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Lv 2805 points


Favorisierte Antworten9%
  • How do you stay motivated?

    I am re-doing the second year of my part time degree (in Business Management) because I didn't do all the assignments last year; and I promissed myself that I wouldn't fall behind again this year, and guess what.............I have. How can I keep motivated? I work fulll time aswell, and have a pit of a house because it's still being done up so no specific space for study. I really want to pass, but just feel so de-motivated. : (

    8 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the economic state of the UK at present?

    Me being as ignorant as I am, have no idea what the current economic state of the UK is at the moment. Could anyone enlighten me on the situation and indicate as to whether we are in a boom, slump etc..............and where we possibly could be heading in the near future.

    7 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why weren't we all born ambidextrous?

    We've all (or majority) of us got two hands and two feet, why does one have to be better than the other at doing stuff???

    And how are some people ambidextrous, do they practice using both sides for things like writing???

    4 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are all builders/tradesmen the same?

    Over the past two years I have been trying to do up my house, which could have been finished about a year ago; except that every builder/plasterer/joiner/painter etc we've had just messed us around. Either they turn up 3 hours late every day, take 2 hour lunches, don't turn up at all when they say they will. Some take longer on the job to try and get more money, some quote us, say they'll start next week and then never turn up. Some start the job then don't turn up for 2 weeks with no phone calls, they don't answer their phone - and still expect to be paid for the work started! Some go completely AWOL in the middle of a job and we never hear from them again.

    If there is anyone out there that can justify that not all tradesmen are the same then I would like to hear from you.

    Likewise if you've been in a similar situation, it would be comforting to know that it's not just me.

    13 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is my Rottweiler pup so naughty?

    No matter how many times we tell her no she still bites huge holes in our garden fencing. Our other dogs (rottweiler and spaniel) never behaved in this way so it's a tad puzzling. We have tried a muzzle which she succesfully removed and ate and are now having to keep her in the garage.

    She is walked every day and has numerous toys, but still insists on chewing holes in the fence! She is seven months old and can do sit, stay etc but getting her to stop this is driving me mad - not least to say that I am going to have to replace 6 fence panels : (

    Please help!!!!!

    16 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt