i get


    it was no problem with outlook so i dont know what the problem is


    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is my money safe with Bank of america?

    hey everybody

    due to recent events like the fall down of lehman brothers and soon wamu

    i am asking myself if my money is save with bank of america

    it feels like nowadays the safest way to take care of you money is a safe at home and a gun next to it ;)))))

    so thanks for reading and answering

    2 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Something bit me need help?

    i noticed 4 days ago that something must have bitten me because i saw a bite mark on my left foot and it was itching like hell

    first i thought its just a mosquito bite but it didnt go away and my food was swollen what has never happened before

    there is no pain just this realy bad itch that has spread all over my food now and its still swollen not as bad as the first days though

    during the day i hardly feel anything its just when i lay down in bed it starts itching again and keeps me up all night

    any ideas what it could be?

    did something bite me?

    what bit me?

    i live in Phoenix, AZ if that helps

    1 AntwortInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dark Bar in Glendale or Peoria, AZ?

    hey there

    does anybody know a nice dark bar

    one like in the movies where you get a nice cold one and sit right at the bar and can drink away your sorrow??

    thx a lot

    2 AntwortenPhoenixvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • feuerbälle über münchen 4.juli 08?

    hallo alle zusammen

    wer hat am freitag am 4. juli. 08 zwei feuerbaelle ueber muenchen gesehen

    es waren zwei objekte die sehr schnell am himmel vorbeischossen und dann wieder verschwanden

    wer weiss was

    wer hat was gesehen


    7 AntwortenAstronomie & Raumfahrtvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • passed out after fight dangerous?

    hey everybody

    i just got home and something wired has happened

    i was at a friends house and we where fighting just for fun and it was more of a pushing around then anything else well at point i was looking at the floor and he came in and pushed my head down by accident i suddenly felt a wierd streching pain all the way down my spin

    3 sec after that i said ouch my back and i had to lay down i have no clue what happened then but i was somewhere else not in this world and everything was wierd its realy hard to describe i just know i asked myself what i was doing on the floor and then i got up and it took another 10 sec before i knew where i was

    what happened to me????

    3 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Problem with video on Canon Digital IXUS 75?

    every time i take videos with my digi cam it workes great and i can watch them on my camera but as soon as i copy/cut them onto my pc they dont work anymore

    any tipps?

    2 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • losing my mind with pug puppy?

    i just flip a little

    we have had a pug puppy for around one and a half month and to be honest it was well i dont want to say always a nightmare but most of the time

    he is 4 month old now and it seems like he is unable to learn anything

    for example the reason why i flipped was that he was in his crade, where we keep him at night, and did his hey people i have to poop whining so i took him and nothing happened he just layed in the grass and look at me well that happened three more times and i have to admit i took him out and gave him a spank on his bottom i was just so mad.

    another thing is that NO doesn't work at all. i see him chewing on cloth and say no and give him his toy well 3 sec after he's on the cloth again chewing away like nothing ever happened so again NO but no responds

    i don't know what to do anymore he just does his own thing and nomatter what i do or tell him he doesnt care.


    hey i have to say nomatter what he does i still love him that little bugger

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • EU-Recht ueber Deutschem Recht und Drogen?

    hallo alle zusammen,

    ich hab mich mal gefragt wie man in deutschland eingelich mit drogen z.b pilzen oder hanf sich strafbar macht.

    EU-Recht steht doch ueber Deutschem-Recht

    da sind wir uns doch alle einig also wie kann dann das essen von pilzen in deutschland illegal sein wenn es in anderen laendern in der EU legal ist.

    z.b Absint war in deutschland verboten aber daher spanien es legalisiert hat musste deutschland es auch zulassen wegen dem EU-Recht.

    in Holland (wo auch sonst ;) sind Pilze (magic mushrooms) legal und wurden nach einer studie als lebensmittel eingestuft

    die studie wurde von einem internationalem vorschungs centrum durchgefuert was dazu kam das pilze unschaedlich sind.

    warum kann dann deutschland magic mushrooms verbieten???

    danke fuers lesen und antworten

    2 AntwortenRecht & Ethikvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • pug puppy whining at night?

    we have a pug puppy who is about 9 weeks old now and we got him about a week now

    we keep him in his crate when we cant watch him to prevent him from pooping all over the house and also that he gets used to it so he understands that the crate is his house

    everything works so far we take him out to play and for food and every hour to to put him outside where he can pee or poop

    now the problem comes at night when he wont shut up he whines and whines without stop we tried to say stop and he just gets louder

    the only thing that helps sometimes is to move the crate into the bathroom

    my question now is if that is a "good move" or not

    are we doing the right thing or are we giving him the feeling of loneliness?

    thanks for reading and for answering my question

    9 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ADHD might came back?

    hey everybody

    when i was diagnosed with adhd i was 6 years old and i took Ritalin for a while and it helped but i didn't like it because i thought hey thats not me and there is something in my body that is changing me and i dont like that.

    well i stopped taking them after 2 month and adhd slowly went away to the point where i could study

    now im in college and i cant study for ****

    i sit down and after 5 min im somewhere else

    another thing is that i am very lazy and i do everything last minute

    my question is if i adhd did come back or am i just really lazy and who do i talk to if it realy is adhd?

    thanks a lot

    2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt