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  • in islam its a religious duty to kill ANY jew (man,woman,child) ?

    in islam its a religious duty to kill ANY jew (man,woman,child)

    Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour (Day of Judgment) will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

    state sponsored palestinian Mufti of jerusalem : "Muslims will kill Jews in name of Islam"

    Hamas T.V:Kill all Christians and Jews "to the last one"

    palestinian state sponsored Religious Leader on P.A t.v show: "Muslims Will Rule Entire World"

    Do muslims hate jews because they copied their religion from the jews and now try to get rid of them in order to validate their religion authenticity ?

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • why palestinians lie about israelis massacring them ?

    Deir Yassin lies

    92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like We Massacred Them

    3 AntwortenIsraelvor 9 Jahren
  • why muslims and arabs hate jews and israel ?

    muslims are not really anti-semite since they hate every one equally ?

    sunnis slaughtering Shiites

    Shiites slaughtering sunnis

    muslims slaughtering hindus (Mumbai Terror Attacks)

    muslims slaughtering americans (9/11) (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam) (Nidal Malik Hasan)

    muslims slaughtering russians (beslan school)

    muslims slaughtering japanese (Hitoshi Igarashi) (Luxor Massacre)

    muslims slaughtering frenchman (Paris subway)

    muslims slaughtering dutchman (Theo van Gogh)

    muslims slaughtering brits (London bombings )

    muslims slaughtering Spaniards (madrid subway)

    muslims slaughtering pols (Mehmet Ali Ağca)

    muslims slaughtering christians in nigeria

    muslims slaughtering jews (Granada massacre,Farhud,Allahdad incident)

    muslims slaughtering christians in gaza(rami ayyad),iraq(assyrians),egypt (copts).

    they Slaughter their own Daughters & Wives (Ayah Baradiyya),(Samah Sufian Al Shamali)

    they even kill radical lefty's fools who support them(Vittorio Arrigoni) (Juliano Mer-Khamis)

    4 AntwortenIsraelvor 9 Jahren
  • why jerusalem and judea are holy to palestinians muslims ?

    The Islamic claim to Jerusalem is false !

    muhammad dreamed he flew on a "magical" horse (Buraq) in one night from mecca the birth place of islam and "Al-Uzzá" to a "Further Mosque" (which muslims claim located on the temple mount), and ascended to heaven and came all the way back ! (LOL),therefore jerusalem is holy to muslims.

    The problem is that this "theory" doesn't even fit with historical,archaeological or even early islamic theological evidence (not to mention the dream part LOL) !

    There were no mosques in Jerusalem in 632 c.e. at the death of Muhammad... Jerusalem was than a Christian-occupied city.

    In the days of Muhammad, who died in 632 of the Common Era, Jerusalem was a Christian-occupied city within the Byzantine Empire. Jerusalem was captured by caliph Omar only in 638 c.e., six years after Muhammad's death.

    Throughout all this time there were only churches in Jerusalem, and a church stood on the Temple Mount, called the Church of Saint Mary of Justinian, built in the Byzantine architectural style, the mosque it self was build 80 years AFTER caliph Omar occupied jerusalem.

    (the mosques shapes you commonly see today are a copy of Byzantine architectural style Churches !, you didn't know that did ya?)

    'In the Book of Raids, early Muslim historian and biographer "Waqidi"(أبو عبد الله محمد بن عمر بن واقد ‏) described Muhammad's stay in the village of Jiranah a few miles outside Mecca. He wrote:

    The Prophet arrived in Jiranah on Thursday, and remained 13 nights. He then departed Jiranah after praying at the Al-Aqsa="Further Mosque" located on the shore of the river bed. The Prophet used to pray there whenever he came to Jiranah.'

    Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiya (AD 638-700), a close relative of Muhammad, have said, denigrating the notion that the prophet of Islam ever set foot on the Rock in Jerusalem; ‘these damned Syrians,' by which he means the Umayyads, ‘pretend that Allah put His foot on the Rock in Jerusalem, though one person ever put his foot on the rock, namely Abraham.'

    ibn taymiyyah (1263-1328)(Arabic: تقي الدين أبو العباس أحمد بن عبد السلام بن عبد الله ابن تيمية الحراني‎),

    one of the most important islamic scholars wrote

    "in jerusalem there is not a place one calls sacred ,and the same holds true for the tombs of hebron"

    -Ibn Khaldun (Arabic: أبو زيد ولي الدين عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن خلدون الحضرمي)-

    one of the most creditable Arab historians, in 1377 c.e. wrote:

    "Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel extended over 1400 years... It was the Jews who implanted the culture and customs of the permanent settlement".

    "In the East, however, crafts have established themselves since the days of ancient Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Israelite, Greek and Roman rule".

    [Ibid., p 55]

    in The 13th century Arab biographer -Yaqut ibn-'Abdullah(Arabic: ياقوت الحموي الرومي‎)- noted "Mecca is holy to muslims; Jerusalem is holy only to the Jews"

    "It is written in the Holy Qur'an that God granted the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle therein (Qur'an, Sura 5:21) & that before the Last Day He will bring the Children of Israel to retake possession of their Land, gathering them from all different countries and nations (Qu'ran, Sura 17:104). Consequently, as a Muslim who abides by the Qur'an, I believe that opposing the existence of the State of Israel means opposing a Divine decree."

    - Sheik Abdul Paleizo -

    ... and it's kinda funny to me that the Quran doesn't mention the words "palestinians" or "jerusalem" or even "AL-QUDS" even once ! ! !

    but the israelis 64 times in the quran and the hadith ! ! !

    يَا قَوْمِ ادْخُلُوا الْأَرْضَ الْمُقَدَّسَةَ الَّتِي كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَلَا تَرْتَدُّوا عَلَىٰ أَدْبَارِكُمْ فَتَنقَلِبُوا خَاسِرِينَ: "

    and now, my people (the Israelites), enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you.


    -Qur'an, Sura 5:21-

    -Qu'ran, Sura 17:104-

    Worlds most famous "palestinian" ARAFAT=born in egypt !

    His ancestral tribe "Al-Qudwa" = from syria !

    9 AntwortenIsraelvor 9 Jahren
  • why arabs so called palestinians invaded the land of israel and judea ?

    Hamas Interior Minister admits Palestinians are not from Israel

    "palestinian" common family names:

    Just like "Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti" born in "tikrit iraq"

    The family names(Nisbah نسبة) of Arabs who now occupy judea reveal their country of origin:

    "Masri" OR "al-masri" =from Egypt ,Hamas member of Parliament in gaza, Mushir al-Masri (the word "masri" littelery means "the egyption" in arabic !).

    "Khamis"= from Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis"

    "al-ubayyidi" or "al-Obeidi"= from sudan "al-ubayyid"

    "al-Faruqi"= Mosul iraq

    "al-Araj" = Morocco,a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"

    "al-Lubnani" =the lebanese

    "al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan ("Maghreb" – meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco) ,"Dalal Mughrabi"

    "al-Djazair"=the Algerian

    "al-Qurashi"=saudi arabia "clan of Quraish"

    "al-azd" =yemen "Azd tribe"

    "al-Yamani"= the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"

    "al-Afghani" = the Afghan

    "Al-Sidawi" = from "Sidon" lebanon

    "Al-fayyumi" = from "Faiyum" egypt

    "al-Hijazi" or "Hijazi" = present-day saudi arabia "Ahlam Higazi, a "Palestinian" artist from Hebron"

    "al-Hindi" =the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"

    "al-Tamimi" or "Tamimi" = from the tribe or clan of Banu-Tamim "Azzam Tamimi"

    "Hamati" = from syria ( HAMA city)

    "Omayya" = from saudi arabia "Banu Omayya tribe" "Omayya Joha" "palestinian artist" "

    "Othman" = turkey

    "murad" =yemen "murad tribe"

    "Alawi" = from syria (minority religious group in syria)

    "Iraqi" =from Iraq.

    "halabi" =from aleppo syria

    "Dajani"= from saudi arabia

    "Mattar" = from YEMEN (the village of BANI Mattar)

    "al-baghdadi"= from bagdad iraq.

    "Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.

    "Hourani" =Houran Syria.

    "Zubeidi"= from iraq "Zubeidi tribe" "Zakaria Zubeidi"

    "al-Husayni" =saudi arabia.

    "Saudi" =Saudi Arabia.


    "Barda­­­­­­­­­­­wil" ="salah bardawil" HAMAS legislator in gaza,egypt "bardawil lake" area

    "nashashibi"= syria.

    "Bushnak" =bosnia

    "zoabi"= from iraq "Haneen Zoabi".

    "Turki" =turkey "Daud Turki"

    "al-Kurd" = kurdistan.

    "Haddadins" = YEMEN descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs.

    "Arab Abu-Kishk" = Egypt.(Bedouins)

    "Arab al shakirat" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Arab al zabidat" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Arab al aramsha" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Abu Sitta" =In Arabic' Abu means father and sitta means six. Translated it actually means father of six. The Abu Sitta family primarily received this name because around the year 1700, a well known knight of the large Al-Tarabeen tribe always had six slaves (i.e. fedawyah, bodyguards), 3 on each side, with him. They were with him wherever he went, day or night. Hence the name "ABU SITTA." =Egypt (Bedouins) "Salman Abu Sitta "

    "Nuba, Hebron" =founded by the "nuba people"

    Even "Arafat", the most famous fakestinian and leader of the terrorist grup the  P.L.O, is not native to judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" and claimed he was born in jerusalem ! BUT spoke

    Arabic with Egyptian dialect. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956 !

    Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini.

    "Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

    -Professor Azmi Bishara(Arabic: عزمي بشارة)-- a "palestinian arab"

    "There is no "palestinian nation" !

    when were there any Palestinians??? LOL

    until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of "Greater Syria" another resent invention.

    there is only an arab nation !

    the word "palestine" its self is a colonial invention used by the romans in order to erase the jewish identity of judea and israel.

    even the "Palestinian National Charter" recognizes all the jews living in the region prior to the 1948 war as "palestinians" !

    its an intellectual fad, divorced from the concerns of uneducated people"

    for more info google "old yishuv"

    8 AntwortenIsraelvor 9 Jahren
  • why palestinians lie to the west about being native to judea and the land of israel ?

    Hamas Interior Minister admits Palestinians are not from Israel

    "palestinian" common family names:

    Just like "Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti" born in "tikrit iraq"

    The family names(Nisbah نسبة) of Arabs who now occupy judea reveal their country of origin:

    "Masri" OR "al-masri" =from Egypt ,Hamas member of Parliament in gaza, Mushir al-Masri (the word "masri" littelery means "the egyption" in arabic !).

    "Khamis"= from Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis"

    "al-ubayyidi" or "al-Obeidi"= from sudan "al-ubayyid"

    "al-Faruqi"= Mosul iraq

    "al-Araj" = Morocco,a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"

    "al-Lubnani" =the lebanese

    "al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan ("Maghreb" – meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco) ,"Dalal Mughrabi"

    "al-Djazair"=the Algerian

    "al-Qurashi"=saudi arabia "clan of Quraish"

    "al-azd" =yemen "Azd tribe"

    "al-Yamani"= the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"

    "al-Afghani" = the Afghan

    "Al-Sidawi" = from "Sidon" lebanon

    "Al-fayyumi" = from "Faiyum" egypt

    "al-Hijazi" or "Hijazi" = present-day saudi arabia "Ahlam Higazi, a "Palestinian" artist from Hebron"

    "al-Hindi" =the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"

    "al-Tamimi" or "Tamimi" = from the tribe or clan of Banu-Tamim "Azzam Tamimi"

    "Hamati" = from syria ( HAMA city)

    "Omayya" = from saudi arabia "Banu Omayya tribe" "Omayya Joha" "palestinian artist" "

    "Othman" = turkey

    "murad" =yemen "murad tribe"

    "Alawi" = from syria (minority religious group in syria)

    "Iraqi" =from Iraq.

    "halabi" =from aleppo syria

    "Dajani"= from saudi arabia

    "Mattar" = from YEMEN (the village of BANI Mattar)

    "al-baghdadi"= from bagdad iraq.

    "Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.

    "Hourani" =Houran Syria.

    "Zubeidi"= from iraq "Zubeidi tribe" "Zakaria Zubeidi"

    "al-Husayni" =saudi arabia.

    "Saudi" =Saudi Arabia.


    "Barda­­­­­­­­­­­wil" ="salah bardawil" HAMAS legislator in gaza,egypt "bardawil lake" area

    "nashashibi"= syria.

    "Bushnak" =bosnia

    "zoabi"= from iraq "Haneen Zoabi".

    "Turki" =turkey "Daud Turki"

    "al-Kurd" = kurdistan.

    "Haddadins" = YEMEN descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs.

    "Arab Abu-Kishk" = Egypt.(Bedouins)

    "Arab al shakirat" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Arab al zabidat" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Arab al aramsha" = Egypt (Bedouins)

    "Abu Sitta" =In Arabic' Abu means father and sitta means six. Translated it actually means father of six. The Abu Sitta family primarily received this name because around the year 1700, a well known knight of the large Al-Tarabeen tribe always had six slaves (i.e. fedawyah, bodyguards), 3 on each side, with him. They were with him wherever he went, day or night. Hence the name "ABU SITTA." =Egypt (Bedouins) "Salman Abu Sitta "

    "Nuba, Hebron" =founded by the "nuba people"

    Even "Arafat", the most famous fakestinian and leader of the terrorist grup the  P.L.O, is not native to judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" and claimed he was born in jerusalem ! BUT spoke

    Arabic with Egyptian dialect. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956 !

    Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini.

    "Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

    -Professor Azmi Bishara(Arabic: عزمي بشارة)-- a "palestinian arab"

    "There is no "palestinian nation" !

    when were there any Palestinians??? LOL

    until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of "Greater Syria" another resent invention.

    there is only an arab nation !

    the word "palestine" its self is a colonial invention used by the romans in order to erase the jewish identity of judea and israel.

    even the "Palestinian National Charter" recognizes all the jews living in the region prior to the 1948 war as "palestinians" !

    its an intellectual fad, divorced from the concerns of uneducated people"

    -Zuheir Mohsen (Arabic: زهير محسن)- top p.l.o member responsible for damur massacre.

    "The "P

    5 AntwortenIsraelvor 9 Jahren
  • not all muslims are terrorists but 99% of terrorists ARE muslims ! why is that ?

    youtube>> "Palestinian Religious Leader: Muslims Will Rule Entire World"

    11 AntwortenMental Healthvor 9 Jahren