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Has any one heard of a *** backwards baby?
One of my family members says that she was 5 weeks pregnant and they had to terminate the baby because it was going to be and this is in here words "a *** backwards baby". Meaning the head was going to grow where the feet are and vice verse and the stomach was going to grow where the butt is. Now I find this hard to believe, has anyone ever heard of anything like this. Or found something on the web? If so please let me know.
5 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 JahrzehntI feel like calling it quites and stop trying to make this marrage work?
I've been with the same man for six years and we've been married for two going on three years. It seems he is so subborn to change. I've been doing alot of change in this relationship and now I'm not sure who I am any more. Everytime we get in a heated arguement his famous lines are: "WELL THERES THE DOOR", "if you don't want to be here than bye", "I'm not going to force you to be here", or "bye". I know ppl say things to get the other mad. But I'm starting to feel like he doesn't care. I'm so tired crying byself and to god. I don't no if its this "man ego" thing he has going on.
But I feel like just giving him what he is always hinting me all the time. I thought about getting a divorce but I love him so much, and I'm tring not to get love blinded here. Oh and I asked him to go to marrage cancieling and he wont even think about it. I'm not perfect but when I'm wrong I woman up and admitt to it. But he doesn't.
And now he has this thing where when I ask him something he getts all mad and says no and then like later or a day or two and mention it with a positive attitude. So confused HEELP PLEASEE!!!!!!!
15 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehntmy mother died in 92' and now I'm 24 how do i move on and not let my two children go through the same thing?
For 16 years my mother has been dead. and that has not bother me untill 5:00 a.m. when i had a break down in front of very close family members of mine. i'm still hurting and a little intoxicated. but still thinking with a clear head because i'm still living right now. their are times i feel that my husband will be happier if i wasn't here. b/c he wouldned have to worry about me. please some one answer my question if you understand, what i'm asking, while i sit here in tears!
4 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntHelp! Am I being spoiled or am i right?
Me and my husband offten get in these argument that i'm never happy. i'm pregnant with our second child and yesterday i was having really bad stomach pains, felt sick on my somach, a little fever and an acking body. and i told him this and he said oh ok and continued what he was doing. and later i asked him to rub my stomach and back, but he had this look like i don't want to. where we are it was cold and raining. which was no problem because the cold air makes my body ack, and i didn't want to have my other child in the rain. later his sister and brother where going out with some friends, and he asked me if i wanted to go out with them, and i said no. and he had the nerves to ask me WHY NOT. i said because i've told you all day that mt body hurt, but you act like you don't care. which that lead into an arguement. now this isn't the first time he has not paid attenchen to me when i'm sick. but if he's sick i'm there for him. is it me or is he in the wrong?
7 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is the best way to make black people hair grow?
11 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt