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Lv 621.245 points

aaron b

Favorisierte Antworten13%

Hard working, outdoorsman individual that enjoys riding motorcycles long distance. Can't stand the main supporters of terrorism, SUV owners. Family guy married for over 22 years. I stand retired from the Navy after 20 yearsActive Duty in October 2011. Old enough to have one kid out of the house, and still young enough to enjoy life. Rode the hell out of my '84 Honda Magna V30 with just over 67,000 miles so far and counting. Was trying for 100,000 but electrical parts got in the way. The Suzuki Intruder 800 has 12,000 miles on it since I bought it, looking for 100,000. We'll see if it's got that many miles in it.

  • Towing a motorcycle more than just to the nearest shop.?

    I got caught in a microburst rain storm in North Carolina coming home from Sturgis, SD rally this month. I have road side assistance which was useless. Coming home I had enough money for gas to get home, one night at a state park, and no meals. I didn't have enough cash left for a major tow bill. Does anyone know of a road side assistance company that is willing to tow you home when you are in your home state? The maximum distanceI could find was 100 miles. I was stopped 400 miles away from the house.

    5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 6 Jahren
  • Who has written Dhow plans for sale?

    I spent time in Doha, Qatar a few years ago onboard a wonderful Dhow. No straight lines on it at all, and the quality of woodwork done was remarkable. I've built three small boats myself, and would like to try my hand at something interesting.. The Dhow is my first choice, but the search for anyone with written plans has been difficult at best. Does anyone know where these plans are available for sale?

    3 AntwortenBoats & Boatingvor 8 Jahren
  • Has anyone else had issues with Regulator/ Rectifiers on their Suzuki frying?

    I have a 2002 Suzuki Intruder. I've had to replace the regulator/ rectifier twice in 12,000 miles. What gives? Has anyone else had an issue with that, and how the hell did you beat it if you did?

    1 AntwortMotorcyclesvor 8 Jahren
  • Does anyone know where I can find the wiring diagram for a 2002 Suzuki Intruder VS800 GL?

    The service manual I have covers multiple years of models but only includes one year of wiring diagrams, for the 2003 model and leaves out all other wiring diagrams. I have an electrical issue now and need to verify whether it's the fuel cut relay, the fuel pump or another electrical connection. Kind of hard to do without the right wiring diagram.

    4 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • Has anyone put a buell 1125 front end (2008) on a Buell lightning SCG Frame?

    Just curious if anyone has done this or seen it. I measured both inside DIameter and Outside diamter for teh parts and it looks like it will work. Thoughts?

    1 AntwortMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • How many out there consider a Buell motorcycle a Harley-Davidson?

    I have a buddy that's building a Buell, and it looks pretty sharp. He says he's happy to build his first bike since it's a Harley Davidson. I said no it's not, it's a Buell. There are 5 Harley Davidson motorcycle families. Sportster, Dyna, Touring, Soft Tails, and V-Rods. I'm curious how many out there would say it's an HD bike, and what arguments they would pose for or against their opinion.

    3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do sellers say their motorcycle when what they meant to say was catalog?

    I've been looking for a new motorcycle for a couple of weeks now, and there are a tremendous numbers of owners that report their motorcycle is 'custom' and they are expecting a premium price for it. What I've seen has been so far away from custom it's pathetic. I've found these guys meant to say catalog (meaning that any rube can open to page 32 for example of a catalog and get the exact same part). I understand they love their rides and rightfully so, but when I type in custom motorcycles that is what I expect to see on the return. One off frames, that nobody else has. Special details, that are not duplicated anywhere else, etc. Has anyone else noticed the way people describe their ride is far off base for what it actually is?

    4 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • has anyone heard of this guy on the guitar?

    yngwie malmsteen

    3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 Jahren
  • Why use the correct gas in a 2003 Electraglide Ultraclassic Anniversary edition?

    My roommate is a cheapskate. He likes to get the top end product, but wants to pay the bargain basement price. He and I got into a discussion a while back on which gas to use in his high compression motor for his Harley Davidson. I told him the only gas to use was what the manufacturer recommended since that was exactly how it was designed. the lower end gas burns too fast and can cause detonation and all kinds of other issues over time.

    The fuel cost is only $1 per tank for him, and less than that for mine.

    He suggested detuning it by installing a lower performance cam so he can go super cheap on the gas. Cams are not cheap, and having them installed is not cheap. It makes no sense to me why anyone would think that's a good idea just to save a few bucks. Can anyone help me bring him around to Common Sense lane before he destroys his nice ride?

    3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • What was the last year the Honda Common Service Manual was printed?

    Doing some research online looking for good things to put in the inventory for repairing motorcycles. I have the PDF, but I was sondering when was the last time Honda had a printed Honda Common Service manual? Does anyone know?

    3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I connect my laptop to my Blue-Ray player to watch movies?

    I have an HP G61 laptop and a Toshiba BDX2150KU Blue Ray Player. How do I get them together so I can watch my Blue Ray movies on the laptop?

    2 AntwortenMonitorsvor 9 Jahren
  • Anyone know a good place to get cables for an '84 Honda Magna?

    Looking for the choke, and throttle cables for an '84 Honda Magna (Not the Interceptor model, the Vf500C). The choke finally gave up the ghost and snapped. The other cables are of the same vintage so I want to target all three now. Oem is not available anymore. I have the choke cable to send in to Motion Pro, but the only way i can do that for the throttle is take it out of service, and ride a friggin bus till they come back. Not really my idea of a good time. Is there any other website to find good used cables so I can send them in to get replacements made? I've already tried oldbikebarn,com,, J&P Cycles (motorcycles) with no success. Thanks for the help.

    5 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 Jahren
  • Moving pictures from the LG 800 phone to a computer?

    I have a 4 GB Micro SD card on my LG 800 phone. I have several pictures I want to move to my computer. I've pored over the instruction book ( A serious disappointment for sure) and I still have no idea how to move the pictures to my computer. I have a Micro SD card adapter, I have my phone storage set so the pictures are supposed to be sent to the SD card. When I plug it in my computer it says it has a completely free memory and shows nothing has been saved on it. Can anyone tell me how to get the pictures off of my phone and onto my computer? I'm super irritated right now.

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 9 Jahren
  • What happens to a Navy retiree going to school on VA's dime if the government shuts down?

    I just retired from the Navy after 20 years, and am now in a retraining program so in a year and a half I have a chance to find a job. Since the VA is paying the bill, and the government is paying my retirement check, what the heck happens to that process if the government shuts down? Right now my retirement pay hasn't even started, and while in the retraining program that is my only source of income since I'm a full time student.

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 10 Jahren
  • How do you deal with the high number of idiots in cages?

    I'm pretty fed up with the standard lie "I never saw you." taken from the same book of lies as alcoholics when asked by a cop how many beers they had a "I've had two beers officer." How are people with licenses so careless with the way they drive? I've been tailgated so close I thought about offering them a helmet so I wouldn't get a ticket for having a passenger with no helmet. The texter slamming into my lane, that mouthed the words "I wasn't texting." after coming so close to me I put my hand flat on her door. I love riding, and I pay attentino to those around me, but wow! How is it some of these indiots are still on the road, and how do others deal with them?

    10 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 10 Jahren
  • What Dallas QB is associated with the biggest collapse after having a 24 point lead in a regular season game?

    Can you name the QB that played for Dalls who led them to the biggest blown lead in a regular season game?

    2 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 10 Jahren
  • What was LeBron's biggest personal problem that led to a melt down during the NBA finals?

    “At the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail – at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today,” James said. “They have the same personal problems they had today …

    I would submit he has some personal problems to, like thinking he could be bought and the championship ring was in his hand. It doesn't work like that. Will he be able to overcome his personal issues and become a great player?

    8 AntwortenBasketballvor 10 Jahren
  • Motorcycle' rider fit?

    Does anyone have a good photo of how a rider and motorcycle should look when they fit each other? I'm putting a presentation together for a safety stand down, and I would like to have an image that shows the feet flat, and the seat at the appropriate height. I see way too many people on bikes that weren't designed for them on tiptoes at streetlights.

    3 AntwortenMotorcycle Racingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who else thinks it's justice USC is FINALLY getting hammered for paying Reggie Bush to play?

    I've been talking to my kids for two years now telling them you can't cheat and just get rewards. Tonight they finally understood what I was talking about with the two year post season play ban, plus loss of a ton of scholarships, and other benefits. Who else thinks this has been too long in coming?

    5 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much music will an 80GB Ipod hold?

    Going on a road trip to Sturgis, SD in August, and want something to listen to music on the way. Lot's of hours riding, with no radio can make you a little crazy.

    3 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt