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rowdy rick
Is the date for the league cup final been set yet?
If Bradford City make it, will fly over fom Australia to go watch.
3 AntwortenEnglish Football (Soccer)vor 8 JahrenMarried guys help !! Is it really true about once you get married the sex takes a severe turn for the worst ?
Ive been with this girl for a year, and its great in every way, but nearly every married guy i know says to me "if you like sex dont get married" and that lip service (thats a G rated way of saying it) will become a thing of the past.
Is it really that bad ??
1 AntwortOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 8 JahrenInstalled iTunes version 11.0 and hate it, can i go back to previous version ?
Please excuse my lack of computer knowledge but ANY information would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 8 JahrenWhat is your favorite movie scene ?
Mine would be Al Pacino in Any given Sunday , the inches speech
9 AntwortenMoviesvor 9 JahrenDiference between fast balls?
I know a fast ball is a fast ball - however what is the difference between a 2 seam, 4 seam and splitter fastball ??
6 AntwortenBaseballvor 9 JahrenWhat is the youngest age you are allowed to play MLB ?
With all the talk about Bryce Harper, and only 3% making it as teens, just wondered
8 AntwortenBaseballvor 9 JahrenShould Ferguson keep his opinions to himself?
5 AntwortenEnglish Football (Soccer)vor 9 JahrenWho gets the job of naming cyclones ?
Is it the General Manager of the weather bureau ?
4 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 JahrenCan you have too much beetroot juice?
Love my fresh juices, but someone told me you can over do beetroot juice and it can lead to blindness.
Any dietician / nutrition people help me out !!!
2 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 10 JahrenOld Trafford - away fans seating?
How many seats do they allocate for away fans?
Is there a minimum that the F.A set for each ground?
3 AntwortenEnglish Football (Soccer)vor 1 JahrzehntPitching a perfect game?
Okay im asking this to settle a bet.
If a batter hits 2 balls foul and they count as a strike, then the pitcher strikes him out after that, does that count as a strike on the pitchers stats?
7 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 JahrzehntHigh school baseball rankings?
Looking for the Rankings for high school baseball - los angeles area, or California rankings if anyone knows any links. Thanks.
I heard Van Nuys High School ranks highly.
2 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 JahrzehntDoes Nurofen or Panadol affect your blood pressure?
If you take a painkiller / anti inflamatory medication i.e, Nurofen + or Panadol, does this raise or lower your blood pressure??
4 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 JahrzehntSan Diego Padres home dug out - 1st base side or 3rd base side?
6 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is good for High blood Pressure - natural things, not drugs.?
Please don't waste your time and mine by putting "just relax more", i mean things like fish oil etc. If anyone has any tips would be appreciated. Thanks
4 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 JahrzehntSurvivor - Tribal Council?
Surely at the finale, the jury ask more than they show on TV, due to time constraints. So was wondering is there anywhere where you can watch these if they exist?
2 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntAustralian Baseball League - how many MLB or there link team players are playing?
Do you think it will last? Needs more promotion!
4 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnt