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God Must Be Crazy
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How will be my Rahu M D and Moon A D and Mars A D?
18.08.1976 8.55 am Bangalore city
from 15. 02.2012 Rahu Mahadasha and Moon antar dasha is starting
Currently struggling in my job. even after immense efforts.
some one told during last 3 years Rahu will provide speical effects in his antardasha.
But many posts i have seen from the people with situation getting even wrost.
i Request learned persons, to shed some light on this ( if possible please suggest some remedies)
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 9 Jahrenwill i survive in my current job ? if not, should i start my own business ?
18.08.1976 , Bangalore . 8.55am Wednesday
currently in Rahumaha dasha , sunbhukti, sukra antar bukthi
thanks for answers, from learned people ..............,
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 9 JahrenSanatana Dharma : Where & What , is the Abode of Lord Shiva ?
Many will be saying that is , as the Kailasa or Kailash near Manasasarovara ....................
but my doubt is that where will shiva and his ganas move after laya or Pralaya.
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 JahrenSanatana Dharma: IN tantra what is hadividya and kadividya ?
thanks for answers
3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahrenspiritual: why,what, how, where,when,did, have,ever, ?
there are many people who have came across suicide cases in the matter of mainly regarding love, failure in love, cheating spouse, not getting the desired marks in Exams,Diseases etc, etc, in extreme cases even some silly or strange reasons also but ...........
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahrensanatana dharma ; what is ninda stuti , why it is called so ?
thanks for answers
1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 JahrenHow to be happy even in adverse situation, spiritually?
some body told that its very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple ........
looking for some delightful answers
21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahrenwhen will be the marriage and how will the life after marriage?
if born on 18.08.1976 @ 8.55am BANGALORE CITY , KARNATAKA , INDIA
kritika nakshatra , vrishaba rashi Male...........
thanks for u r answers
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 10 JahrenSanatana Dharma, which are the astha (eight)mangala kshetras , and its improtance?
i Came to know that tirupati is one of them ,
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is the significance of Advaita ,Vishishta Advaita, Dvaita and its contribution.?
to sanatana dharma , these vedantas evolved when in vedas and santana dharma was in the state of extinct or loosing its sheen
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is veedhi, how it is Superior to god ?
some times even god is helpless, to any body to receive boom or curse from god its veedhi, even god can not change past....
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is Sanatana Dharma? how it came to practice?
Origin of Saivism, Vaishnavism, Saktham, Ganapathyam and others
3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIS THIS HOROSCOPE IS UNDER KALA SARPA DOSHA ?
born on 8.55am bangalore 12 N 59 77 E 35 18.08.1976
thanks for all enlightening answers
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 JahrzehntWhen will be the marriage , will he succeeds well after marriage ?
born on wed 18 08 1976 8.55am Bangalore , 12 n 59 77e35
jupiter lord of 7th house in 9th with exalted moon (Taurus) in navamsa Jupiter in 12 Pisces
currently confused and in debts
does jupiter placement helps this chart , since i have came across some people who gained a lot after marriage ,
thankful for any analysis on the chart
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 1 JahrzehntANY change if married in fortune for a person .........?
born on 18.08.1976. 8.55am Bangalore 12n59 77e35
the 4 and 7 lord Jupiter in 9th house along with the exalted moon the lord of 11th house .
thanks for any enlightening answers
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 1 JahrzehntAny changes if get married because ?
currently unmarried, not that much fortunate , DOB 18.08.1976. 8.55am Bangalore 12n59, 77e35
since jupiter which is lord of 4th and 7th house in 9th house along with exalted moon lord of 11th house
in navamsa moon in 11th house Aquarius and jupiter in 12th house Pisces
venus in 12th house , along with sun and mercury in natal chart ........
thankful to genuine answers
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 JahrzehntIf married any changes in luck or fortune or wealth ?
for Born on 18.08.1976 Bangalore 12n59, 77e35, India 8.55am male.
this doubt , because the seventh lord (Jupiter) in 9th house with exalted 11th lord moon
thanks for any enlightening answer
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahrzehntplease suggest any remedy, when will be the good time ?
born 8.55 am Bangalore, 18/ 08 / 1976 , no jobs since the year 2000
should try his hand in business or he should go for work,
when is the good time ?
thanks for all replies
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahrzehnthow will be the RAHU mahadasha and sun antardasha?
if , rahu placed (in libra 2nd house) and sun in leo (12th house along with mercury and venus)
sun in aries navamasa and rahu in Aquarius (along with mars moon ) navamsa
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahrzehnt