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Social media addict (twitter, Google+, manager of 3 websites), mom, wife, pagan, ordained clergy for Mother Grove Goddess Temple, wanna-be gardener, and soon to be author.

  • Pro-lifers: Will you fight for Gay rights?

    If you are willing to fight for the life of a child by protesting abortion, are you equally willing to fight for gay rights for the same babies you save that are gay?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahren
  • The Goddess Flora, need more info!?

    I am on council of a goddess temple in my hometown. Currently we are working out the details of our public Beltane rite. I am thinking of possibly doing it themed around the roman goddess Flora but finding information hasn't been very easy. Does anyone have any book or website recommendations? Thank you!

    3 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have Lilith in Midheaven?

    I am looking over my birth chart (a free one that doesn't go into grave details) and I have Lilith in Midheaven. However, I cannot find a single interpretation for it! Some sites call Lilith an asteroid, dark moon, or a permanent star and that is about all I can find out. Can anyone direct me to something that can help interpret?

    4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I find a ring with Thoth on it?

    Looking for a ring featuring the god Thoth on it. Preferably a silver ring available in an 11 or larger. So far I found some at Lunar Mall but they are currently out of stock. Thanks for the help!

    3 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many years between editions?

    I have my great grandmother's cook book called The Boston Cooking School Cookbook. I know that it originally was published in 1896. I also know that I have the 7th edition. I haven't been able to locate any publisher information inside the book as far as copyrights or even who published it. In trying to date it, google searches aren't telling me much. Does anyone know if editions are possibly done on an annual basis in order to keep up with changes?


    3 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Atheists, how did you arrive to your conclusion that God(s) do not exist?

    I am working on a book for National Novel Writing Month and I am featuring a chapter on atheism. My goal is to shed light on what atheism really is and clear the air on some misnomers. Can you please share what, if anything, led you to arrive at an atheistic state?

    Christians, Muslims, Hindus, pagans, and anyone else of any religion or spiritual path: What is your opinion of atheism (not atheists themselves)? I may use your opinion to help clear the air on atheism.

    Note: my book isn't an actual novel since it's about spirituality and religion.

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Medical Studies of Negative Effects?

    I am working on a writing project about spirituality and religion. As part of it, I want to present the positive medical effects when you are on the "right path" as well as the negative medical effects when you are on the "wrong path". Upon research, I can find lots in favor of spirituality and religion but I am struggling to find the negative. Does anyone have a link to information? I really want to present both sides! Thanks!

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Being Rude At Church?

    I am Wiccan and the hubs is Christian. We had a short talk earlier about what is rude at church. He feels once he leaves a service (such as checking on a child or using the restroom) he cannot re-enter the service because it's rude. I don't understand this at all. I would think rude would be slamming the door on the way in and out or talking loudly on a cell phone would be rude, not slipping out for a second and slipping back in.

    So for anyone who attends a church or temple, would you consider that rude? Any suggestion on how to help him get past that feeling of rudeness?

    **I am looking for serious responses. If you wish to bash a particular religion (mine or any other) or just look to be a jerk....go elsewhere please. I am not in the mood for a battle of the nasties. Thanks!**

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Evangelicals, do you think it really works?

    I bought a book at a big box store the other day from the new age section. I had skimmed through the table of contents and a few pages in the first half of the book before making the purchase. Upon getting home I skimmed through each chapter before really sitting down to read. Just past half way I found a tract tucked neatly inside. I couldn't help it, I felt really bad. Really bad for the poor tree that died to make that useless propaganda.

    Seriously, do you really think some stupid peice of paper is going to convert? I have more respect for the individual who lives their lives by their beleifs (or lack thereof) than I do someone who cowardly shoves propaganda in a book. And by the way, isn't the Evangelicals who think pagan books are demonic? Wouldn't that make the person touching the book, touching something demonic and evil?

    Oh and last question. How would you feel if you opened up a brand new bible and found a tarot card tucked inside? Or maybe a nice "Goddess Loves You" sticker?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How Would You React, Baptists?

    Some background: I am Wiccan, hubs is Christian, and we have 3 children whom are free to explore religion as they please. My only rules are they don't kill anyone or come home condemning any family members to hell or any other sort of "bad place".

    Now, my middle daughter wanted to go to vacation bible school after she received an invite from a friend. This particular church is at the end of our street. We have used their daycare services in the past (excellent ladies, took real good care of our kids and taught them well). On one occasion a few years ago some people came "witnessing" to our home where I politely informed them that "no, I don't want to have a close relationship with Jesus" and that I had "found my own spiritual home". So it was no secret amongst the members of this church who I was and what I am. Ok so after this particular VBS there was a family night. My middle daughter really wanted to go and so we went together as a family. In the course of the night several gentleman seemed to be bothered my presence. They never said anything but they stared an awful lot. I actually thought I had something on my shirt and even checked my zipper. My hubs got upset because he felt it was just rude. He thought that if they felt a need to stare they could have came and talked to me. Lots of other people came and talked to us, many of which know I am Wiccan. Those people didn't treat me any differently. So my question is, how would you react?

    Since not just Baptists would answer this, everyone else: Have you been to a church service where people have stared?

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • For those who celebrate a religious Christmas?

    As I am sure it is in many areas of the country, several organizations are struggling to get donations this season. Recently the Salvation Army was on the news talking about how the angel trees are still full with children's names. The man being interviewed than said something that really bothers me. First he said "without presents these children won't have a Christmas" and in the very next breath said "Jesus is the reason for the season". I am bothered by this because, as a Wiccan whom celebrates a secular holiday with family, how can those kids NOT have Christmas because there is no present on the tree if Jesus is the reason for the season? Does it not look hypocritical for you as well?

    As Dr. Seuss Grinch said, "It came without packages, boxes, or bags!"

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is a Pro-theist?

    We have a city councilman that was sworn in yesterday. Several of his opposers are on the attack claiming he is an atheist. NC state law says that any person who denies the existence of a deity cannot hold office of any kind. Further more he has refused to be sworn in on a bible AND his statement this morning was "I am not an atheist, I am a pro-theist and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church". Now I KNOW atheists can be in the UU church (I am a member also). I had not heard of the term pro-theist before. I assumed it would mean someone who supports the rights of theists. Upon researching the term I cannot find a literal definition...seems like there is alot more opinion on what a pro-theist is. So far it looks like an atheist who supports theists rights and perhaps enjoys some spiritual discussion. Anybody got input on this?

    P.S be nice.

    P.S.S I for one think this whole situation is absolutely ridiculous. Yet, if he is atheist I wish he would just admit it instead of hiding it.

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where is the evidence?

    Jimmy Swaggart was on this morning and he made a couple claims that didn't sit too well with me.

    1. There is "evidence" that snakes walked upright and could speak before the Fall of Man.

    2. All living creatures were vegetarian before the Fall of Man and will revert back at the Rapture.

    Evidence in the dictionary is "that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.". This usually comes from some sort of basic scientific study. We notice someone with a flush face and we know that this evident that the body temperature has risen. We know this because it was studied at some point in history. So shouldn't he state "we beleive" as opposed to "there is evidence" since he is using biblical quotes??

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Christians are you going to try out Chirp?

    Now that Twitter suspended some guys account for spamming conservative links to everyone, he made Christian Chirp. It's the Christian alternative to Twitter.

    And here is a hilarious article about it

    So will you be joining Christian Chirp? And if you are on Twitter, will you be switching over to Christian Chirp?

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Witches! Doesn't this feel great?

    ABC News has posted an article about Witches and Wicca and it's actually pretty informative and downright positive.

    Although I am sure that we realize some people will still insist it's all evil but after that nasty article written over at Charisma magazine, doesn't this feel good to know someone out there is showing us in the positive light we deserve?

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Spiritually Speaking Do You Approve Of Book Burning?

    This church about 30 min away from my home is going to burn various versions of the bible (except the KJV). One thing I cannot stand is book burning. If you don't like the book don't read it. If it's something you had from the past, it was a gift, or whatever...donate it. Bookburning is ridiculous (imho of course).

    So, do you approve of what this church is doing?

    Note: the fire marshall has already warned them they will be faced with $25,000 fine since book burning is illegal in the state of NC. Makes me wonder if they will back out at last minute.

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am confused by the movie trailer Legion?

    So I watched the trailer to Legion at the theater (before Zombieland which was so hilarious) and the restricted version on the website. I am a tad bit confused about something though.

    When I was learning Christianity I had always understood that the angels were a bit indifferent to humans. They did as god wanted, they did have free will, but they weren't too concerned with us. The ones that were concerned ended up going against god and joining Lucifer in his dominion over Hell.

    Ok so in the trailer this sweet old woman starts yelling at this woman that her baby is gonna die (god sent the angels to kill said baby and all of humanity). This sweet old woman in the restricted trailer uses major swear words that are not allowed here lol. This sweet old woman is an angel. So I get that she is there doing god's bidding, yet why the hatred? I mean if she is supposed to be indifferent to us there would be no need for the hatred.


    And yes, I am well aware that it's a movie and not real life. I just thought it would be nice to discuss this portrayal of the angels instead of the usual cutsey portrayal they get.

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I import my Blog?

    I had a free blog over at I bought a domain and their wordpress hosting program at GoDaddy. I thought I could import my blog posts from the free site over to my new domain but I can't figure out where to do that at. Anybody know?

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Making a Mummy for Halloween?

    Last year I made a mummy out of foam board, newspaper, tea-stained sheet and styrofoam head. My dog ate part of it. So all we have left is the sheet and part of the styrofoam head. I want to rebuild her but make her more durable on as little money as possible. Already looked into broken mannequins and I can't find any for around $20 or less. Any other ideas???

    4 AntwortenHalloweenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How hot do votive candles get?

    I am looking at making this project for votive/tealight candle holders. The project calls for high heat parrafin wax. I would prefer to use soy or beeswax. So I am trying to find out how hot votives get and I can't seem to find it anywhere. I don't want to sub out the wax if the votive gets too hot and will melt the holder. Anyone know how hot votives get?

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt