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  • Macro Economic Questions?

    1. Does the government deficit increase or decrease during a recession if the government does not change its spending or taxation policy?


    2. Does the government deficit increase or decrease during a recession if the government provides a fiscal stimulus?

    Thank you

    1 AntwortEconomicsvor 4 Jahren
  • Doubled up on birth control now light bleeding?

    I was supposed to take my active pill two weeks ago at 10.. I fell asleep and forgot about it and while i was going to take the day i forgot s pill i took both of them... That day was my last active pill and today i started my placebo week. Though i am on my period i had sex BEFORE i realized i missed the pill and BEFORE i doubled up.. Before taking both pills.. What is my risk? I forgot a pill for 24 houRs... The next day instead of taking the placebos i started my new pack.. NOW twoweeks later i am expierencing a light bleeding i have never had.. This is a WEEK before i am expecting my period.. Help!

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 5 Jahren
  • CREEPY Guy at my work?? Help!! (Sorry very long)?

    Yesterday i was working and one of our regular customers came in.. I am usually very nice and friendly towards him and We talk about fishing ect. When he came in he was smiling at me unusually amd said if i ever wanted to go out of town with him we can go fishing. He has mever said that to me. After he left the store 10 minutes later he called me and said how amazing i was and how he would like to get to know me outside of work... He is my friend on facebook-(i didnt see this coming) and he asked if my boyfriend and i were in a serious relationship... It really creeped me out because HE IS 44... And i am only 18. Plus i have a boyfriend. My boyfriend messaged him about it and then the guy messaged me about how he just wanted a "friendship" and that im nice to tslk to...i dont know what to do now.. I hope i didnt make him mad so he would do harmful things to me or my boyfriend.. Help sorry its so long.. :(

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Creepy Guy? Help?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 5 Jahren
  • Birth control?? Help?

    Ive been on birth control for almost a year.. I have kept my birth control pills in my backpack. Last week i left my backpack in my car for 30 min/ 1 hour and now its about average 60/70 degrees out but i know in my car it can get a little warmer.. The birth control was still intact and in its container? Im paranoid because i am sexually active and ive been taking them like normal help?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth Control and Heat?? Help!!!!?

    Ive been on birth control for almost a year.. I have kept my birth control pills in my backpack. Last week i left my backpack in my car for 30 min/ 1 hour and now its about average 60/70 degrees out but i know in my car it can get a little warmer.. The birth control was still intact and in its container? Im paranoid because i am sexually active and ive been taking them like normal help?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Period on birth control?

    About three weeks ago i started my birth control pack( been on it for almost 9 months) however, i was unable to get my new pack on time so i got it 11 hours later and took my first pill 11 hours later.. Since then my bf and i have been having sex often. I just took my last active pill tonight and i start my placebos tomorrow. Last night i had a brownish discharge and i had pinkish red blood today.. It only lasted about 12 hours because now i am not bleeding anymore.. I am very paranoid about being pregnant. The only symptoms are- sore boobs- which i get every time before my period and i broke out a little.. Usually i get my period by now but it hasnt come yet!!! Help?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Chance of pregnancy?? Help!!!?

    I was supposed to start my new birth control pack thursday at 10pm.. I wasnt able to get a new pack till friday and the earliest i Took my pill was at 9am.. 11 hours later. I have never skipped or missed a pill and i just had sex thursday and days on my placebo week where he went inside me.. Should i get plan b?? Help!! I have been taking my birth control for 9 months..

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Late start on birth control?

    I was supposed to start my new birth control pack thursday at 10pm.. I wasnt able to get a new pack till friday and the earliest i Took my pill was at 9am.. 11 hours later. I have never skipped or missed a pill and i just had sex thursday and days on my placebo week where he went inside me.. Should i get plan b?? Help!! I have been taking my birth control for 9 months..

    Women's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Period and birth control help??!?

    I am on my 7th pack of birth control; and I take it every night around 10pm. One time i was three hours late but i didnt do anything that day.. Maybe I'm just being paranoid because I got my period last 27 days ago and I haven't gotten it yet. But I'm in the middle of my third week of my BC today and it isn't due for a couple days but last month I got it earlier then usual.. Whenever my boyfriend and I have sex we do not use a condom but he pulls out right before he ejaculates.. Any help?? I'm so worried!!! You would think after so long it would come when its supposed to..

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth control question?? Help?

    I am on my 5th pack of birth control; and I take it every night at 10 pm sharp. Maybe I'm just being paranoid because I got my period last 27 days ago and I haven't gotten it yet. But I'm in the middle of my third week of my BC today and it isn't due for a couple days but last month I got it earlier then usual.. Whenever my boyfriend and I have sex we do not use a condom but he pulls out right before he ejaculates.. Any help?? I'm so worried!!!

    Women's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth control question?

    I have been on my birth control for 4 months; and I take it every night at 10 pm sharp. Maybe I'm just being paranoid because I got my period last 27 days ago and I haven't gotten it yet. But I'm starting my third week of my BC today and it isn't due for another week but last month I got it earlier then usual.. Whenever my boyfriend and I have sex we do not use a condom but he pulls out right before he ejaculates.. Any help?? I'm so worried!!!

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Sore boobs on birth control?

    I have been taking my birthcontrol for 5 months now- I have had sex but he always pulls out before he comes. And I take my birth control every night at 10:00 sharp. My period is due in a week and a half and I am expierence my painful sore boobs. I have gotten this before but I don't remember getting it last month. I am very paranoid that I'm pregnant? I've never missed a pill

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth control and Biotin?

    I have been taking my birth control pills for almost 5 months.. If I were to start taking Biotin 5000 mcg vitimans would they effect the birth control??

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Early period on birth control?

    I have been taking my birthcontrol for 4 months now- I am half way done with the fourth pack. I am starting my third week tonight and I got my period?? It is a week early?? I have had sex but he always pulls out before he comes. And I take my birth control every night at 10:00 sharp.. I just don't get this?? Why is my period still not coming on time. It has been early every month

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth control and cold medicine?

    I have been sick for the past week and have been taking cough medicine- such as Walgrens brand Nyquil and DayQuil.. Also Advil..NONE which are antibiotics.. Will these effect my birth control "Aubra"?? I have been on it for 4 months and I take it every day at 10:00 pm sharp.. Help?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Birth control and medication?

    I have been sick for the past week and have been taking cough medicine- such as Walgrens brand Nyquil and DayQuil.. Also Advil..NONE which are antibiotics.. Will these effect my birth control?? I have been on it for 4 months and I take it every day at 10:00 pm sharp.. Help?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • After death, crossing over"?

    My father passed away 5 years ago when I was 13. My grandma went to a psychic yesterday and said my father had still not "crossed over" or made it to heaven yet.. What does this mean? Why hasn't he crossed over yet

    12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Tanning twice in one day?

    I went tanning earlier.. Around 1. Now my mom wants to go with me around 6.. I know this is very bad but I would only do this one time. Has anyone ever did this before ?

    3 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 6 Jahren
  • Birthcontrol and sex?

    I have been on birth control for almost two months. I start my placebo pills on Thursday. Me and my boyfriend have been having sex since I finished my first pack. We never use condoms, and he always pulls out. Both of us don't have any stds as we have been tested. Everytime I have sex after when I pee there's this slippery discharge and kinda goopy.. What is this?? I am not ovulating because I am on birth control.. Am I pregnant?

    6 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren