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Harry Buttcrack
40 years in the recreational boating industry. (and I still learn something new every day) 30 years as a certified Mercury Marine technician, specializing in Optimax and race outboards.
Are pic-a-nic baskets good for bear bait outside of Jellystone park?
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 5 JahrenWhat's next Albertans- Locusts?
I mean, is this truly the start of the apocalypse? Collapsing economy, fires in the north, drought in the south, an NDP government- could it get any worse?
5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 5 JahrenWhich has been more important in humankinds' devolpement?
Agriculture or fire?
1 AntwortAnthropologyvor 5 Jahren"nothing lasts forever"- but exactly what is "forever"?
13 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 5 JahrenIs this not the most wildest ski run of all time?
Watch- you\ll love it!!
2 AntwortenSnow Skiingvor 6 JahrenIf you deliberately ski or ride out of bounds at a ski area.........?
and require rescue, should you have to pay for the rescue?
3 AntwortenSnow Skiingvor 6 JahrenMaking roux with self-rising flour?
I need to make roux for my bechamel sauce, and all i have in the house is self-rising flour. What's going to happen? No time for a trip to the G-store.
5 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 6 JahrenWhy is Shepard's pie called pate chinois in french?
Chinese pie?
3 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 7 JahrenMotorcycle laws in Ireland?
Does Ireland have a helmet law? Or an engine size / horsepower law?
1 AntwortOther - Irelandvor 7 JahrenCalgary roads..................?
How many kilometers of roadway, including streets and highways, are there in the city of Calgary?
2 AntwortenCalgaryvor 7 JahrenAre you going boating on Christmas day?
and a Merry Christmas to you all.
3 AntwortenBoats & Boatingvor 7 JahrenAre you going skiing on Christmas day?
3 AntwortenSnow Skiingvor 7 JahrenWhat kind of boat do YOU want from Santa?
10 AntwortenBoats & Boatingvor 7 JahrenDoes Tupperware make helmets?
Of course they don't. But i wonder if i can get a decal for my lid that says "made by TW" somehere?
2 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 8 JahrenHow much RECREATIONAL boating time do you get?
Some of us here work on, in or around boats, some are live-aboards, some weekenders, and some don't even own a boat. But, on average, how much time do you spend actually doing what you love in a boat? Going fast, fishing, cruising with family, whatever floats your boat counts, but anything work related, or just not fun, doesn't. Me- I'm in and out of boats all day, every day, from April until December, but I'm really lucky if I get 6 hours a week for the fun stuff.
2 AntwortenBoats & Boatingvor 8 JahrenCan you transfer vanity plates?
Suppose you had a 1973 Corvette and your plate was "73 VETTE". Your wife is expecting your first child (triplets), and you have to sell the 'Vette. Can you transfer the plates to the buyer, or do you have to put them on your new Plymouth Voyager?
2 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 8 JahrenAnyone know what this gizmo is?
I think it's some kind of kitchen tool, any ideas?
3 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 8 Jahrenwhy do motorcyles have separate brake controls?
Please excuse my ignorance, i'm a boater not biker, but why do bikes have separate front and rear brake controls? Is there a handling advantage?
7 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 8 Jahrenwhat's your record for skipping stones?
2 AntwortenWater Sportsvor 8 Jahren