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How do I get over someone that isn't in my life anymore..whom i feel spiritually and emotionally connected to.
I met him about 9 mnths ago, and we had an intense spiritual, emotional relationship. He turned my life around, made me see things about myself that I had never before. It was like he was placed in my life to guide me. He warned me not to fall in love with him, since he was graduating college and going off to do his own thing, but nevertheless I fell in love with him. He sensed it and started pulling away, and at this point so many things in my life were clearing up and I couldn't bear to have him leave. I fell into severe depression to the point where there were several attempts at suicide. I was admitted to a Psych ward for 2 days. After that (this was april) we didn't talk for a long while, and I tried "getting over him." Everything-Denial to rebounds. But I feel he is my soulmate. He still makes efforts to stay friends and keep in touch. I still have hope that I'll be with him in the future, marrying him. I can't talk to him. I don't want to sacrifice our friendship. What do I do?
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