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Question for anyone who has seen Transformers 2?
In Transformers 2, why didn't Bumblebee have a voice? He was talking through the radio again. At the end of the first movie, his voice was restored, so is there a reason why he didn't have a voice in the second movie?
P.S. No rude answers please.
7 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntWho is the best and worst Disney villain?
This is for fun, so please no rude answers.
In my option, Ursula the sea witch from The Little Mermaid & Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty are the best villains; Gaston from Beauty & the Beast & Prince John from Robin Hood (when he's a fox) are the worst villians
7 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntQuestion about Transformers 2?
Does anyone know if Transformers 2 teaser trailer will be playing during the super bowl this Sunday? No rude answers please and if someone knows a link, that would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
2 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know when the teaser trailer for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen will be released?
The movie comes out on June 26, 2009, so I was wondering if anyone has seen the teaser trailer some where and if there is a link, that's not fan made, please post it. I will give 10 points.
3 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat two quotes is this movie from & who said it?
I will give 10 points to who can guess these two quotes from this movie:
"Got your victory dance?"
"I got it right here, yeah!"
"Don't get pre-mature on me solider, we don't light up until the fat lady sings."
"I'm all ears, brother."
5 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntWhy can't I launch my yahoo messenger?
Ok, everytime I want to launch my messenger it gives me an error saying "Page can not be displayed." Can someone help me? And please no rude answers.
1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Messengervor 1 JahrzehntBest Disney villain?
Who do you think is the best Disney Villain? I will give 10 points for best answer.
13 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntHow can I make my relationship better?
Me and my boyfriend had a fight and I need some advise to help make the relaionship better.
Please help me. I will give 10 points for best answer.
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntPassions fans only!?
On Wednesday, does anyone know what happened? I will give 10 points for best answer. And no rude answers please.
3 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntWhat does URL stand for?
The reason why i'm asking is cause i got a "best answer" sent to my e-mail and i got a mesage saying "URL is not correct and no longer exist". can anyone tell me what the problem is?
and no rude answers please.
6 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 JahrzehntDid anyone see the movie "The Terminal" last night?
I fell asleep so I did not see the ending. Does anyone know what happened at the end? No rude answers please.
6 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt