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Why are the cards on my solitaire game stopping in mid air?
sometimes I even have trouble moving them. Does this mean something is wrong with my computer, and should this also mean I may have virus's??? thanks
1 AntwortCard Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntHow many are happy with the new yahoo homepage??
I do not like the idea that we do not have an option to go back to yahoo classic, I find this action unfair...............I like yahoo classic, Is yahoo acting like congress, making us do what they want, and the heck with the ones who do not like it, we are forced to keep it, Sounds like the DC congress to me.................I am not a happy camper..............
14 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehntthe new yahoo page I do not like it!!!!?
Wow can someone tell me how to get rid of the new yahoo page, and get back to classic homepage, I keep getting a page that says outlook cannot display the page, are we stuck with this new homepage forever, I do not like it and want my classic homepage back, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!!
4 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 JahrzehntI see that the new yahoo page will be installed Nov.11?
Are we gonna be forced to use the new page? I like the old one
8 AntwortenYahoo Toolbarvor 1 Jahrzehntyahoo to start deleting pages?
Has anyone that uses yahoo as their main page, received a letter stating that if you do not answer questions for an update, that you page will be deleted in two weeks????
2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat do you think of this?
something to ponder!! When I worked at a place a few years back, I was required to take a urine test, ( grocer's union) before I was hired. Question: Distribution of taxes to people who do not have to pass a random urine test, for them to get a welfare check!! I had to pass one to pay their way, I do not have a problem helping anyone anytime, but I do have a problem helping someone who sits on their A$$, and does nothing, and sells drugs. Something has to change!! in America, this is the change we need, get rid of the socialists, DC clowns, and change the welfare system to accommodate only those that need it, Is this asking too much from Americans????? Good grief how much money would we save as a nation?? How many illegals are on the system, and sitting around and selling drugs, How many of you would like to quit supporting this horrible tax system, this is stealing from Americans!! Wake up America
13 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntIs this fair in the USA?
Paul Hill convicted of killing an abortion dr. in 1994, was executed in 2003 He killed dr john britton and his body guard in front of his abortion clinic.
My question is this, Why was Paul Hill so quickly executed, but people like richard allen davis who killed Polly Klass, still alive and kicking, and got new teeth that the tax payers paid for, and he is on death row, along with all the other child killers etc.
I believe just last week a judge let out a child rapist up in new england, why are these men (davis admitted to killing Poly Klass) allowed all the opportunities to stay in jail and alive???.
What is wrong with the judicial system in this nation. Kill a killer, and get executed, Rape and murder children and get treated like royalty!! something needs to change!!
4 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntHow are we all going to pay??
This winter when our energy bills skyrocket, and we all cuss out the energy companies,( because the anointed one has put such a huge tax on it) and 1.6 million jobs have been lost, what are you gonna do to keep warm? We are loosing our manufacturing in the USA, and that will mean we will loose it all, we cannot survive in the USA without it, No employment, no economy!!! We need to move away from UNIONS!! their leaders sure do not worry about putting food on the table, Most of our jobs are being outsourced to other countries, good grief wake up people!!! We must create jobs in America, what kind of crap is going on in DC with the dog and pony show?? this is getting critical, can anyone see this!! Does Nancy P'lousy hate us Americans, because she sure isn't an American!!!!
American Patriot for God and country!!!!
11 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntObama says he still smokes.?
The president admitted today that he is still smoking, My question is, if he is still smoking, does he smoke in the white house, After all isn't it the law no smoking in federal buildings, ( the white house) does he go out side and 200 yards away to smoke his cigs??? I am just wondering because the rest of us would also have to do this!!!!
15 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntHow many just love Susan Boyle?
Isn't it nice that this woman has such a remarkable voice, and that she really doesn't want to change how she looks? I hope she goes really far, may prove that you do not have to look like a dam bimbo, or a zombie, or a half naked looking slut, to make it in the entertainment business!! I am so happy she is so happy with herself, not insecure at all, What a blessing for sure, maybe others could follow in her footsteps!!!!
2 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt5200 more jobs lost in the west?
Calif,ore,wash,idaho,nev. and alaska, are loosing Gottschalks stores, 58 of them, and 5200 people will be loosing their jobs, Now I ask, is this the change we want? I guess it will take some people to loosing their jobs, houses, cars, etc,etc, to realize, this is not the change we need in the USA. This whole thing to me is like a bad plot!!!
5 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntFor buffalo New York residents?
I saw a news article about a Man who beheaded his wife, because she filed for divorce,For such a heinous crime, why was this not on the evening news? How awful this is, Is it not on the evening news because these people are from another country, the article said the man will be in court today!!! sad indeed
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntWell Well I see that nansy nancy is at it again?
As a true American I cannot see why this woman is allowed to run our country!! Does anyone know why this is happening? I thought we had a president in this country, so why do I keep seeing her sorry face on t.v. in the news. And why do we care that she is going to rome to see the pope? I find that her being a direct descendant of the terror Mussolini, is why our country is going down real quick!! Anyone else out there get my drift, and understand why this is being allowed to happen???? I really think something needs to be done about this woman, right now before its way too late.
4 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do you all think of McCains vp pick????
By george, I bet shes a better shot than cheney!!! I bet she won't accidentially shot any friends!!!!
17 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehntanother Dad bites the dust!!!!
John Edwards, the father of how many children?? 8 or 9 has admitted to cheating on his wife, who has cancer!!!! Nice family values, why doesn't he stay at home and take care of business, good grief what happen to vows taken at a wedding, is that just not important anymore, After hearing what a slime bag lawyer he is, and now hes a cheater, against a very sick wife, I just heard his career is over, and he deserves it. And all the people who voted for him, how do you feel about your candidate now!!!
24 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnthow many want lower gas prices?????
If so please go to american, and sign the petition, Brazil allready drilled off the Atlantic coast, and are free of mid eastern oil. And also do not vote for the warner-liberman bill, it will cost you more in jobs, that will go to china!! and will actually make prices way higher!! please look into this, as it is very important to the future of the USA!!!!
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehntwhat is the plan for America?
Not the change, but the plan, what are people planing on doing in this time of crisis????
9 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehntchildren on meds?
I cannot for the life of me, wonder why so many children are on meds, what is going on here, why are parents allowing this, I see children on here all the time, taking meds and thinking about suicide!!! what up with this, Parents what up with you, I never heard of the word depression, until about 10 years ago, looks like its getting way out of hand!!! and why all of a sudden, is everyone depressed, is it all the t.v. commercials, what is wrong with this picture!! the drug companies, are making billions, and parents are contributing to it!!! since when can't a child figure out a problem, without a pill!! these kids are like walking zombies, when will it end!!!
4 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt