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Lv 2942 points


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  • The Sims 2 ep (6, 7, 8) has stopped working, windows is looking for a solution to the problem?

    I keep getting this error message every time I try to play the sims 2 bon voyage, free time, or apartment life.

    They used to work on my computer, and then all of a sudden I started getting this error.

    So I uninstalled all of the sims 2 stuff, re-installed it, and it still didn't work.

    Then, we unistalled in all again, and re-installed them all, opening the game in between installations.

    Everything works fine until I try to play after installing bon voyage, then I get "The sims 2 ep 6 has stopped working, windows is checking for a solution to the problem".

    I have windows vista, but like I said, all the expansion packs used to work fine!

    Has anyone else been having/ had this problem?

    3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Genital warts+scared out of my mind=help? ?


    So basically.

    Me and my girlfriend didn't become sexually active active (if you catch my drift) until the 15th, so, a few days ago. And unprotected, because we're f-ing morons.

    After a discussion with a friend of mine, who happens to be a pharmacist, about hpv and gardasil, I looked up info about hPv online so I'd be more aware of what to watch out for.

    Tonight, I noticed what looks exactly like the pictures I've seen of genital warts, cauliflower like, darkish, on my girlfriend.

    They weren't there on saturday.

    And Ive never had warts down there.

    So I immediately stopped what I was doing, and told her she needed to go home, which she did. At which point I went into panic mode.

    I'm making an appointment at our local medical clinic tomorro morning to see if I can get the gardasil vaccine, because if she gave me one strain of hpv, I can be protected against the other 3 it covers.

    So big question here.

    How do I bring up the fact that she has warts and should do something about it?

    And if she knew but didn't say anything, how do I go about our relationship?

    I might tell her I need to take a break and think about things for awhile, but I know that that would be devastating to her.

    Help me!!!

    Both 18, bisexual girls if that has any impact on answers.

    And we were both virgins.

    3 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would a person who is severely allergic to nuts be allergic to nutmeg?

    My mom's making mashed potatoes a different way and it has nutmeg in it.

    My best friend is coming over for dinner and has a severe nut allergy.

    Is that gonna be an issue?

    3 AntwortenAllergiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Accidentally gave my gf/bff a bunch of hickies and we aren't out of the closet

    So basically, tonight things got a little heated, made out, sucking on her neck, grinding on her. (joked that it was her fault cause 1) she bit my neck and left a mark 2) she wanted me on top!).

    Thought I was careful enough to not leave any marks, but apparently I misjudged.

    We already discussed how to hide them: ice, concealer, collared shirt (she works in an office; nonetheless with her mother, how fun), hair down.

    The problem is, if people start asking questions we're gonna have an issue, as neither of us has come out yet. She's only told one friend about us, who is part of the GSA at the high school, and I trust her enough not to say anything.

    We're pretty on edge right now, any tips on how to keep this from blowing up on us? Other than being more careful next time, because that's definitly gonna happen!!!!!

    If its necessary, I'm 18, she's turning 18 in a week. We're both bisexual.

    4 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I don't know what to do, really

    No, this isn't another 'am i gay??' question, because now, I'm pretty sure that I'm bisexual.

    If its relevant, I'm a girl, my best friend is a girl, capiche?

    We didn't really become close friends until about six months ago. After her becoming quite drunk at a party, and then falling apart and me consoling her, we got a lot closer.

    Closer as in we end up rather intertwined when we are hanging out, cuddling. We nap a lot haha.

    Her mom is convinced that we're lesbians, but we've denied it, because we aren't.

    One of my other friends (who recently came out to my bff, and wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but told me anyways) said that "It would make so much sense [if we were lesbians] because we're so close, and play guitar in sync and stuff".

    Usually, either I'm at her house, or she's at mine, until about 11 when one of us has to leave.

    So, tonight, she was over at my house. We were talking, and then we were cuddling (its not out of the ordinary in my house, my little sister and her best friend do the same thing!!!!).We do this eskimo kisses thing (noses? you know?), and then when we stopped she kinda moved and our lips were just...there. Like not kissing but touching.

    Then it was really quiet, and we just stayed like that forever. But I wanted to kiss her. And we kept looking into eachothers eyes and pressing ourselves closer together, but neither of us would make the first move (way too scared, don't know what she's thinking!!). Then she had to go home, so we said goodnight and hugged when she left like we usually do, but when she said "see you tommorow?" it sounded different than it usually does.

    So I'm not sure what's going to go down tomorrow. I don't know what she's feeling or whats going on, I don't have the guts to ask. And I don't want to make the first move and risk our friendship?

    What the hell do I do?

    2 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you tell someone you don't like them back?

    I was recently asked to prom by one of my guy friends, and assumed it was one of my other friends setting me up, as they had joked about doing so.

    As it turns out, he asked me to prom because he really likes me, but I don't feel the same way about him; my accepting the invitation to prom convinced him that I like him too.

    Being around him now is really awkward for me, and if I try to avoid him, he shows up wherever I go.

    What the heck am I supposed to do? I really don't want to hurt him, but I don't want to get into a relationship that wasn't meant to be and have us both hurt. Please help.

    3 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt