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Take This To Heart
♡They say you were created to do great things; But words only come to life if you believe♡ ☉-♈, ☽ -♉, ASC- ♎
Who are your favorite YouTubers?
And what's their sun sign if you happen to know it? Also your sun, mercury and moon placements?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat aspects show irresistible attraction?
What aspects in synastry would show strong attraction between two people when they barely know each other yet?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenHow does Pisces venus act when they are interested in someone?
I have a strong feeling that my Aquarius friend with Pisces venus has a thing for me.
If you have Pisces venus (or experience with) i could use some insight on how you act when you like someone :)
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat if all of your planets are direct?
In my friends chart all of his planets are direct with the exception of Pluto, which is stationary.
Ive never seen a chart without atleast one retrogade planet... Is this rare or significant at all?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenAm i overreacting? or should i move on?
So my boyfriend recently introduced me to one of his friends who is a girl. Apparently he has asked her out before, but she rejected him so they stayed friends. I honestly like her but I feel like my boyfriend is showing TOO much interest in her. We were having a skype conversation today, and he kept talking about how he wanted to add her to the convo, and he was talking to her on Facebook. He asked her if she wanted to join, and she said "just us?" And she made a sexual joke about it. He even made one back to to her and told me about it. He told me this like it was no big deal, but it is to me because I see it as flirting. Also during our skype session he literally was just messaging her and barely talking to me.
I know you guys may think I'm being ridiculous but this isn't the first time he has flirted with other girls. He also cheated once. I caught him red handed flirting with girls several times. I've threatened to leave him a couple of times if he wouldn't stop flirting with other girls. He begs me not to every single time, and of course I listen, but this is becoming a never ending cycle.
So today he invited her to the skype call and they started talking like I wasn't even there; completely ignoring me, so I disconnected and now I'm ignoring him and he's sent me about 6 texts already wondering why I left. We've been dating for a year now and I'm thinking I need to move on.
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 JahrenHow good are you at keeping in contact with people?
Also, how much alone time do you need?
Your sun,mercury and venus?(or any other placements you want to include)
Im terrible at keeping contact with friends and family...
I get yelled at all the time for not calling people or not texting back :D
I love being a loner, i like to be by myself 80% of the time.
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat do you think of my chart? :)?
What do you like or dislike?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhy doesnt this Leo trust me -_-?
I'm dating a Leo man and did absolutely NOTHING to break our trust yet he's constantly accusing me of doing things like cheating etc.I went to my friends party today and he texted me saying it was weird that the party was so late. Aren't all parties late? Lol but seriously everytime I go out and do something he's always worrying me and accusing me. Is this normal for Leos?
He's a Leo sun with Taurus moon and I'm an Aries sun with Taurus moon.
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenMy boyfriends ignoring me?
So I've been dating him for almost a year now and it seems like our relationship is slowing down a bit. At the beginning of our relationship he was very clingy and always texting me wondering what I was doing etc. It slowed down after that but we would still contact each other all day. We are long distance so basically we spend time with eachother by skyping, playing xbox together and computer games. In the past month our relationship has really been going down-hill and we have broken up 3 times but he begs for me to stay with him each time we break up. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one making the effort to keep our relationship going but now I just stopped so I don't text him first or anything. He tells me he really doesn't want to lose me yet he doesn't even make the effort to talk to me anymore. I really don't get it.
I'm really at the end of the string and I'm about to end it if things don't get better... he only contacts me every day and a half but its just been driving me nuts like is he cheating or lost interest but is lying that he still wants me?
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 JahrenIs it normal for Virgo's to attention seek?
Or does it just "seem" like it because they want to make sure they are doing things right?
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat are cancer risings like?
What do they look like physically/ how are they?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenDoes venus make you artistic?
So venus is the dominant planet in my chart followed by mars and my dominant sign is aries with aquarius as the 2nd most dominant
(Im an aries sun,Taurus moon and Libra rising with Aquarius venus and Aries mars).
So I've heard that usually aries are really sporty but I HATE sports.I am very artistic and creative and I play a few instruments too. Is this because venus is my dominant planet?
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenDid i damage this leos ego?
Well the past week has been rough for me and my leo boyfriend and this morning I lashed out on him and dumped him. I could tell he seemed to be really hurt but he was trying to act like he didn't care. I felt bad and said sorry to him and now were back together but he seems kinda distant. Is this because I damaged his ego or what?
I'm an aries by the way.
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat do cancer males act like when they like you?
I can't tell if this guy is just being really nice or if he's really hitting on me. He keeps telling me over and over how special I am and how I'm so beautiful and how he's so happy he's talking to me. Its kinda weird because we are just friends and he didn't start acting like this until today.
I'm an aries btw.
3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat kind of people do you attract?
Also list your sun,moon and ascendant and venus.
I always seem to attract popular people with big egos.
I have aries sun, taurus moon, libra rising and aquarius venus.
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat is your favorite genre of music?
And tell me your zodiac sign :)
My favorite genre is metal and I'm an Aries.
8 AntwortenR&B & Soulvor 8 JahrenWhich sign is least likely to believe in astrology?
I've always wondered this :p
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren