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What is the name of this song also who sings it?
The lyrics say "she'll make him wait" and it also mentions "one hit wonder" in the song. Its a female singing but its not alanis morisette i already checked that song.
1 AntwortLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehntrock song lyric help?
the song says "oooh i'll save a life" it sounds like pearl jam but when idownloaded the pearl jam song it didn't sound like it. does anybody know the artist and song name? i'll try adding more details, i'll keep looking on the internet
6 AntwortenLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehntsong help!?
theres a song i heard on the radio and i think its by everlast and the lyrics go "some people get murdered holding hands" if i hear the song again i'll try and add more lyrics to help!
1 AntwortMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntsong help for 2 different songs?
ok i haven't heard these songs since 1999 so i can barely remember many of the words so please bare with me.
first song lyrics are i know what your doing yeah and its not going to work this time < that song is sang by a lady but don't know who
2nd song lyric says take your photograph i remember hearing it alot in the 90's when i was younger
can anybody help me with these 2 songs i searched on google, yahoo and other different websites. i believe these songs were big hits in the 90's if that can help.
2 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntsong name and artist from the movie happy gilmore?
whats the name of the song played in the opening credits of the movie? i keep looking but i don't know who sings it.
6 AntwortenMusicvor 1 JahrzehntSong Help Again its soo annoying?
I was at work and there is this song on this EZ ROCK radio station and the lyrics to the song is "the only place i want to be is lost with you" its a mellowy song and i think it was from the 80's if that can help.
3 AntwortenMusicvor 1 JahrzehntRock Song help?
i asked this question before but now i heard the song again and i got to hear it better. so the song has a la la la sound in it and says jesus christ then it says died something. i dunno the rest. its a really hard rock song. can anybody help me find this song. thanks.
3 AntwortenMusicvor 1 JahrzehntSong Help needing artist and song title its a rock song?
there's this song on the radio and i can't figure out what the name of the song is and i can't figure out who the singer is. the only part i can make out of the song is "jesus christ died a savior" i dunno if savior is the right lyric but whenever i hear it on the radio it won't say the title or the artist. does anybody know the song and the artist. if so can you help its driving me and my friends crazy!!
1 AntwortMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntparenting slogan project help?
i'm doing a project on abstinence in parenting class and i need a catchy slogan to promote abstinence. and i have a mental block. the slogan i thought of really sucks. can anybody help me?
3 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnthelp! i can't choose which song to use?
I have to make up a dance in my dance class and i gota choose a song but now i have 4 i want to use but i can't choose which song.
the three songs are
rip her to shreds- boomkat
what u do 2 me- boomkat
crazylove- boomkat
higher ground- red hot chili peppers
Which song should i choose?!
13 AntwortenMusicvor 1 JahrzehntSong name help?
the lyrics of the song goes "they call me young stamper turn it up, i'm the lyrical master, excuse me mr. officer still looking like that turn it up. i'm not sure if all those lyrics are correct. i've looked everywhere but i can't find hte song.
11 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntdoes anybody know when does my name is earl new season starts?
i know its this month but i have no clue which day it starts! if anybody knows let me know right away plz.
add me :)
4 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anybody know who sings this song?
the only lines i can remember to the sum of the lyrics are search and destroy, checked some possible artists but then my comp froze so i couldn't figure it out. does anybody know who sings this song? and possibly the name to this song?
3 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehnt