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Super Ruper
I am a Canadian, living in the Bahamas with my husband and six dogs.
Grey's Anatomy Music?
Where can I go to find a list of the songs played on Greys Anatomy. Specifically, I'm looking for a duet played on Jan13/11 episode...thanks...
1 AntwortDramavor 1 JahrzehntLeaving 'Your Mark' on this world...?
How important is it for you to be remembered after you're gone from this earth? Do you want to leave a 'mark' on this world? If so - what is it?
7 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 JahrzehntCheesecake bites assistance please?
I'm wanting to make Eggnog Cheesecake bites, and include them in my Christmas tins for friends. I have the recipe, but I don't have mini muffin or tart tins...AND, I don't want to have to do multiple batches. So, my options are to either bake the cheesecake in a square spring form pan and cut them into little squares after setting overnight - or, to place the individual foil tart cups on a baking sheet.
So here are my questions?
1. Any suggestions on how to cut the cheesecake to it won't be messy? I live in a hot, humid climate
2. Can the small foil cups stand alone on a baking sheet? Or do they NEED the support of the muffin tin?
Thanks alot folks!
5 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntFor Americans....a question about Obama...?
Like it or not - Obama is your president. For some, I understand thats a bitter pill. But the fact remains....he will be leading the country.
It strikes me that many are hoping for his failure - as they are so mistrustful of him and his politics. (I'm leaving race off the table and only addressing those who oppose his Democratic politics...) But do you realize that HIS failure will be YOUR failure?
I was reading another post about the inauguration, and was shocked at how many said they refused to watch... I have to say - I don't understand this mindset. I can appreciate that, perhaps, you didn't vote for him. Or that you don't like/trust him. But this is a monumental time in your country's history...aren't you interested in witnessing that?
25 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 JahrzehntEyelash Curlers Question...?
I have used the same brand (revlon) for the past 25 years. SURELY, there has been advancement in eyelash curler technology....anyone know of any good ones out there???
3 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 JahrzehntAre we afraid to be honest about people in our lives?
Very often, I hear people say things like....
"I love her, but I don't like her..."
"He's a great person, but I can't trust him..."
I never really understand that - if you don't even like someone, how can you possibly love them? Think about it.... And if they can't be trusted, how can they be a great person?
Are we so hung up on the required emotions for certain labels in our lives (like mother, friend, sibling, etc), that we cannot be honest about the reality of someone's character?
17 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntFor all you Christmas Haters (you know who you are....)?
It seems that you can't mention Christmas - anywhere - without people grumbling about what a bullsh!t concept it is. And then there are those who complain about the commercialization. Or the fact that if it is all about Good Will Toward Men - why don't people exercise that everyday?
Here's the thing - you don't have to like Christmas - or even acknowledge it. But do you feel it necessary to pee on everyone else who seem to love it? I agree, we should be good to others everyday, but what is so wrong with one special day to reinforce that theme? Do you celebrate your birthday everyday? Or do you acknowledge it just on that day. Mind you - you all probably hate the ideas of birthdays too....
If you don't like the holiday - no worries - we aren't trying to convert you. But please - leave us be to enjoy the music, the decorations, the shopping and the festivities. Afterall - we aren't hurting anyone...
So that I don't get this Q is my question....What do you love about Christmas most?
7 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntLooking for a good Spanakopita Recipe...?
Hey all - gonna give phyllo cooking a try, and wondering if anyone has a good recipe for greek spinach pie....thanks, in advance...
6 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntOur society's readiness for equality...?
This is inspired by another question...
I see many women (feminists) taking offense to this notion of women shooting themselves in the foot by fighting for equality - or biting off more than they can chew. I suppose it would be easy to take offense, but as I stopped and thought about the question, I realized that it spoke more about society than women, or feminists.
My question is this...if society were more prepared or ready for the equality of women, how would things be different - for both men and women?
11 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntAre we in for more of this?
I think that it is no small secret that, while in high office, many politicians are protected from scandal wherever possible (unless the OTHER side gets their hands on the information....)
But I am wondering - how many fukkups are we going to see in the next couple of months uncovered with respect to Bush and his administration?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntCreate your own label...?
In a conversation this weekend, I discovered that there are many, many factions of feminism - many different labels, in essence. It is not merely one belief system - but rather, many very different ones, often in direct opposition to others.
From that, I have now expanded my previous 'anti' label to that of my own - 'Biological Prioritist Structural Agent'.
So my question is this for the feminists, non-feminists and anti-feminists....if you could create your own label which would encapsulate your stand on human equality, what would it be?
10 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntA question for men and women...?
What do you do to demonstrate intelligence to:
1. The opposite sex
2. Same sex
6 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is your criteria for respect?
I realize there are many qualities people hold that inspire admiration and a fondness - but what are the characteristics that inspire you to respect them.
...and, are there any different criteria for respecting a man vs. a woman?
13 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntA Question about Wealth Redistribution...?
In their rallies, (made up overwhelmingly by folks in the middle class) I am seeing more and more from McCain and Palin, taking shots at Obama for his policy of wealth redistribution. Their point they make, over and over, is that Obama will take YOUR money and share it with others. Well, that would certainly be true if he was speaking to a group of folks who earn $250,000 or more, but not anyone falling below that.
So here is my question....
1. Does John McCain not understand the basics of socialism?
2. Is John McCain - yet again - twisting the words and intentions of his opponent to gain favour?
17 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat comes to mind when I offer up these Descriptors?
As they relate to women, please offer up the visuals that you attach to each of these words...
10 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntBroken Voting Mechanisms?
What message do you take away from the fact that the voting machinery is already broken in Florida with the early voters? Are you confident that the election will run smoothly, with respect to voting? How can such a basic and simple process as casting a ballot be so very difficult?
8 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntThe responsibilities of Sex Education...?
Now that we have the Scouting Association stepping up to assume some responsibility for living up to their motto, 'Be Prepared', how many parents are going to be pulling their sons and daughters out of their packs?
From my standpoint, parents have clearly not taken their responsibility to guide and educate their children with respect to sexual health - as is evidenced by the staggering statistics of STDs and pregnancy among youths. So why, if they won't do it themselves, will they be upset by a school or social organization providing education and direction?
10 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 JahrzehntHow should the question be phrased...?
If I am interested in intellectual answers based upon fact and not emotion in this section, how should I phrase my questions?
I admit a greater affinity for one candidate over the other, but I am certainly able to answer the questions posed without launching into emotional or partisan tirades.
What would be the best way to pose a question to ensure answers that stick to facts?
15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntIs John McCain a 'throw away' candidate?
I ask this question - not to belittle the man or the party - but to understand the choice of their nomination....
Prior to each party's nominations race, it was widely believed that the Democrats should be a shoe in to win the White House. With the mess that the country got into with GW - recognized even by his own party - is it possible that the Republicans saw that they probably wouldn't win in 2008. So - is it possible that John McCain is just a throw away nominee - an old guy that they threw into the mix, knowing that he wouldn't win? Because really - he's hardly a rainmaker or any kind of opponent to either Hillary or Obama - so did they just toss him in, and will wait for 2012 to bring out their big guns?
14 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntYou only get one choice...?
Generally speaking, we categorize people in our lives. Peter is the funniest, for example, or Gina is the kindest, etc.
If I were to ask you what you'd like to be known for - and it would be for only one thing, which would it be out of these choices:
1. Fun to be with - the person that everyone seems to like and everyone wants to be friends with...
2. Smartest - in a group, this person is unanimously recognized as the smartest or most intelligent. That doesn't mean geek - it just means that they are the 'go to' person when information or counsel is required.
3. Kindest - this is the most genuine of the group - the person that everyone thinks is wonderful, and no one has a bad word to say about...
4. Hottest - Considered to be ranked among the most attractive/sexiest person that your friends know...
35 AntwortenGender & Women's Studiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt