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  • The concept of a "Japanese no". Why is it called that?

    When you make an offer and package it with undesirable reasons that the recipient will not want to accept, I ve heard this practice called a "Japanese no".

    One example is giving someone an intentionally high price, when they ask you to provide a service you don t want to provide. Instead of saying "no", you say "I ll do it for $25000", when it is realistically only a $100 task.

    My question is, why is it called this? Is there a historical example? Is it because the word "no" in the Japanese language doesn t directly translate? What is the background to this term?

    It s a difficult concept to search, because most results are standard language lessons, instead of an explanation of this idiom.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 5 Jahren
  • If a US president becomes president "by accident" instead of by election, is this president eligible to run for two terms thereafter?

    What I mean, is an example of a VP, Speaker of the House, or other eligible position who simply inherits the position due to death or resignation.

    From what I've seen, the person who inherits the position remains president for the remainder of what would be the predecessor's term. Afterwards, is this person who inherits the position, eligible to run for TWO subsequent terms?

    Are there any notable examples of this?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Jahren
  • The biologically universal definition of male and female.?

    I d like to ask what the biologically universal definition of male and female is. I ve heard that seahorses have a bit of an unusual situation, where the males are the ones who give the equivalent of birth.

    So how exactly do we know which is male and which is female? What metric tells me how to identify sex, if I were to discover a completely foreign species with a reproductive system and process completely different than my own?

    Is it based on concave and convex organs?

    Is it based on chromosomes or genetics?

    Is it based on the sex that carries the mitochondrion?

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 6 Jahren
  • Wire sizes in the interior of transformers?

    High power transformers are very common, for obvious reasons. Much unlike homemade transformers that I've ever built, only out of tiny enameled #26 wire, that wouldn't power anything practical.

    I've tried using wire as large as #6 wire to wrap a homemade transformer, as what would be needed to connect externally to 10 kVA transformers, but that simply isn't practical. The wire is simply too stiff to wrap it in tight windings.

    Consider the example of a 225 kVA three phase transformer, that carries about 300 Amps of current on each of its secondaries that are 277 Volts. Externally, I'd need to connect with 400 kcmil wire, that is almost an inch in total diameter. What exactly do they do in order to build transformers at this high power?

    Do they parallel a whole bunch of tiny windings?

    Do they use a cooling fluid, so that tiny wire can have a much greater ampacity?

    Or do they also use big wire, but the way it is constructed somehow relieves the strain resulting from wrapping it? Heat treating the metal, perhaps.

    4 AntwortenEngineeringvor 7 Jahren
  • When television disclaimers say "don't try this at home", why do they specify "at home"?

    I'm thinking that it is just as dangerous for an amateur to attempt the stunt, no matter where they are attempting to do it.

    Why specify "at home"?

    Why not say "don't try this on your own"?

    6 AntwortenOther - Televisionvor 7 Jahren
  • Question about the origin of STD's.?

    As in sexually transmitted diseases.

    This is sort of a "chicken and egg" question, of circular cause and consequence.

    To explain:

    If you get an STD by T'ing the D through S with someone else who has it, how does the D get T'd to the first person to get an STD, if all of the possible sexual partners are initially "clean"?

    It is funnier when I split up the abbreviation as I did above, but I can spell it out as well:

    If you get a sexually transmitted disease by transmitting the disease through sex with someone else who has it, how does the disease get transmitted to the first person to get a sexually transmitted disease, if all of the possible sexual partners are initially "clean"?

    3 AntwortenSTDsvor 7 Jahren
  • Understanding the definition of congruent?

    As I understand it, two objects or figures are said to be congruent, if it is possible for one of them to match the other exactly, by means of rigid motions alone. Rigid motions being translation, rotation, and reflection (but not extension).

    For 2-d figures these make sense, as rigid motions, as shown in the following annimation:

    Rigid motion meaning that you cannot adjust any of the points on the figure relative to any others. They all have to be moved as if the figure were rigid.

    But what about 3-d solids?

    Translation would still be considered a "rigid motion".

    Rotation would still be considered a "rigid motion".

    What about reflection?

    In 2-d, reflection is considered a "rigid motion", because it really is rotation around a different axis than in-plane rotation.

    In 3-d, there are no axes other than the 3 axes that are within the 3-dimensional space. You cannot make a mirror image of an object by rotating it alone.

    Similar to these bundles of spheres. I can reflect one and make the other, but unless I can rotate through the 4th dimension, I cannot physically make this reflection of solids happen.

    Another example is hands. Can I say that my hands are congruent?

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Question about gravitational potential energy and the location of its storage?

    Suppose we've got a 1 kilogram rock (mass m), on a moon of mass 10^22 kg (mass M), and radius 1000 km (radius R). This moon is not necessarily the Earth's moon. I'm making up these numbers as powers of ten, just to make the math easy. Suppose these numbers are all accurate to 4 significant figures, if you care.

    At this configuration, the GPE of this system is calculated by:

    GPE1 = -G*M*m/R

    GPE1 = -667.3 kJ

    Of course it is negative, simply because of the arbitrary datum at infinite separation, that is standard for calculation simplicity.

    Now suppose that the rock is lifted to an elevation of 100 km above this moon's surface, distance h. This now means that the GPE of the system is:

    GPE2 = -G*M*m/(R + h)

    GPE2 = -606.6 kJ

    The difference is what matters. The system now gained 60.7 kJ worth of GPE, from us doing work on the rock, lifting it away from the surface of the moon.

    My question is, where is this energy stored? Is it stored in the moon, or is it stored in the rock? And if both, how do I figure what fraction in each?

    3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Marijuana is classified as a depressant. Why then is using it called "getting high"?

    I would think it would be called "getting low", if it were a depressant.

    "Getting high" sounds more like a term to use for a stimulant, like cocaine.

    3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 8 Jahren
  • Is female masturbation still called "fapping", or is there another onomatopoeia for it?

    Question should be self explanatory. Email me if you don't get it.

    4 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 8 Jahren
  • What is Obama's favorite nickname for himself, as he is called by his political opponents?

    You know, like Obango, or One Big Asss Mistake America. What is our president's personal favorite?

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Question about the year labels of "B.C. and A.D.".?

    B.C. stands for "before Christ"

    A.D. stands for "after death", i.e. Christ's death

    The question is, what do we call those 33 years of his life, or however long it was that he lived? Those are neither before Christ or after his death.

    How exactly do we keep track of 33 years of "the year zero"?

    7 AntwortenHistoryvor 8 Jahren
  • Why does groundhog day, work backwards from the way that I think it should (see details)?

    So I hear that the legend goes, if the groundhog sees his shadow, he gets scared and runs in to his hole, for six more weeks of winter-like weather. And if he doesn't see his shadow, he stays up to play in an early spring.

    An I correct in my understanding?

    However, if he sees his shadow, I know for a fact that this is due to there being a mostly clear sky, thus lacking clouds. If he doesn't see his shadow, I know this is due to an overcast sky, filled with clouds.

    In my opinion, a clear sky is a sign of early spring-like weather. And an overcast sky is a sign of six more weeks of winter-like weather. Probably the sign of more snow coming, or some other precipitation.

    1 AntwortMythology & Folklorevor 8 Jahren
  • Who gets prosecuted when Ponzi/Pyramid Schemes are caught?

    Obviously, the initiating member will get the book thrown at him. The Charles Ponzi and the Bernie Madoff. Call this person, the capstone of the scheme, or level 1.

    But, what about everyone else who profited from the scheme?

    Suppose all of the members at level 2 and level 3 profit from it as well. Suppose members of level 4, are the ones who broke even. All at the expense of members of levels 5,6,7,8,9, and 10...and perhaps numerous more lower members.

    Each of the profiting members of the immediate levels beneath the capstone member, have individually marketed the same Ponzi Scheme. Yet, are they also prosecuted? They did have a net benefit from the same illegal activity.

    1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 8 Jahren
  • Greater than half is called a majority. Less than half is a minority. What is an exact half called?

    Greater than half of a set's elements = majority

    Less than half of a set's elements = minority

    If divided into enough groups so that there is no majority, the largest minority is called a plurality.

    What is the name for a subset consisting of EXACTLY HALF of a set's elements?

    5 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 8 Jahren
  • Is it a sin to be a death penalty practitioner?

    I'm curious to know what the religious opinion is on the moral standing of the people who are in charge of operating the equipment that carries out the death penalty.

    The man who is commonly depicted with a black hood over his face, who operates the on-switch to the chair. Or the man who injects the syringe of the lethal injection. How ever it may be done. The prison worker who does the infamous deed.

    This is assuming that all of the people executed are indeed guilty, and guilty of a serious crime that is reasonably worthy of such a penalty. Assuming no false convictions, and no frivolous petty offenses unrelated to life and death (as are often punished in dictatorships).

    Please state your religious background

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren